mirror of
synced 2024-11-07 20:31:06 -05:00
Test brand variation details. Rename BrandVariationsController to BrandVariationsHandler. Use the V1 API helper. Do not swallow errors when fetching brand details for project load. Fix indentation.
488 lines
18 KiB
488 lines
18 KiB
async = require("async")
logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
projectDeleter = require("./ProjectDeleter")
projectDuplicator = require("./ProjectDuplicator")
projectCreationHandler = require("./ProjectCreationHandler")
editorController = require("../Editor/EditorController")
metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex')
User = require('../../models/User').User
TagsHandler = require("../Tags/TagsHandler")
SubscriptionLocator = require("../Subscription/SubscriptionLocator")
NotificationsHandler = require("../Notifications/NotificationsHandler")
LimitationsManager = require("../Subscription/LimitationsManager")
underscore = require("underscore")
Settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
AuthorizationManager = require("../Authorization/AuthorizationManager")
fs = require "fs"
InactiveProjectManager = require("../InactiveData/InactiveProjectManager")
ProjectUpdateHandler = require("./ProjectUpdateHandler")
ProjectGetter = require("./ProjectGetter")
PrivilegeLevels = require("../Authorization/PrivilegeLevels")
AuthenticationController = require("../Authentication/AuthenticationController")
PackageVersions = require("../../infrastructure/PackageVersions")
AnalyticsManager = require "../Analytics/AnalyticsManager"
Sources = require "../Authorization/Sources"
TokenAccessHandler = require '../TokenAccess/TokenAccessHandler'
CollaboratorsHandler = require '../Collaborators/CollaboratorsHandler'
Modules = require '../../infrastructure/Modules'
ProjectEntityHandler = require './ProjectEntityHandler'
UserGetter = require("../User/UserGetter")
NotificationsBuilder = require("../Notifications/NotificationsBuilder")
crypto = require 'crypto'
{ V1ConnectionError } = require '../Errors/Errors'
Features = require('../../infrastructure/Features')
BrandVariationsHandler = require("../BrandVariations/BrandVariationsHandler")
module.exports = ProjectController =
_isInPercentageRollout: (rolloutName, objectId, percentage) ->
if Settings.bypassPercentageRollouts == true
return true
data = "#{rolloutName}:#{objectId.toString()}"
md5hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex')
counter = parseInt(md5hash.slice(26, 32), 16)
return (counter % 100) < percentage
updateProjectSettings: (req, res, next) ->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
jobs = []
if req.body.compiler?
jobs.push (callback) ->
editorController.setCompiler project_id, req.body.compiler, callback
if req.body.imageName?
jobs.push (callback) ->
editorController.setImageName project_id, req.body.imageName, callback
if req.body.name?
jobs.push (callback) ->
editorController.renameProject project_id, req.body.name, callback
if req.body.spellCheckLanguage?
jobs.push (callback) ->
editorController.setSpellCheckLanguage project_id, req.body.spellCheckLanguage, callback
if req.body.rootDocId?
jobs.push (callback) ->
editorController.setRootDoc project_id, req.body.rootDocId, callback
async.series jobs, (error) ->
return next(error) if error?
updateProjectAdminSettings: (req, res, next) ->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
jobs = []
if req.body.publicAccessLevel?
jobs.push (callback) ->
editorController.setPublicAccessLevel project_id, req.body.publicAccessLevel, callback
async.series jobs, (error) ->
return next(error) if error?
deleteProject: (req, res) ->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
forever = req.query?.forever?
logger.log project_id: project_id, forever: forever, "received request to archive project"
if forever
doDelete = projectDeleter.deleteProject
doDelete = projectDeleter.archiveProject
doDelete project_id, (err)->
if err?
res.sendStatus 500
res.sendStatus 200
restoreProject: (req, res) ->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
logger.log project_id:project_id, "received request to restore project"
projectDeleter.restoreProject project_id, (err)->
if err?
res.sendStatus 500
res.sendStatus 200
cloneProject: (req, res, next)->
metrics.inc "cloned-project"
project_id = req.params.Project_id
projectName = req.body.projectName
logger.log project_id:project_id, projectName:projectName, "cloning project"
if !AuthenticationController.isUserLoggedIn(req)
return res.send redir:"/register"
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
projectDuplicator.duplicate currentUser, project_id, projectName, (err, project)->
if err?
