mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 23:13:13 +00:00
There are a couple of reasons for this: 1. Some linting errors are returned from the server after a compile is run, replacing client-side linting errors. If code check is disabled this does not happen, and therefore linting errors persist until the next compile. This makes it appear as though autocompile is not running 2. It is likely that if code check is disabled, the user is deliberately ignoring linting errors and therefore the linting check is pointless
690 lines
23 KiB
690 lines
23 KiB
define [
], (App, Ace, HumanReadableLogs, BibLogParser) ->
App.controller "PdfController", ($scope, $http, ide, $modal, synctex, event_tracking, logHintsFeedback, localStorage) ->
# enable per-user containers by default
perUserCompile = true
autoCompile = true
# pdf.view = uncompiled | pdf | errors
$scope.pdf.view = if $scope?.pdf?.url then 'pdf' else 'uncompiled'
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
$scope.wikiEnabled = window.wikiEnabled;
# view logic to check whether the files dropdown should "drop up" or "drop down"
$scope.shouldDropUp = false
logsContainerEl = document.querySelector ".pdf-logs"
filesDropdownEl = logsContainerEl?.querySelector ".files-dropdown"
# get the top coordinate of the files dropdown as a ratio (to the logs container height)
# logs container supports scrollable content, so it's possible that ratio > 1.
getFilesDropdownTopCoordAsRatio = () ->
filesDropdownEl?.getBoundingClientRect().top / logsContainerEl?.getBoundingClientRect().height
$scope.$watch "shouldShowLogs", (shouldShow) ->
if shouldShow
$scope.$applyAsync () ->
$scope.shouldDropUp = getFilesDropdownTopCoordAsRatio() > 0.65
# log hints tracking
$scope.logHintsNegFeedbackValues = logHintsFeedback.feedbackOpts
$scope.trackLogHintsLearnMore = () ->
event_tracking.sendMB "logs-hints-learn-more"
trackLogHintsFeedback = (isPositive, hintId) ->
event_tracking.send "log-hints", (if isPositive then "feedback-positive" else "feedback-negative"), hintId
event_tracking.sendMB (if isPositive then "log-hints-feedback-positive" else "log-hints-feedback-negative"), { hintId }
$scope.trackLogHintsNegFeedbackDetails = (hintId, feedbackOpt, feedbackOtherVal) ->
logHintsFeedback.submitFeedback hintId, feedbackOpt, feedbackOtherVal
$scope.trackLogHintsPositiveFeedback = (hintId) -> trackLogHintsFeedback true, hintId
$scope.trackLogHintsNegativeFeedback = (hintId) -> trackLogHintsFeedback false, hintId
if ace.require("ace/lib/useragent").isMac
$scope.modifierKey = "Cmd"
$scope.modifierKey = "Ctrl"
# utility for making a query string from a hash, could use jquery $.param
createQueryString = (args) ->
qs_args = ("#{k}=#{v}" for k, v of args)
if qs_args.length then "?" + qs_args.join("&") else ""
$scope.stripHTMLFromString = (htmlStr) ->
tmp = document.createElement("DIV")
tmp.innerHTML = htmlStr
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || ""
$scope.$on "project:joined", () ->
return if !autoCompile
autoCompile = false
$scope.recompile(isAutoCompileOnLoad: true)
$scope.hasPremiumCompile = $scope.project.features.compileGroup == "priority"
$scope.$on "pdf:error:display", () ->
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.renderingError = true
autoCompileTimeout = null
triggerAutoCompile = () ->
return if autoCompileTimeout or $scope.ui.pdfHidden
timeSinceLastCompile = Date.now() - $scope.recompiledAt
# If time is non-monotonic, assume that the user's system clock has been
# changed and continue with recompile
isTimeNonMonotonic = timeSinceLastCompile < 0
if isTimeNonMonotonic || timeSinceLastCompile >= AUTO_COMPILE_TIMEOUT
# If user has code check disabled, it is likely because they have
# linting errors that they are ignoring. Therefore it doesn't make sense
# to block auto compiles. It also causes problems where server-provided
# linting errors aren't cleared after typing
if (ide.$scope.settings.syntaxValidation and !ide.$scope.hasLintingError)
$scope.recompile(isAutoCompileOnChange: true)
# Extend remainder of timeout
autoCompileTimeout = setTimeout () ->
autoCompileTimeout = null
, AUTO_COMPILE_TIMEOUT - timeSinceLastCompile
autoCompileListener = null
toggleAutoCompile = (enabling) ->
if enabling
autoCompileListener = ide.$scope.$on "ide:opAcknowledged", _.debounce(triggerAutoCompile, OP_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TIMEOUT)
autoCompileListener() if autoCompileListener
autoCompileListener = null
$scope.autocompile_enabled = localStorage("autocompile_enabled:#{$scope.project_id}") or false
$scope.$watch "autocompile_enabled", (newValue, oldValue) ->
if newValue? and oldValue != newValue
localStorage("autocompile_enabled:#{$scope.project_id}", newValue)
event_tracking.sendMB "autocompile-setting-changed", { value: newValue }
if (window.user?.betaProgram or window.autoCompileEnabled) and $scope.autocompile_enabled
