mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 20:04:25 +00:00
173 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable file
173 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable file
define(function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var DocCommentHighlightRules = require("./doc_comment_highlight_rules").DocCommentHighlightRules;
var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules;
var GroovyHighlightRules = function() {
var keywords = (
"assert|with|abstract|continue|for|new|switch|" +
"assert|default|goto|package|synchronized|" +
"boolean|do|if|private|this|" +
"break|double|implements|protected|throw|" +
"byte|else|import|public|throws|" +
"case|enum|instanceof|return|transient|" +
"catch|extends|int|short|try|" +
"char|final|interface|static|void|" +
"class|finally|long|strictfp|volatile|" +
var buildinConstants = (
var langClasses = (
// TODO var importClasses = "";
var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"variable.language": "this",
"keyword": keywords,
"support.function": langClasses,
"constant.language": buildinConstants
}, "identifier");
// regexp must not have capturing parentheses. Use (?:) instead.
// regexps are ordered -> the first match is used
this.$rules = {
"start" : [
token : "comment",
regex : "\\/\\/.*$"
token : "comment", // multi line comment
regex : "\\/\\*",
next : "comment"
}, {
token : "string.regexp",
regex : "[/](?:(?:\\[(?:\\\\]|[^\\]])+\\])|(?:\\\\/|[^\\]/]))*[/]\\w*\\s*(?=[).,;]|$)"
}, {
token : "string",
regex : '"""',
next : "qqstring"
}, {
token : "string",
regex : "'''",
next : "qstring"
}, {
token : "string", // single line
regex : '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]'
}, {
token : "string", // single line
regex : "['](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?[']"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // hex
regex : "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+\\b"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // float
regex : "[+-]?\\d+(?:(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)?\\b"
}, {
token : "constant.language.boolean",
regex : "(?:true|false)\\b"
}, {
token : keywordMapper,
// TODO: Unicode escape sequences
// TODO: Unicode identifiers
regex : "[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*\\b"
}, {
token : "keyword.operator",
regex : "\\?:|\\?\\.|\\*\\.|<=>|=~|==~|\\.@|\\*\\.@|\\.&|as|in|is|!|\\$|%|&|\\*|\\-\\-|\\-|\\+\\+|\\+|~|===|==|=|!=|!==|<=|>=|<<=|>>=|>>>=|<>|<|>|!|&&|\\|\\||\\?\\:|\\*=|%=|\\+=|\\-=|&=|\\^=|\\b(?:in|instanceof|new|delete|typeof|void)"
}, {
token : "lparen",
regex : "[[({]"
}, {
token : "rparen",
regex : "[\\])}]"
}, {
token : "text",
regex : "\\s+"
"comment" : [
token : "comment", // closing comment
regex : ".*?\\*\\/",
next : "start"
}, {
token : "comment", // comment spanning whole line
regex : ".+"
"qqstring" : [
token : "constant.language.escape",
regex : /\\(?:u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|.|$)/
}, {
token : "constant.language.escape",
regex : /\$[\w\d]+/
}, {
token : "constant.language.escape",
regex : /\$\{[^"\}]+\}?/
}, {
token : "string",
regex : '"{3,5}',
next : "start"
}, {
token : "string",
regex : '.+?'
"qstring" : [
token : "constant.language.escape",
regex : /\\(?:u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|.|$)/
}, {
token : "string",
regex : "'{3,5}",
next : "start"
}, {
token : "string",
regex : ".+?"
this.embedRules(DocCommentHighlightRules, "doc-",
[ DocCommentHighlightRules.getEndRule("start") ]);
oop.inherits(GroovyHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules);
exports.GroovyHighlightRules = GroovyHighlightRules;