mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 11:40:53 +00:00
513 lines
16 KiB
513 lines
16 KiB
/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const { assert, expect } = require('chai')
const modulePath = require('path').join(
const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb')
describe('HttpController', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
const settings = {
max_doc_length: 2 * 1024 * 1024,
this.HttpController = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, {
requires: {
'./DocManager': (this.DocManager = {}),
'./DocArchiveManager': (this.DocArchiveManager = {}),
'@overleaf/settings': settings,
'./HealthChecker': {},
this.res = {
send: sinon.stub(),
sendStatus: sinon.stub(),
json: sinon.stub(),
setHeader: sinon.stub(),
this.res.status = sinon.stub().returns(this.res)
this.req = { query: {} }
this.next = sinon.stub()
this.project_id = 'mock-project-id'
this.doc_id = 'mock-doc-id'
this.doc = {
_id: this.doc_id,
lines: ['mock', 'lines', ' here', '', '', ' spaces '],
version: 42,
rev: 5,
return (this.deletedDoc = {
deleted: true,
_id: this.doc_id,
lines: ['mock', 'lines', ' here', '', '', ' spaces '],
version: 42,
rev: 5,
describe('getDoc', function () {
describe('without deleted docs', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = {
project_id: this.project_id,
doc_id: this.doc_id,
this.DocManager.getFullDoc = sinon
.callsArgWith(2, null, this.doc)
return this.HttpController.getDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should get the document with the version (including deleted)', function () {
return this.DocManager.getFullDoc
.calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id)
return it('should return the doc as JSON', function () {
return this.res.json
_id: this.doc_id,
lines: this.doc.lines,
rev: this.doc.rev,
version: this.doc.version,
return describe('which is deleted', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = {
project_id: this.project_id,
doc_id: this.doc_id,
return (this.DocManager.getFullDoc = sinon
.callsArgWith(2, null, this.deletedDoc))
it('should get the doc from the doc manager', function () {
this.HttpController.getDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
return this.DocManager.getFullDoc
.calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id)
it('should return 404 if the query string delete is not set ', function () {
this.HttpController.getDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
return this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(404).should.equal(true)
return it('should return the doc as JSON if include_deleted is set to true', function () {
this.req.query.include_deleted = 'true'
this.HttpController.getDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
return this.res.json
_id: this.doc_id,
lines: this.doc.lines,
rev: this.doc.rev,
deleted: true,
version: this.doc.version,
describe('getRawDoc', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = {
project_id: this.project_id,
doc_id: this.doc_id,
this.DocManager.getDocLines = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, this.doc)
return this.HttpController.getRawDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should get the document without the version', function () {
return this.DocManager.getDocLines
.calledWith(this.project_id, this.doc_id)
it('should set the content type header', function () {
return this.res.setHeader
.calledWith('content-type', 'text/plain')
return it('should send the raw version of the doc', function () {
return assert.deepEqual(
describe('getAllDocs', function () {
describe('normally', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = { project_id: this.project_id }
this.docs = [
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ['mock', 'lines', 'one'],
rev: 2,
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ['mock', 'lines', 'two'],
rev: 4,
this.DocManager.getAllNonDeletedDocs = sinon
.callsArgWith(2, null, this.docs)
return this.HttpController.getAllDocs(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should get all the (non-deleted) docs', function () {
return this.DocManager.getAllNonDeletedDocs
.calledWith(this.project_id, { lines: true, rev: true })
return it('should return the doc as JSON', function () {
return this.res.json
_id: this.docs[0]._id.toString(),
lines: this.docs[0].lines,
rev: this.docs[0].rev,
_id: this.docs[1]._id.toString(),
lines: this.docs[1].lines,
rev: this.docs[1].rev,
return describe('with a null doc', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = { project_id: this.project_id }
this.docs = [
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ['mock', 'lines', 'one'],
rev: 2,
_id: ObjectId(),
lines: ['mock', 'lines', 'two'],
rev: 4,
this.DocManager.getAllNonDeletedDocs = sinon
.callsArgWith(2, null, this.docs)
return this.HttpController.getAllDocs(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should return the non null docs as JSON', function () {
return this.res.json
_id: this.docs[0]._id.toString(),
lines: this.docs[0].lines,
rev: this.docs[0].rev,
_id: this.docs[2]._id.toString(),
lines: this.docs[2].lines,
rev: this.docs[2].rev,
return it('should log out an error', function () {
return this.logger.error
err: sinon.match.has('message', 'null doc'),
project_id: this.project_id,
'encountered null doc'
describe('getAllRanges', function () {
return describe('normally', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = { project_id: this.project_id }
this.docs = [
_id: ObjectId(),
ranges: { mock_ranges: 'one' },
_id: ObjectId(),
ranges: { mock_ranges: 'two' },
this.DocManager.getAllNonDeletedDocs = sinon
.callsArgWith(2, null, this.docs)