logger.error err:err, project_id: project_id, user_id: currentUser._id, "error cloning project"
return next(err)
newProject: (req, res, next)->
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req)
projectName = req.body.projectName?.trim()
template = req.body.template
logger.log user: user_id, projectType: template, name: projectName, "creating project"
async.waterfall [
if template == 'example'
projectCreationHandler.createExampleProject user_id, projectName, cb
projectCreationHandler.createBasicProject user_id, projectName, cb
], (err, project)->
return next(err) if err?
logger.log project: project, user: user_id, name: projectName, templateType: template, "created project"
res.send {project_id:project._id}
renameProject: (req, res, next)->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
newName = req.body.newProjectName
editorController.renameProject project_id, newName, (err)->
return next(err) if err?
res.sendStatus 200
userProjectsJson: (req, res, next) ->
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req)
ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects user_id,
'name lastUpdated publicAccesLevel archived owner_ref tokens', (err, projects) ->
return next(err) if err?
projects = ProjectController._buildProjectList(projects)
.filter((p) -> !p.archived)
.filter((p) -> !p.isV1Project)
.map((p) -> {_id: p.id, name: p.name, accessLevel: p.accessLevel})
res.json({projects: projects})
projectEntitiesJson: (req, res, next) ->
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req)
project_id = req.params.Project_id
ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, (err, project) ->
return next(err) if err?
ProjectEntityHandler.getAllEntitiesFromProject project, (err, docs, files) ->
return next(err) if err?
entities = docs.concat(files)
.sort (a, b) -> a.path > b.path # Sort by path ascending
.map (e) -> {
path: e.path,
type: if e.doc? then 'doc' else 'file'
res.json({project_id: project_id, entities: entities})
projectListPage: (req, res, next)->
timer = new metrics.Timer("project-list")
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req)
currentUser = AuthenticationController.getSessionUser(req)
async.parallel {
tags: (cb)->
TagsHandler.getAllTags user_id, cb
notifications: (cb)->
NotificationsHandler.getUserNotifications user_id, cb
projects: (cb)->
ProjectGetter.findAllUsersProjects user_id, 'name lastUpdated publicAccesLevel archived owner_ref tokens', cb
v1Projects: (cb) ->
Modules.hooks.fire "findAllV1Projects", user_id, (error, projects = []) ->
if error? and error instanceof V1ConnectionError
return cb(null, projects: [], tags: [], noConnection: true)
return cb(error, projects[0]) # hooks.fire returns an array of results, only need first
hasSubscription: (cb)->
LimitationsManager.hasPaidSubscription currentUser, (error, hasPaidSubscription) ->
if error? and error instanceof V1ConnectionError
return cb(null, true)
return cb(error, hasPaidSubscription)
user: (cb) ->
User.findById user_id, "featureSwitches overleaf awareOfV2 features", cb
}, (err, results)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error getting data for project list page"
return next(err)
logger.log results:results, user_id:user_id, "rendering project list"
v1Tags = results.v1Projects?.tags or []
tags = results.tags[0].concat(v1Tags)
notifications = require("underscore").map results.notifications, (notification)->
notification.html = req.i18n.translate(notification.templateKey, notification.messageOpts)
return notification
projects = ProjectController._buildProjectList results.projects, results.v1Projects?.projects
user = results.user
warnings = ProjectController._buildWarningsList results.v1Projects
# in v2 add notifications for matching university IPs
if Settings.overleaf?
