2016-08-17 11:05:29 +01:00

75 lines
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Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex'
logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
mongojs = require('mongojs')
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo?.url, ['notifications'])
ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId
module.exports =
getUserNotifications: (user_id, callback = (err, notifications)->)->
query =
user_id: ObjectId(user_id)
templateKey: {"$exists":true}
db.notifications.find query, (err, notifications)->
callback err, notifications
_checkExistingNotifcationAndOverride : (user_id, notification, callback)->
self = @
query =
user_id: ObjectId(user_id)
key: notification.key
db.notifications.count query, (err, number)->
if number > 0 and !notification.forceCreate
logger.log number:number, user_id:user_id, key:notification.key, "alredy has notification key for user"
return callback(number)
else if number > 0 and notification.forceCreate
self.removeNotificationKey user_id, notification.key, callback
addNotification: (user_id, notification, callback)->
@_checkExistingNotifcationAndOverride user_id, notification, (err)->
if err?
callback err
doc =
user_id: ObjectId(user_id)
key: notification.key
messageOpts: notification.messageOpts
templateKey: notification.templateKey
# TTL index on the optional `expires` field, which should arrive as an iso date-string, corresponding to
# a datetime in the future when the document should be automatically removed.
# in Mongo, TTL indexes only work on date fields, and ignore the document when that field is missing
# see `README.md` for instruction on creating TTL index
if notification.expires?
doc.expires = new Date(notification.expires)
_testValue = doc.expires.toISOString()
catch err
logger.error {user_id, expires: notification.expires}, "error converting `expires` field to Date"
return callback(err)
db.notifications.insert(doc, callback)
removeNotificationId: (user_id, notification_id, callback)->
searchOps =
updateOperation =
"$unset": {templateKey:true, messageOpts: true}
db.notifications.update searchOps, updateOperation, callback
removeNotificationKey: (user_id, notification_key, callback)->
searchOps =
key: notification_key
updateOperation =
"$unset": {templateKey:true}
db.notifications.update searchOps, updateOperation, callback
removeNotificationByKeyOnly: (notification_key, callback)->
searchOps =
key: notification_key
updateOperation =
"$unset": {templateKey:true}
db.notifications.update searchOps, updateOperation, callback