James Allen af85c83877 Buffer updates when only a single user is editing a document
Add in 5 second delay between flushing updates when only a single user
is editing a document. As soon as an update is received from another user
we switch to sending updates immediately again so there is no latency
between collaborators. The logic applies to individual docs, so two users
can be editing different docs and will still buffer updates since they
will not affect each other.
2015-04-17 11:24:28 +01:00

319 lines
9.3 KiB

define [
], (App, LogParser) ->
App.controller "PdfController", ($scope, $http, ide, $modal, synctex, event_tracking, localStorage) ->
autoCompile = true
$scope.$on "project:joined", () ->
return if !autoCompile
autoCompile = false
$scope.recompile(isAutoCompile: true)
$scope.hasPremiumCompile = $scope.project.features.compileGroup == "priority"
$scope.$on "pdf:error:display", () ->
$scope.pdf.error = true
sendCompileRequest = (options = {}) ->
url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/compile"
if options.isAutoCompile
url += "?auto_compile=true"
return $http.post url, {
rootDoc_id: options.rootDocOverride_id or null
_csrf: window.csrfToken
parseCompileResponse = (response) ->
# Reset everything
$scope.pdf.error = false
$scope.pdf.timedout = false
$scope.pdf.failure = false
$scope.pdf.uncompiled = false
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = false
$scope.pdf.url = null
if response.status == "timedout"
$scope.pdf.timedout = true
else if response.status == "autocompile-backoff"
$scope.pdf.uncompiled = true
else if response.status == "project-too-large"
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = true
else if response.status == "failure"
$scope.pdf.failure = true
else if response.status == "success"
# define the base url
$scope.pdf.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.pdf?cache_bust=#{Date.now()}"
# add a query string parameter for the compile group
if response.compileGroup?
$scope.pdf.compileGroup = response.compileGroup
$scope.pdf.url = $scope.pdf.url + "&compileGroup=#{$scope.pdf.compileGroup}"
# make a cache to look up files by name
fileByPath = {}
for file in response.outputFiles
fileByPath[file.path] = file
# if the pdf file has a build number, pass it to the clsi
if fileByPath['output.pdf']?.build?
build = fileByPath['output.pdf'].build
$scope.pdf.url = $scope.pdf.url + "&build=#{build}"
IGNORE_FILES = ["output.fls", "output.fdb_latexmk"]
$scope.pdf.outputFiles = []
if !response.outputFiles?
for file in response.outputFiles
if IGNORE_FILES.indexOf(file.path) == -1
# Turn 'output.blg' into 'blg file'.
if file.path.match(/^output\./)
file.name = "#{file.path.replace(/^output\./, "")} file"
file.name = file.path
$scope.pdf.outputFiles.push file
fetchLogs = (outputFile) ->
qs = if outputFile?.build? then "?build=#{outputFile.build}" else ""
$http.get "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.log" + qs
.success (log) ->
$scope.pdf.rawLog = log
logEntries = LogParser.parse(log, ignoreDuplicates: true)
$scope.pdf.logEntries = logEntries
$scope.pdf.logEntries.all = logEntries.errors.concat(logEntries.warnings).concat(logEntries.typesetting)
$scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations = {}
for entry in logEntries.all
if entry.file?
entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file)
entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file)
if entity?
$scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[entity.id] ||= []
$scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[entity.id].push {
row: entry.line - 1
type: if entry.level == "error" then "error" else "warning"
text: entry.message
.error () ->
$scope.pdf.logEntries = []
$scope.pdf.rawLog = ""
getRootDocOverride_id = () ->
doc = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocValue()
return null if !doc?
for line in doc.split("\n")
match = line.match /(.*)\\documentclass/
if match and !match[1].match /%/
return ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId()
return null
normalizeFilePath = (path) ->
path = path.replace(/^(.*)\/compiles\/[0-9a-f]{24}\/(\.\/)?/, "")
path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, "")
rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname()
if rootDocDirname?