# abort compile if syntax checks fail
$scope.stop_on_validation_error = localStorage("stop_on_validation_error:#{$scope.project_id}")
$scope.stop_on_validation_error ?= true # turn on for all users by default
$scope.$watch "stop_on_validation_error", (new_value, old_value) ->
if new_value? and old_value != new_value
localStorage("stop_on_validation_error:#{$scope.project_id}", new_value)
$scope.draft = localStorage("draft:#{$scope.project_id}") or false
$scope.$watch "draft", (new_value, old_value) ->
if new_value? and old_value != new_value
localStorage("draft:#{$scope.project_id}", new_value)
sendCompileRequest = (options = {}) ->
url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/compile"
params = {}
if options.isAutoCompileOnLoad or options.isAutoCompileOnChange
# if the previous run was a check, clear the error logs
$scope.pdf.logEntries = [] if $scope.check
# keep track of whether this is a compile or check
$scope.check = if options.check then true else false
event_tracking.sendMB "syntax-check-request" if options.check
# send appropriate check type to clsi
checkType = switch
when $scope.check then "validate" # validate only
when options.try then "silent" # allow use to try compile once
when $scope.stop_on_validation_error then "error" # try to compile
else "silent" # ignore errors
return $http.post url, {
rootDoc_id: options.rootDocOverride_id or null
draft: $scope.draft
check: checkType
# use incremental compile for all users but revert to a full
# compile if there is a server error
incrementalCompilesEnabled: not $scope.pdf.error
_csrf: window.csrfToken
}, {params: params}
parseCompileResponse = (response) ->
# keep last url
last_pdf_url = $scope.pdf.url
# Reset everything
$scope.pdf.error = false
$scope.pdf.timedout = false
$scope.pdf.failure = false
$scope.pdf.url = null
$scope.pdf.clsiMaintenance = false
$scope.pdf.tooRecentlyCompiled = false
$scope.pdf.renderingError = false
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = false
$scope.pdf.compileTerminated = false
$scope.pdf.compileExited = false
$scope.pdf.failedCheck = false
$scope.pdf.compileInProgress = false
$scope.pdf.autoCompileDisabled = false
# make a cache to look up files by name
fileByPath = {}
if response?.outputFiles?
for file in response?.outputFiles
fileByPath[file.path] = file
# prepare query string
qs = {}
# add a query string parameter for the compile group
if response.compileGroup?
ide.compileGroup = qs.compileGroup = response.compileGroup
# add a query string parameter for the clsi server id
if response.clsiServerId?
ide.clsiServerId = qs.clsiserverid = response.clsiServerId
if response.status == "timedout"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.timedout = true
else if response.status == "terminated"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.compileTerminated = true
else if response.status in ["validation-fail", "validation-pass"]
$scope.pdf.view = 'pdf'
$scope.pdf.url = last_pdf_url
$scope.shouldShowLogs = true
$scope.pdf.failedCheck = true if response.status is "validation-fail"
event_tracking.sendMB "syntax-check-#{response.status}"
fetchLogs(fileByPath, { validation: true })
else if response.status == "exited"
$scope.pdf.view = 'pdf'
$scope.pdf.compileExited = true
$scope.pdf.url = last_pdf_url
$scope.shouldShowLogs = true
else if response.status == "autocompile-backoff"
if $scope.pdf.isAutoCompileOnLoad # initial autocompile
$scope.pdf.view = 'uncompiled'
else # background autocompile from typing
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.autoCompileDisabled = true
$scope.autocompile_enabled = false # disable any further autocompiles
event_tracking.sendMB "autocompile-rate-limited", {hasPremiumCompile: $scope.hasPremiumCompile}
else if response.status == "project-too-large"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.projectTooLarge = true
else if response.status == "failure"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.failure = true
$scope.shouldShowLogs = true
else if response.status == 'clsi-maintenance'
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.clsiMaintenance = true
else if response.status == "too-recently-compiled"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.tooRecentlyCompiled = true
else if response.status == "validation-problems"
$scope.pdf.view = "validation-problems"
$scope.pdf.validation = response.validationProblems
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
else if response.status == "compile-in-progress"
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
$scope.pdf.compileInProgress = true
else if response.status == "success"
$scope.pdf.view = 'pdf'
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
# define the base url. if the pdf file has a build number, pass it to the clsi in the url
if fileByPath['output.pdf']?.url?
