Alf Eaton 607b3e3494 feat: making highlighting of errors more specific (#19963)
GitOrigin-RevId: 63bc147e18e80c1e070722bc70114f8fca8509ae
2024-09-04 08:04:48 +00:00

262 lines
7.2 KiB

import HumanReadableLogs from '../../../ide/human-readable-logs/HumanReadableLogs'
import BibLogParser from '../../../ide/log-parser/bib-log-parser'
import { enablePdfCaching } from './pdf-caching-flags'
import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging'
import { dirname, findEntityByPath } from '@/features/file-tree/util/path'
import '@/utils/readable-stream-async-iterator-polyfill'
// Warnings that may disappear after a second LaTeX pass
const TRANSIENT_WARNING_REGEX = /^(Reference|Citation).+undefined on input line/
const MAX_LOG_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 // 1MB
export function handleOutputFiles(outputFiles, projectId, data) {
const outputFile = outputFiles.get('output.pdf')
if (!outputFile) return null
// build the URL for viewing the PDF in the preview UI
const params = new URLSearchParams({
compileGroup: data.compileGroup,
if (data.clsiServerId) {
params.set('clsiserverid', data.clsiServerId)
if (enablePdfCaching) {
// Tag traffic that uses the pdf caching logic.
params.set('enable_pdf_caching', 'true')
outputFile.pdfUrl = `${buildURL(
// build the URL for downloading the PDF
params.set('popupDownload', 'true') // save PDF download as file
outputFile.pdfDownloadUrl = `/download/project/${projectId}/build/${outputFile.build}/output/output.pdf?${params}`
return outputFile
let nextEntryId = 1
function generateEntryKey() {
return 'compile-log-entry-' + nextEntryId++
export const handleLogFiles = async (outputFiles, data, signal) => {
const result = {
log: null,
logEntries: {
errors: [],
warnings: [],
typesetting: [],
function accumulateResults(newEntries, type) {
for (const key in result.logEntries) {
if (newEntries[key]) {
for (const entry of newEntries[key]) {
if (type) {
entry.type = newEntries.type
if (entry.file) {
entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file)
entry.key = generateEntryKey()
const logFile = outputFiles.get('output.log')
if (logFile) {
try {
const logFileAbortController = new AbortController()
// abort fetching the log file if the main signal is aborted
signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {
const response = await fetch(buildURL(logFile, data.pdfDownloadDomain), {
signal: logFileAbortController.signal,
result.log = ''
const reader = response.body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream())
for await (const chunk of reader) {
result.log += chunk
if (result.log.length > MAX_LOG_SIZE) {
} catch (e) {
debugConsole.warn(e) // ignore failure to fetch the log file, but log a warning
try {
let { errors, warnings, typesetting } = HumanReadableLogs.parse(
ignoreDuplicates: true,
if (data.status === 'stopped-on-first-error') {
// Hide warnings that could disappear after a second pass
warnings = warnings.filter(warning => !isTransientWarning(warning))
accumulateResults({ errors, warnings, typesetting })
} catch (e) {
debugConsole.warn(e) // ignore failure to parse the log file, but log a warning
const blgFiles = []
for (const [filename, file] of outputFiles) {
if (filename.endsWith('.blg')) {
for (const blgFile of blgFiles) {
try {
const response = await fetch(buildURL(blgFile, data.pdfDownloadDomain), {
const log = await response.text()
try {
const { errors, warnings } = new BibLogParser(log, {
maxErrors: 100,
accumulateResults({ errors, warnings }, 'BibTeX:')
} catch (e) {
// BibLog parsing errors are ignored
} catch (e) {
debugConsole.warn(e) // ignore failure to fetch/parse the log file, but log a warning
result.logEntries.all = [
return result
export function buildLogEntryAnnotations(entries, fileTreeData, rootDocId) {
const rootDocDirname = dirname(fileTreeData, rootDocId)
const logEntryAnnotations = {}
const seenLine = {}
for (const entry of entries) {
if (entry.file) {
entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file, rootDocDirname)
const entity = findEntityByPath(fileTreeData, entry.file)?.entity
if (entity) {
if (!(entity._id in logEntryAnnotations)) {
logEntryAnnotations[entity._id] = []
const annotation = {
id: entry.key,
entryIndex: logEntryAnnotations[entity._id].length, // used for maintaining the order of items on the same line
row: entry.line - 1,
type: entry.level === 'error' ? 'error' : 'warning',
text: entry.message,
source: 'compile', // NOTE: this is used in Ace for filtering the annotations
ruleId: entry.ruleId,
command: entry.command,
// set firstOnLine for the first non-typesetting annotation on a line
if (entry.level !== 'typesetting') {
if (!seenLine[entry.line]) {
annotation.firstOnLine = true
seenLine[entry.line] = true
return logEntryAnnotations
export const buildRuleCounts = (entries = []) => {
const counts = {}
for (const entry of entries) {
const key = `${entry.level}_${entry.ruleId}`
counts[key] = counts[key] ? counts[key] + 1 : 1
return counts
export const buildRuleDeltas = (ruleCounts, previousRuleCounts) => {
const counts = {}
// keys that are defined in the current log entries
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(ruleCounts)) {
const previousValue = previousRuleCounts[key] ?? 0
counts[`delta_${key}`] = value - previousValue
// keys that are no longer defined in the current log entries
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(previousRuleCounts)) {
if (!(key in ruleCounts)) {
counts[key] = 0
counts[`delta_${key}`] = -value
return counts
function buildURL(file, pdfDownloadDomain) {
if (file.build && pdfDownloadDomain) {
// Downloads from the compiles domain must include a build id.
// The build id is used implicitly for access control.
return `${pdfDownloadDomain}${file.url}`
// Go through web instead, which uses mongo for checking project access.
return `${window.origin}${file.url}`
function normalizeFilePath(path, rootDocDirname) {
path = path.replace(/\/\//g, '/')
path = path.replace(
path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, '')
if (rootDocDirname) {
path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDirname + '/')
return path
function isTransientWarning(warning) {
return TRANSIENT_WARNING_REGEX.test(warning.message)