path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDirname + "/")
return path
compileCount = 0
$scope.recompile = (options = {}) ->
return if $scope.pdf.compiling
$scope.pdf.compiling = true
if !options.isAutoCompile
if compileCount == 1
event_tracking.send('editor-interaction', 'single-compile')
else if compileCount == 3
event_tracking.send('editor-interaction', 'multi-compile')
options.rootDocOverride_id = getRootDocOverride_id()
.success (data) ->
$scope.pdf.view = "pdf"
$scope.pdf.compiling = false
.error () ->
$scope.pdf.compiling = false
$scope.pdf.error = true
# This needs to be public.
ide.$scope.recompile = $scope.recompile
$scope.clearCache = () ->
$http {
url: "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output"
method: "DELETE"
"X-Csrf-Token": window.csrfToken
$scope.toggleLogs = () ->
if !$scope.pdf.view? or $scope.pdf.view == "pdf"
$scope.pdf.view = "logs"
$scope.pdf.view = "pdf"
$scope.showPdf = () ->
$scope.pdf.view = "pdf"
$scope.toggleRawLog = () ->
$scope.pdf.showRawLog = !$scope.pdf.showRawLog
$scope.openOutputFile = (file) ->
$scope.openClearCacheModal = () ->
modalInstance = $modal.open(
templateUrl: "clearCacheModalTemplate"
controller: "ClearCacheModalController"
scope: $scope
$scope.syncToCode = (position) ->
.then (data) ->
{doc, line} = data
ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line)
$scope.switchToFlatLayout = () ->
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'flat'
$scope.ui.view = 'pdf'
ide.localStorage "pdf.layout", "flat"
$scope.switchToSideBySideLayout = () ->
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'sideBySide'
$scope.ui.view = 'editor'
localStorage "pdf.layout", "split"
if pdfLayout = localStorage("pdf.layout")
$scope.switchToSideBySideLayout() if pdfLayout == "split"
$scope.switchToFlatLayout() if pdfLayout == "flat"
App.factory "synctex", ["ide", "$http", "$q", (ide, $http, $q) ->
synctex =
syncToPdf: (cursorPosition) ->
deferred = $q.defer()
doc_id = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId()
if !doc_id?
return deferred.promise
doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id)
if !doc?
return deferred.promise
path = ide.fileTreeManager.getEntityPath(doc)
if !path?
return deferred.promise
# If the root file is folder/main.tex, then synctex sees the
# path as folder/./main.tex
rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname()
if rootDocDirname? and rootDocDirname != ""
path = path.replace(RegExp("^#{rootDocDirname}"), "#{rootDocDirname}/.")
{row, column} = cursorPosition
url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/code",
method: "GET",
params: {
file: path
line: row + 1
column: column
.success (data) ->
deferred.resolve(data.pdf or [])
.error (error) ->
return deferred.promise
syncToCode: (position, options = {}) ->
deferred = $q.defer()
if !position?
return deferred.promise
# It's not clear exactly where we should sync to if it wasn't directly
# clicked on, but a little bit down from the very top seems best.
if options.includeVisualOffset
position.offset.top = position.offset.top + 80
url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/pdf",
method: "GET",
params: {
page: position.page + 1
h: position.offset.left.toFixed(2)
v: position.offset.top.toFixed(2)
.success (data) ->
if data.code? and data.code.length > 0
doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(data.code[0].file)
return if !doc?
deferred.resolve({doc: doc, line: data.code[0].line})
.error (error) ->
return deferred.promise
return synctex
App.controller "PdfSynctexController", ["$scope", "synctex", "ide", ($scope, synctex, ide) ->
@cursorPosition = null
ide.$scope.$on "cursor:editor:update", (event, @cursorPosition) =>
$scope.syncToPdf = () =>
return if !@cursorPosition?
.then (highlights) ->
$scope.pdf.highlights = highlights
$scope.syncToCode = () ->
.syncToCode($scope.pdf.position, includeVisualOffset: true)
.then (data) ->
{doc, line} = data
ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line)
App.controller "PdfLogEntryController", ["$scope", "ide", ($scope, ide) ->
$scope.openInEditor = (entry) ->
entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file)
return if !entity? or entity.type != "doc"
if entry.line?
line = entry.line
ide.editorManager.openDoc(entity, gotoLine: line)
App.controller 'ClearCacheModalController', ["$scope", "$modalInstance", ($scope, $modalInstance) ->
$scope.state =
inflight: false
$scope.clear = () ->
$scope.state.inflight = true
.then () ->
$scope.state.inflight = false
$scope.cancel = () ->