2014-11-19 14:05:16 +00:00

101 lines
3.6 KiB

_ = require("underscore")
module.exports = RedisSharelatex =
createClient: (opts = {port: 6379, host: "localhost"})->
if !opts.retry_max_delay?
opts.retry_max_delay = 5000 # ms
if opts.password?
opts.auth_pass = opts.password
delete opts.password
if opts.endpoints?
standardOpts = _.clone(opts)
delete standardOpts.endpoints
delete standardOpts.masterName
client = require("redis-sentinel").createClient opts.endpoints, opts.masterName, standardOpts
standardOpts = _.clone(opts)
delete standardOpts.port
delete standardOpts.host
client = require("redis").createClient opts.port, opts.host, standardOpts
return client
# DO NOT USE. Not robust at all (ends up getting subscribed twice, etc)!
createRobustSubscriptionClient: (opts, heartbeatOpts = {}) ->
sub = RedisSharelatex.createClient(opts)
pub = RedisSharelatex.createClient(opts)
heartbeatInterval = heartbeatOpts.heartbeat_interval or 1000 #ms
reconnectAfter = heartbeatOpts.reconnect_after or 5000 #ms
id = require("crypto").pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString("hex")
heartbeatChannel = "heartbeat-#{id}"
lastHeartbeat = Date.now()
sub.subscribe heartbeatChannel, (error) ->
if error?
console.error "ERROR: failed to subscribe to #{heartbeatChannel} channel", error
sub.on "message", (channel, message) ->
if channel == heartbeatChannel
lastHeartbeat = Date.now()
reconnectIfInactive = () ->
timeSinceLastHeartbeat = Date.now() - lastHeartbeat
if timeSinceLastHeartbeat > reconnectAfter
# If the client realises it isn't connected then will be trying to
# restablish the connection, so there's nothing for us to do. If
# it still thinks it's connected, then disconnect it and start to reconnect.
if sub.connected
console.warn "[#{new Date()}] No heartbeat for #{timeSinceLastHeartbeat}ms on #{heartbeatChannel}, reconnecting"
# We ended the connection, but want to start it up again, so set
# the internal closing variable:
sub.closing = false
# Trigger the reconnect (automatically triggered by sub.end() with closing = false):
# sub.connection_gone("no heartbeat for #{timeSinceLastHeartbeat}ms")
console.warn "[#{new Date()}] No heartbeat for #{timeSinceLastHeartbeat}ms on #{heartbeatChannel}, but not reconnecting (already reconnecting)"
# Reset timer after triggering a reconnect to avoid potential cascading failure.
lastHeartbeat = Date.now()
setInterval () ->
pub.publish heartbeatChannel, "PING"
, heartbeatInterval
return sub
# Attaches an isAlive() method to the subsciption client which returns true
# so long as we have had a heartbeat recently.
createMonitoredSubscriptionClient: (opts, heartbeatOpts = {}) ->
sub = RedisSharelatex.createClient(opts)
pub = RedisSharelatex.createClient(opts)
heartbeatInterval = heartbeatOpts.heartbeat_interval or 2000 #ms
isAliveTimeout = heartbeatOpts.is_alive_timeout or 10000 #ms
id = require("crypto").pseudoRandomBytes(16).toString("hex")
heartbeatChannel = "heartbeat-#{id}"
lastHeartbeat = Date.now()
sub.subscribe heartbeatChannel, (error) ->
if error?
console.error "ERROR: failed to subscribe to #{heartbeatChannel} channel", error
sub.on "message", (channel, message) ->
if channel == heartbeatChannel
lastHeartbeat = Date.now()
sub.isAlive = () ->
timeSinceLastHeartbeat = Date.now() - lastHeartbeat
return (timeSinceLastHeartbeat < isAliveTimeout)
setInterval () ->
pub.publish heartbeatChannel, "PING"
, heartbeatInterval
return sub