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synced 2025-03-04 23:12:48 +00:00
updated build scripts acceptence tests break, files are written as root when user is node
122 lines
4.7 KiB
122 lines
4.7 KiB
Client = require "./helpers/Client"
request = require "request"
fs = require "fs"
ChildProcess = require "child_process"
ClsiApp = require "./helpers/ClsiApp"
logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
Path = require("path")
fixturePath = (path) -> Path.normalize(__dirname + "/../fixtures/" + path)
process = require "process"
console.log process.pid, process.ppid, process.getuid(),process.getgroups(), "PID"
console.log "creating tmp directory", fixturePath("tmp")
catch err
console.log err, fixturePath("tmp"), "unable to create fixture tmp path"
convertToPng = (pdfPath, pngPath, callback = (error) ->) ->
command = "convert #{fixturePath(pdfPath)} #{fixturePath(pngPath)}"
console.log "COMMAND"
console.log command
convert = ChildProcess.exec command
stdout = ""
convert.stdout.on "data", (chunk) -> console.log "STDOUT", chunk.toString()
convert.stderr.on "data", (chunk) -> console.log "STDERR", chunk.toString()
convert.on "exit", () ->
compare = (originalPath, generatedPath, callback = (error, same) ->) ->
diff_file = "#{fixturePath(generatedPath)}-diff.png"
proc = ChildProcess.exec "compare -metric mae #{fixturePath(originalPath)} #{fixturePath(generatedPath)} #{diff_file}"
stderr = ""
proc.stderr.on "data", (chunk) -> stderr += chunk
proc.on "exit", () ->
if stderr.trim() == "0 (0)"
fs.unlink diff_file # remove output diff if test matches expected image
callback null, true
console.log "compare result", stderr
callback null, false
checkPdfInfo = (pdfPath, callback = (error, output) ->) ->
proc = ChildProcess.exec "pdfinfo #{fixturePath(pdfPath)}"
stdout = ""
proc.stdout.on "data", (chunk) -> stdout += chunk
proc.stderr.on "data", (chunk) -> console.log "STDERR", chunk.toString()
proc.on "exit", () ->
if stdout.match(/Optimized:\s+yes/)
callback null, true
callback null, false
compareMultiplePages = (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
compareNext = (page_no, callback) ->
path = "tmp/#{project_id}-source-#{page_no}.png"
fs.stat fixturePath(path), (error, stat) ->
if error?
compare "tmp/#{project_id}-source-#{page_no}.png", "tmp/#{project_id}-generated-#{page_no}.png", (error, same) =>
throw error if error?
same.should.equal true
compareNext page_no + 1, callback
compareNext 0, callback
comparePdf = (project_id, example_dir, callback = (error) ->) ->
console.log "CONVERT"
console.log "tmp/#{project_id}.pdf", "tmp/#{project_id}-generated.png"
convertToPng "tmp/#{project_id}.pdf", "tmp/#{project_id}-generated.png", (error) =>
throw error if error?
convertToPng "examples/#{example_dir}/output.pdf", "tmp/#{project_id}-source.png", (error) =>
throw error if error?
fs.stat fixturePath("tmp/#{project_id}-source-0.png"), (error, stat) =>
if error?
compare "tmp/#{project_id}-source.png", "tmp/#{project_id}-generated.png", (error, same) =>
throw error if error?
same.should.equal true
compareMultiplePages project_id, (error) ->
throw error if error?
downloadAndComparePdf = (project_id, example_dir, url, callback = (error) ->) ->
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(fixturePath("tmp/#{project_id}.pdf"))
console.log("writing file out", fixturePath("tmp/#{project_id}.pdf"))
writeStream.on "close", () =>
checkPdfInfo "tmp/#{project_id}.pdf", (error, optimised) =>
throw error if error?
optimised.should.equal true
comparePdf project_id, example_dir, callback
Client.runServer(4242, fixturePath("examples"))
describe "Example Documents", ->
before (done) ->
ChildProcess.exec("rm test/acceptance/fixtures/tmp/*").on "exit", () ->
ClsiApp.ensureRunning done
for example_dir in fs.readdirSync fixturePath("examples")
do (example_dir) ->
describe example_dir, ->
before ->
@project_id = Client.randomId() + "_" + example_dir
it "should generate the correct pdf", (done) ->
Client.compileDirectory @project_id, fixturePath("examples"), example_dir, 4242, (error, res, body) =>
if error || body?.compile?.status is "failure"
console.log "DEBUG: error", error, "body", JSON.stringify(body)
pdf = Client.getOutputFile body, "pdf"
downloadAndComparePdf(@project_id, example_dir, pdf.url, done)
it "should generate the correct pdf on the second run as well", (done) ->
Client.compileDirectory @project_id, fixturePath("examples"), example_dir, 4242, (error, res, body) =>
if error || body?.compile?.status is "failure"
console.log "DEBUG: error", error, "body", JSON.stringify(body)
pdf = Client.getOutputFile body, "pdf"
downloadAndComparePdf(@project_id, example_dir, pdf.url, done)