UserGetter.getUser user_id, { 'lastLoginIp': 1 }, (error, user) ->
if req.ip != user.lastLoginIp
NotificationsBuilder.ipMatcherAffiliation(user._id, req.ip).create()
ProjectController._injectProjectOwners projects, (error, projects) ->
return next(error) if error?
viewModel = {
priority_title: true
projects: projects
tags: tags
notifications: notifications or []
user: user
hasSubscription: results.hasSubscription
isShowingV1Projects: results.v1Projects?
warnings: warnings
if Settings?.algolia?.app_id? and Settings?.algolia?.read_only_api_key?
viewModel.showUserDetailsArea = true
viewModel.algolia_api_key = Settings.algolia.read_only_api_key
viewModel.algolia_app_id = Settings.algolia.app_id
viewModel.showUserDetailsArea = false
paidUser = user.features?.github and user.features?.dropbox # use a heuristic for paid account
freeUserProportion = 0.10
sampleFreeUser = parseInt(user._id.toString().slice(-2), 16) < freeUserProportion * 255
showFrontWidget = paidUser or sampleFreeUser
logger.log {paidUser, sampleFreeUser, showFrontWidget}, 'deciding whether to show front widget'
if showFrontWidget
viewModel.frontChatWidgetRoomId = Settings.overleaf?.front_chat_widget_room_id
res.render 'project/list', viewModel
loadEditor: (req, res, next)->
timer = new metrics.Timer("load-editor")
if !Settings.editorIsOpen
return res.render("general/closed", {title:"updating_site"})
if AuthenticationController.isUserLoggedIn(req)
user_id = AuthenticationController.getLoggedInUserId(req)
anonymous = false
anonymous = true
user_id = null
project_id = req.params.Project_id
logger.log project_id:project_id, anonymous:anonymous, user_id:user_id, "loading editor"
async.auto {
project: (cb)->
{ name: 1, lastUpdated: 1, track_changes: 1, owner_ref: 1, brandVariationId: 1, 'overleaf.history.display': 1 },
user: (cb)->
if !user_id?
cb null, defaultSettingsForAnonymousUser(user_id)
User.findById user_id, (err, user)->
logger.log project_id:project_id, user_id:user_id, "got user"
cb err, user
subscription: (cb)->
if !user_id?
return cb()
SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription user_id, cb
activate: (cb)->
InactiveProjectManager.reactivateProjectIfRequired project_id, cb
markAsOpened: (cb)->
#don't need to wait for this to complete
ProjectUpdateHandler.markAsOpened project_id, ->
isTokenMember: (cb) ->
cb = underscore.once(cb)
if !user_id?
return cb()
CollaboratorsHandler.userIsTokenMember user_id, project_id, cb
brandVariation: [ "project", (cb, results) ->
if !results.project?.brandVariationId?
return cb()
BrandVariationsHandler.getBrandVariationById results.project.brandVariationId, (error, brandVariationDetails) ->
cb(error, brandVariationDetails)
}, (err, results)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error getting details for project page"
return next err
project = results.project
user = results.user
subscription = results.subscription
brandVariation = results.brandVariation
daysSinceLastUpdated = (new Date() - project.lastUpdated) / 86400000
logger.log project_id:project_id, daysSinceLastUpdated:daysSinceLastUpdated, "got db results for loading editor"
token = TokenAccessHandler.getRequestToken(req, project_id)
isTokenMember = results.isTokenMember
AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject user_id, project_id, token, (error, privilegeLevel)->
return next(error) if error?
if !privilegeLevel? or privilegeLevel == PrivilegeLevels.NONE
return res.sendStatus 401
if subscription? and subscription.freeTrial? and subscription.freeTrial.expiresAt?
