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synced 2025-02-25 10:42:20 +00:00
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/* eslint-disable
define(['base'], function(App) {
App.factory('MultiCurrencyPricing', function() {
const currencyCode = window.recomendedCurrency
return {
plans: {
USD: {
symbol: '$',
student: {
monthly: '$8',
annual: '$80'
collaborator: {
monthly: '$15',
annual: '$180'
professional: {
monthly: '$30',
annual: '$360'
EUR: {
symbol: '€',
student: {
monthly: '€7',
annual: '€70'
collaborator: {
monthly: '€14',
annual: '€168'
professional: {
monthly: '€28',
annual: '€336'
GBP: {
symbol: '£',
student: {
monthly: '£6',
annual: '£60'
collaborator: {
monthly: '£12',
annual: '£144'
professional: {
monthly: '£24',
annual: '£288'
SEK: {
symbol: 'kr',
student: {
monthly: '60 kr',
annual: '600 kr'
collaborator: {
monthly: '110 kr',
annual: '1320 kr'
professional: {
monthly: '220 kr',
annual: '2640 kr'
CAD: {
symbol: '$',
student: {
monthly: '$9',
annual: '$90'
collaborator: {
monthly: '$17',
annual: '$204'
professional: {
monthly: '$34',
annual: '$408'
NOK: {
symbol: 'kr',
student: {
monthly: '60 kr',
annual: '600 kr'
collaborator: {
monthly: '110 kr',
annual: '1320 kr'
professional: {
monthly: '220 kr',
annual: '2640 kr'
DKK: {
symbol: 'kr',
student: {
monthly: '50 kr',
annual: '500 kr'
collaborator: {
monthly: '90 kr',
annual: '1080 kr'
professional: {
monthly: '180 kr',
annual: '2160 kr'
AUD: {
symbol: '$',
student: {
monthly: '$10',
annual: '$100'
collaborator: {
monthly: '$18',
annual: '$216'
professional: {
monthly: '$35',
annual: '$420'
NZD: {
symbol: '$',
student: {
monthly: '$10',
annual: '$100'
collaborator: {
monthly: '$18',
annual: '$216'
professional: {
monthly: '$35',
annual: '$420'
CHF: {
symbol: 'Fr',
student: {
monthly: 'Fr 8',
annual: 'Fr 80'
collaborator: {
monthly: 'Fr 15',
annual: 'Fr 180'
professional: {
monthly: 'Fr 30',
annual: 'Fr 360'
SGD: {
symbol: '$',
student: {
monthly: '$12',
annual: '$120'
collaborator: {
monthly: '$20',
annual: '$240'
professional: {
monthly: '$40',
annual: '$480'
App.controller('PlansController', function(
) {
let switchEvent
$scope.showPlans = true
$scope.plans = MultiCurrencyPricing.plans
$scope.currencyCode = MultiCurrencyPricing.currencyCode
$scope.trial_len = 7
$scope.planQueryString = '_free_trial_7_days'
$scope.ui = { view: 'monthly' }
$scope.changeCurreny = function(e, newCurrency) {
$scope.currencyCode = newCurrency
// because ternary logic in angular bindings is hard
$scope.getCollaboratorPlanCode = function() {
const { view } = $scope.ui
if (view === 'annual') {
return 'collaborator-annual'
} else {
return `collaborator${$scope.planQueryString}`
$scope.signUpNowClicked = function(plan, location) {
if ($scope.ui.view === 'annual') {
plan = `${plan}_annual`
plan = eventLabel(plan, location)
eventTracking.send('subscription-funnel', 'sign_up_now_button', plan)
$scope.switchToMonthly = function(e, location) {
const uiView = 'monthly'
switchEvent(e, uiView + '-prices', location)
$scope.ui.view = uiView
$scope.switchToStudent = function(e, location) {
const uiView = 'student'
switchEvent(e, uiView + '-prices', location)
$scope.ui.view = uiView
$scope.switchToAnnual = function(e, location) {
const uiView = 'annual'
switchEvent(e, uiView + '-prices', location)
$scope.ui.view = uiView
$scope.openGroupPlanModal = function() {
const path = `${window.location.pathname}${window.location.search}`
history.replaceState(null, document.title, path + '#groups')
templateUrl: 'groupPlanModalPurchaseTemplate',
controller: 'GroupPlansModalPurchaseController'
.result.finally(() =>
history.replaceState(null, document.title, window.location.pathname)
if ($location.hash() === 'groups') {
$scope.openPayByInvoiceModal = function() {
const path = `${window.location.pathname}${window.location.search}`
history.replaceState(null, document.title, path + '#pay-by-invoice')
templateUrl: 'groupPlanModalInquiryTemplate'
.result.finally(() =>
history.replaceState(null, document.title, window.location.pathname)
if ($location.hash() === 'pay-by-invoice') {
var eventLabel = (label, location) => label
switchEvent = function(e, label, location) {
const gaLabel = eventLabel(label, location)
eventTracking.send('subscription-funnel', 'plans-page', gaLabel)
App.controller('GroupPlansModalPurchaseController', function(
) {
$scope.options = {
plan_codes: [
display: 'Collaborator',
code: 'collaborator'
display: 'Professional',
code: 'professional'
currencies: [
display: 'USD ($)',
code: 'USD'
display: 'GBP (£)',
code: 'GBP'
display: 'EUR (€)',
code: 'EUR'
currencySymbols: {
USD: '$',
EUR: '€',
GBP: '£'
sizes: [2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50],
usages: [
display: 'Enterprise',
code: 'enterprise'
display: 'Educational',
code: 'educational'
$scope.prices = window.groupPlans
let currency = 'USD'
if (['USD', 'GBP', 'EUR'].includes(window.recomendedCurrency)) {
currency = window.recomendedCurrency
// default selected
$scope.selected = {
plan_code: 'collaborator',
size: '10',
usage: 'educational'
// selected via query
if ($location.search()) {
// usage
if ($location.search().usage) {
$scope.options.usages.forEach(usage => {
if (usage.code === $location.search().usage) {
$scope.selected.usage = usage.code
// plan
if ($location.search().plan) {
$scope.options.plan_codes.forEach(plan => {
if (plan.code === $location.search().plan) {
$scope.selected.plan_code = plan.code
// number
if ($location.search().number) {
// $location.search().number is a string,
// but $scope.options.sizes are numbers
// and $scope.selected.size is a string
const groupCount = parseInt($location.search().number, 10)
if ($scope.options.sizes.indexOf(groupCount) !== -1) {
$scope.selected.size = $location.search().number
// currency
if ($location.search().currency) {
$scope.options.currencies.forEach(currency => {
if (currency.code === $location.search().currency) {
$scope.selected.currency = currency.code
$scope.recalculatePrice = function() {
let { usage, plan_code, currency, size } = $scope.selected
const price = $scope.prices[usage][plan_code][currency][size]
const currencySymbol = $scope.options.currencySymbols[currency]
$scope.displayPrice = `${currencySymbol}${price}`
$scope.$watch('selected', $scope.recalculatePrice, true)
$scope.purchase = function() {
let { plan_code, size, usage, currency } = $scope.selected
plan_code = `group_${plan_code}_${size}_${usage}`
window.location = `/user/subscription/new?planCode=${plan_code}¤cy=${currency}&itm_campaign=groups`
$scope.payByInvoice = function() {
templateUrl: 'groupPlanModalInquiryTemplate'