$scope.pdf.url = fileByPath['output.pdf'].url
else if fileByPath['output.pdf']?.build?
build = fileByPath['output.pdf'].build
$scope.pdf.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/build/#{build}/output/output.pdf"
$scope.pdf.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.pdf"
# check if we need to bust cache (build id is unique so don't need it in that case)
if not fileByPath['output.pdf']?.build?
qs.cache_bust = "#{Date.now()}"
# convert the qs hash into a query string and append it
$scope.pdf.url += createQueryString qs
# Save all downloads as files
qs.popupDownload = true
$scope.pdf.downloadUrl = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/output.pdf" + createQueryString(qs)
IGNORE_FILES = ["output.fls", "output.fdb_latexmk"]
$scope.pdf.outputFiles = []
if !response.outputFiles?
# prepare list of output files for download dropdown
qs = {}
if response.clsiServerId?
qs.clsiserverid = response.clsiServerId
for file in response.outputFiles
if IGNORE_FILES.indexOf(file.path) == -1
isOutputFile = file.path.match(/^output\./)
$scope.pdf.outputFiles.push {
# Turn 'output.blg' into 'blg file'.
name: if isOutputFile then "#{file.path.replace(/^output\./, "")} file" else file.path
url: "/project/#{project_id}/output/#{file.path}" + createQueryString qs
main: if isOutputFile then true else false
# sort the output files into order, main files first, then others
$scope.pdf.outputFiles.sort (a,b) -> (b.main - a.main) || a.name.localeCompare(b.name)
fetchLogs = (fileByPath, options) ->
if options?.validation
chktexFile = fileByPath['output.chktex']
logFile = fileByPath['output.log']
blgFile = fileByPath['output.blg']
getFile = (name, file) ->
opts =
if file?.url? # FIXME clean this up when we have file.urls out consistently
opts.url = file.url
else if file?.build?
opts.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/build/#{file.build}/output/#{name}"
opts.url = "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output/#{name}"
# check if we need to bust cache (build id is unique so don't need it in that case)
if not file?.build?
opts.params.cache_bust = "#{Date.now()}"
return $http(opts)
# accumulate the log entries
logEntries =
all: []
errors: []
warnings: []
accumulateResults = (newEntries) ->
for key in ['all', 'errors', 'warnings']
if newEntries.type?
entry.type = newEntries.type for entry in newEntries[key]
logEntries[key] = logEntries[key].concat newEntries[key]
# use the parsers for each file type
processLog = (log) ->
$scope.pdf.rawLog = log
{errors, warnings, typesetting} = HumanReadableLogs.parse(log, ignoreDuplicates: true)
all = [].concat errors, warnings, typesetting
accumulateResults {all, errors, warnings}
processChkTex = (log) ->
errors = []
warnings = []
for line in log.split("\n")
if m = line.match /^(\S+):(\d+):(\d+): (Error|Warning): (.*)/
result = { file:m[1], line:m[2], column:m[3], level:m[4].toLowerCase(), message: "#{m[4]}: #{m[5]}"}
if result.level is 'error'
errors.push result
warnings.push result
all = [].concat errors, warnings
logHints = HumanReadableLogs.parse {type: "Syntax", all, errors, warnings}
event_tracking.sendMB "syntax-check-return-count", {errors:errors.length, warnings:warnings.length}
accumulateResults logHints
processBiber = (log) ->
{errors, warnings} = BibLogParser.parse(log, {})
all = [].concat errors, warnings
accumulateResults {type: "BibTeX", all, errors, warnings}
# output the results
handleError = () ->
$scope.pdf.logEntries = []
$scope.pdf.rawLog = ""
annotateFiles = () ->
$scope.pdf.logEntries = logEntries
$scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations = {}
for entry in logEntries.all
if entry.file?
entry.file = normalizeFilePath(entry.file)
entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file)
if entity?
$scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[entity.id] ||= []
$scope.pdf.logEntryAnnotations[entity.id].push {
row: entry.line - 1
type: if entry.level == "error" then "error" else "warning"
text: entry.message
# retrieve the logfile and process it
if logFile?
response = getFile('output.log', logFile)
.then (response) -> processLog(response.data)
if blgFile? # retrieve the blg file if present
response = response.then () ->
getFile('output.blg', blgFile)
(response) -> processBiber(response.data),
() -> true # ignore errors in biber file
if response?
response.catch handleError
if chktexFile?
getChkTex = () ->
getFile('output.chktex', chktexFile)
.then (response) -> processChkTex(response.data)
# always retrieve the chktex file if present
if response?
response = response.then getChkTex, getChkTex
response = getChkTex()
# display the combined result
if response?
response.finally annotateFiles
getRootDocOverride_id = () ->
doc = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocValue()
return null if !doc?
for line in doc.split("\n")
match = line.match /^[^%]*\\documentclass/
if match
return ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId()
return null
normalizeFilePath = (path) ->
path = path.replace(/^(.*)\/compiles\/[0-9a-f]{24}(-[0-9a-f]{24})?\/(\.\/)?/, "")
path = path.replace(/^\/compile\//, "")
rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname()
if rootDocDirname?
path = path.replace(/^\.\//, rootDocDirname + "/")
return path
$scope.recompile = (options = {}) ->
return if $scope.pdf.compiling
if !options.isAutoCompileOnLoad and $scope.onboarding.autoCompile == 'unseen'
$scope.onboarding.autoCompile = 'show'
event_tracking.sendMBSampled "editor-recompile-sampled", options
$scope.pdf.compiling = true
$scope.pdf.isAutoCompileOnLoad = options?.isAutoCompileOnLoad # initial autocompile
if options?.force
# for forced compile, turn off validation check and ignore errors
$scope.stop_on_validation_error = false
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false # hide the logs while compiling
event_tracking.sendMB "syntax-check-turn-off-checking"
if options?.try
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false # hide the logs while compiling
event_tracking.sendMB "syntax-check-try-compile-anyway"
options.rootDocOverride_id = getRootDocOverride_id()
.then (response) ->
{ data } = response
$scope.pdf.view = "pdf"
$scope.pdf.compiling = false
.catch (response) ->
{ data, status } = response
if status == 429
$scope.pdf.rateLimited = true
$scope.pdf.compiling = false
$scope.pdf.renderingError = false
$scope.pdf.error = true
$scope.pdf.view = 'errors'
.finally () ->
$scope.recompiledAt = Date.now()
# This needs to be public.
ide.$scope.recompile = $scope.recompile
# This method is a simply wrapper and exists only for tracking purposes.
ide.$scope.recompileViaKey = () ->
$scope.recompile { keyShortcut: true }
$scope.stop = () ->
return if !$scope.pdf.compiling
$http {
url: "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/compile/stop"
method: "POST"
"X-Csrf-Token": window.csrfToken
$scope.clearCache = () ->
$http {
url: "/project/#{$scope.project_id}/output"
method: "DELETE"
"X-Csrf-Token": window.csrfToken
$scope.toggleLogs = () ->
$scope.shouldShowLogs = !$scope.shouldShowLogs
event_tracking.sendMBOnce "ide-open-logs-once" if $scope.shouldShowLogs
$scope.showPdf = () ->
$scope.pdf.view = "pdf"
$scope.shouldShowLogs = false
$scope.toggleRawLog = () ->
$scope.pdf.showRawLog = !$scope.pdf.showRawLog
event_tracking.sendMB "logs-view-raw" if $scope.pdf.showRawLog
$scope.openClearCacheModal = () ->
modalInstance = $modal.open(
templateUrl: "clearCacheModalTemplate"
controller: "ClearCacheModalController"
scope: $scope
$scope.syncToCode = (position) ->
.then (data) ->
{doc, line} = data
ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line)
$scope.switchToFlatLayout = () ->
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'flat'
$scope.ui.view = 'pdf'
ide.localStorage "pdf.layout", "flat"
$scope.switchToSideBySideLayout = () ->
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'sideBySide'
$scope.ui.view = 'editor'
localStorage "pdf.layout", "split"
if pdfLayout = localStorage("pdf.layout")
$scope.switchToSideBySideLayout() if pdfLayout == "split"
$scope.switchToFlatLayout() if pdfLayout == "flat"
$scope.startFreeTrial = (source) ->
ga?('send', 'event', 'subscription-funnel', 'compile-timeout', source)
event_tracking.sendMB "subscription-start-trial", { source }
$scope.startedFreeTrial = true
App.factory "synctex", ["ide", "$http", "$q", (ide, $http, $q) ->
# enable per-user containers by default
perUserCompile = true
synctex =
syncToPdf: (cursorPosition) ->
deferred = $q.defer()
doc_id = ide.editorManager.getCurrentDocId()
if !doc_id?