return this.HttpController.getAllRanges(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should get all the (non-deleted) doc ranges', function () {
return this.DocManager.getAllNonDeletedDocs
.calledWith(this.project_id, { ranges: true })
return it('should return the doc as JSON', function () {
return this.res.json
_id: this.docs[0]._id.toString(),
ranges: this.docs[0].ranges,
_id: this.docs[1]._id.toString(),
ranges: this.docs[1].ranges,
describe('updateDoc', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
return (this.req.params = {
project_id: this.project_id,
doc_id: this.doc_id,
describe('when the doc lines exist and were updated', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = {
lines: (this.lines = ['hello', 'world']),
version: (this.version = 42),
ranges: (this.ranges = { changes: 'mock' }),
this.DocManager.updateDoc = sinon
.yields(null, true, (this.rev = 5))
return this.HttpController.updateDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should update the document', function () {
return this.DocManager.updateDoc
return it('should return a modified status', function () {
return this.res.json
.calledWith({ modified: true, rev: this.rev })
describe('when the doc lines exist and were not updated', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = {
lines: (this.lines = ['hello', 'world']),
version: (this.version = 42),
ranges: {},
this.DocManager.updateDoc = sinon
.yields(null, false, (this.rev = 5))
return this.HttpController.updateDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
return it('should return a modified status', function () {
return this.res.json
.calledWith({ modified: false, rev: this.rev })
describe('when the doc lines are not provided', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = { version: 42, ranges: {} }
this.DocManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null, false)
return this.HttpController.updateDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should not update the document', function () {
return this.DocManager.updateDoc.called.should.equal(false)
return it('should return a 400 (bad request) response', function () {
return this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(400).should.equal(true)
describe('when the doc version are not provided', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = { version: 42, lines: ['hello world'] }
this.DocManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null, false)
return this.HttpController.updateDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should not update the document', function () {
return this.DocManager.updateDoc.called.should.equal(false)
return it('should return a 400 (bad request) response', function () {
return this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(400).should.equal(true)
describe('when the doc ranges is not provided', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = { lines: ['foo'], version: 42 }
this.DocManager.updateDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null, false)
return this.HttpController.updateDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should not update the document', function () {
return this.DocManager.updateDoc.called.should.equal(false)
return it('should return a 400 (bad request) response', function () {
return this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(400).should.equal(true)
return describe('when the doc body is too large', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = {
lines: (this.lines = Array(2049).fill('a'.repeat(1024))),
version: (this.version = 42),
ranges: (this.ranges = { changes: 'mock' }),
return this.HttpController.updateDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should return a 413 (too large) response', function () {
return sinon.assert.calledWith(this.res.status, 413)
return it('should report that the document body is too large', function () {
return sinon.assert.calledWith(this.res.send, 'document body too large')
describe('patchDoc', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = {
project_id: this.project_id,
doc_id: this.doc_id,
this.req.body = { name: 'foo.tex' }
this.DocManager.patchDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null)
this.HttpController.patchDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should delete the document', function () {
it('should return a 204 (No Content)', function () {
describe('with an invalid payload', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.body = { cannot: 'happen' }
this.DocManager.patchDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null)
this.HttpController.patchDoc(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should log a message', function () {
{ field: 'cannot' },
'joi validation for pathDoc is broken'
it('should not pass the invalid field along', function () {
describe('archiveAllDocs', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = { project_id: this.project_id }
this.DocArchiveManager.archiveAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
return this.HttpController.archiveAllDocs(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should archive the project', function () {
return this.DocArchiveManager.archiveAllDocs
return it('should return a 204 (No Content)', function () {
return this.res.sendStatus.calledWith(204).should.equal(true)
return describe('destroyAllDocs', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
this.req.params = { project_id: this.project_id }
this.DocArchiveManager.destroyAllDocs = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
return this.HttpController.destroyAllDocs(this.req, this.res, this.next)
it('should destroy the docs', function () {
return sinon.assert.calledWith(
return it('should return 204', function () {
return sinon.assert.calledWith(this.res.sendStatus, 204)