allowedFreeTrial = !!subscription.freeTrial.allowed || true
logger.log project_id:project_id, "rendering editor page"
res.render 'project/editor',
title: project.name
priority_title: true
bodyClasses: ["editor"]
project_id : project._id
user : {
id : user_id
email : user.email
first_name : user.first_name
last_name : user.last_name
referal_id : user.referal_id
signUpDate : user.signUpDate
subscription :
freeTrial: {allowed: allowedFreeTrial}
featureSwitches: user.featureSwitches
features: user.features
refProviders: user.refProviders
betaProgram: user.betaProgram
userSettings: {
mode : user.ace.mode
editorTheme : user.ace.theme
fontSize : user.ace.fontSize
autoComplete: user.ace.autoComplete
autoPairDelimiters: user.ace.autoPairDelimiters
pdfViewer : user.ace.pdfViewer
syntaxValidation: user.ace.syntaxValidation
fontFamily: user.ace.fontFamily
lineHeight: user.ace.lineHeight
overallTheme: user.ace.overallTheme
trackChangesState: project.track_changes
privilegeLevel: privilegeLevel
chatUrl: Settings.apis.chat.url
anonymous: anonymous
anonymousAccessToken: req._anonymousAccessToken
isTokenMember: isTokenMember
languages: Settings.languages
editorThemes: THEME_LIST
maxDocLength: Settings.max_doc_length
useV2History: !!project.overleaf?.history?.display
richTextEnabled: Features.hasFeature('rich-text')
showTestControls: req.query?.tc == 'true' || user.isAdmin
brandVariation: brandVariation
allowedImageNames: Settings.allowedImageNames || []
_buildProjectList: (allProjects, v1Projects = [])->
{owned, readAndWrite, readOnly, tokenReadAndWrite, tokenReadOnly} = allProjects
projects = []
for project in owned
projects.push ProjectController._buildProjectViewModel(project, "owner", Sources.OWNER)
# Invite-access
for project in readAndWrite
projects.push ProjectController._buildProjectViewModel(project, "readWrite", Sources.INVITE)
for project in readOnly
projects.push ProjectController._buildProjectViewModel(project, "readOnly", Sources.INVITE)
for project in v1Projects
projects.push ProjectController._buildV1ProjectViewModel(project)
# Token-access
# Only add these projects if they're not already present, this gives us cascading access
# from 'owner' => 'token-read-only'
for project in tokenReadAndWrite
if projects.filter((p) -> p.id.toString() == project._id.toString()).length == 0
projects.push ProjectController._buildProjectViewModel(project, "readAndWrite", Sources.TOKEN)
for project in tokenReadOnly
if projects.filter((p) -> p.id.toString() == project._id.toString()).length == 0
projects.push ProjectController._buildProjectViewModel(project, "readOnly", Sources.TOKEN)
return projects
_buildProjectViewModel: (project, accessLevel, source) ->
TokenAccessHandler.protectTokens(project, accessLevel)
model = {
id: project._id
name: project.name
lastUpdated: project.lastUpdated
publicAccessLevel: project.publicAccesLevel
accessLevel: accessLevel
source: source
archived: !!project.archived
owner_ref: project.owner_ref
tokens: project.tokens
isV1Project: false
return model
_buildV1ProjectViewModel: (project) ->
projectViewModel = {
id: project.id
name: project.title
lastUpdated: new Date(project.updated_at * 1000) # Convert from epoch
archived: project.removed || project.archived
isV1Project: true
if (project.owner? and project.owner.user_is_owner) or (project.creator? and project.creator.user_is_creator)
projectViewModel.accessLevel = "owner"
projectViewModel.accessLevel = "readOnly"
if project.owner?
projectViewModel.owner = {
first_name: project.owner.name
else if project.creator?
projectViewModel.owner = {
first_name: project.creator.name
return projectViewModel
_injectProjectOwners: (projects, callback = (error, projects) ->) ->
users = {}
for project in projects
if project.owner_ref?
users[project.owner_ref.toString()] = true
jobs = []
for user_id, _ of users
do (user_id) ->
jobs.push (callback) ->
User.findById user_id, "first_name last_name", (error, user) ->
return callback(error) if error?
users[user_id] = user
async.series jobs, (error) ->
for project in projects
if project.owner_ref?
project.owner = users[project.owner_ref.toString()]
callback null, projects
_buildWarningsList: (v1ProjectData = {}) ->
warnings = []
if v1ProjectData.noConnection
warnings.push 'No V1 Connection'
if v1ProjectData.hasHiddenV1Projects
warnings.push "Looks like you've got a lot of V1 projects! Some of them may be hidden on V2. To view them all, use the V1 dashboard."
return warnings
defaultSettingsForAnonymousUser = (user_id)->
id : user_id
fontSize: '12'
autoComplete: true
spellCheckLanguage: ""
pdfViewer: ""
syntaxValidation: true
allowed: true
github: false
do generateThemeList = () ->
files = fs.readdirSync __dirname + '/../../../../public/js/' + PackageVersions.lib('ace')
for file in files
if file.slice(-2) == "js" and /^theme-/.test(file)
cleanName = file.slice(0,-3).slice(6)
THEME_LIST.push cleanName