return deferred.promise
doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id)
if !doc?
return deferred.promise
path = ide.fileTreeManager.getEntityPath(doc)
if !path?
return deferred.promise
# If the root file is folder/main.tex, then synctex sees the
# path as folder/./main.tex
rootDocDirname = ide.fileTreeManager.getRootDocDirname()
if rootDocDirname? and rootDocDirname != ""
path = path.replace(RegExp("^#{rootDocDirname}"), "#{rootDocDirname}/.")
{row, column} = cursorPosition
url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/code",
method: "GET",
params: {
file: path
line: row + 1
column: column
.then (response) ->
{ data } = response
deferred.resolve(data.pdf or [])
.catch (response) ->
error = response.data
return deferred.promise
syncToCode: (position, options = {}) ->
deferred = $q.defer()
if !position?
return deferred.promise
# FIXME: this actually works better if it's halfway across the
# page (or the visible part of the page). Synctex doesn't
# always find the right place in the file when the point is at
# the edge of the page, it sometimes returns the start of the
# next paragraph instead.
h = position.offset.left
# Compute the vertical position to pass to synctex, which
# works with coordinates increasing from the top of the page
# down. This matches the browser's DOM coordinate of the
# click point, but the pdf position is measured from the
# bottom of the page so we need to invert it.
if options.fromPdfPosition and position.pageSize?.height?
v = (position.pageSize.height - position.offset.top) or 0 # measure from pdf point (inverted)
v = position.offset.top or 0 # measure from html click position
# It's not clear exactly where we should sync to if it wasn't directly
# clicked on, but a little bit down from the very top seems best.
if options.includeVisualOffset
v += 72 # use the same value as in pdfViewer highlighting visual offset
url: "/project/#{ide.project_id}/sync/pdf",
method: "GET",
params: {
page: position.page + 1
h: h.toFixed(2)
v: v.toFixed(2)
.then (response) ->
{ data } = response
if data.code? and data.code.length > 0
doc = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(data.code[0].file)
return if !doc?
deferred.resolve({doc: doc, line: data.code[0].line})
.catch (response) ->
error = response.data
return deferred.promise
return synctex
App.controller "PdfSynctexController", ["$scope", "synctex", "ide", ($scope, synctex, ide) ->
@cursorPosition = null
ide.$scope.$on "cursor:editor:update", (event, @cursorPosition) =>
$scope.syncToPdf = () =>
return if !@cursorPosition?
.then (highlights) ->
$scope.pdf.highlights = highlights
$scope.syncToCode = () ->
.syncToCode($scope.pdf.position, includeVisualOffset: true, fromPdfPosition: true)
.then (data) ->
{doc, line} = data
ide.editorManager.openDoc(doc, gotoLine: line)
App.controller "PdfLogEntryController", ["$scope", "ide", "event_tracking", ($scope, ide, event_tracking) ->
$scope.openInEditor = (entry) ->
event_tracking.sendMBOnce "logs-jump-to-location-once"
entity = ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityByPath(entry.file)
return if !entity? or entity.type != "doc"
if entry.line?
line = entry.line
if entry.column?
column = entry.column
ide.editorManager.openDoc(entity, gotoLine: line, gotoColumn: column)
App.controller 'ClearCacheModalController', ["$scope", "$modalInstance", ($scope, $modalInstance) ->
$scope.state =
inflight: false
$scope.clear = () ->
$scope.state.inflight = true
.then () ->
$scope.state.inflight = false
$scope.cancel = () ->