mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 10:13:37 +00:00
534 lines
16 KiB
534 lines
16 KiB
define [
], (moment, ColorManager, displayNameForUser, HistoryViewModes) ->
class HistoryManager
constructor: (@ide, @$scope) ->
@$scope.HistoryViewModes = HistoryViewModes
@$scope.toggleHistory = () =>
if @$scope.ui.view == "history"
@ide.$timeout () =>
@$scope.$broadcast "history:toggle"
, 0
@$scope.toggleHistoryViewMode = () =>
if @$scope.history.viewMode == HistoryViewModes.COMPARE
@$scope.history.viewMode = HistoryViewModes.POINT_IN_TIME
@$scope.history.viewMode = HistoryViewModes.COMPARE
@ide.$timeout () =>
@$scope.$broadcast "history:toggle"
, 0
@$scope.$watch "history.selection.updates", (updates) =>
if @$scope.history.viewMode == HistoryViewModes.COMPARE
if updates? and updates.length > 0
@$scope.$watch "history.selection.pathname", (pathname) =>
if @$scope.history.viewMode == HistoryViewModes.POINT_IN_TIME
if pathname?
@$scope.$watch "history.showOnlyLabels", (showOnlyLabels, prevVal) =>
if showOnlyLabels? and showOnlyLabels != prevVal
if showOnlyLabels
@$scope.history.selection.label = null
if @$scope.history.selection.updates.length == 0
@$scope.$watch "history.updates.length", () =>
show: () ->
@$scope.ui.view = "history"
@$scope.history.viewMode = HistoryViewModes.POINT_IN_TIME
hide: () ->
@$scope.ui.view = "editor"
reset: () ->
@$scope.history = {
isV2: true
updates: []
viewMode: null
nextBeforeTimestamp: null
atEnd: false
userHasFullFeature: @$scope.project?.features?.versioning or false
freeHistoryLimitHit: false
selection: {
label: null
updates: []
docs: {}
pathname: null
range: {
fromV: null
toV: null
error: null
showOnlyLabels: false
labels: null
files: []
diff: null # When history.viewMode == HistoryViewModes.COMPARE
selectedFile: null # When history.viewMode == HistoryViewModes.POINT_IN_TIME
restoreFile: (version, pathname) ->
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/restore_file"
@ide.$http.post(url, {
version, pathname,
_csrf: window.csrfToken
loadFileTreeForVersion: (version) ->
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/filetree/diff"
query = [ "from=#{version}", "to=#{version}" ]
url += "?" + query.join("&")
@$scope.history.loadingFileTree = true
@$scope.history.selectedFile = null
@$scope.history.selection.pathname = null
.then (response) =>
@$scope.history.files = response.data.diff
@$scope.history.loadingFileTree = false
autoSelectRecentUpdates: () ->
return if @$scope.history.updates.length == 0
@$scope.history.updates[0].selectedTo = true
indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe = 0
for update, i in @$scope.history.updates
if @_updateContainsUserId(update, @$scope.user.id) or i > @MAX_RECENT_UPDATES_TO_SELECT
indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe = i
@$scope.history.updates[indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe].selectedFrom = true
autoSelectLastUpdate: () ->
return if @$scope.history.updates.length == 0
@selectUpdate @$scope.history.updates[0]
autoSelectLastLabel: () ->
return if @$scope.history.labels.length == 0
@selectLabel @$scope.history.labels[0]
selectUpdate: (update) ->
selectedUpdateIndex = @$scope.history.updates.indexOf update
if selectedUpdateIndex == -1
selectedUpdateIndex = 0
for update in @$scope.history.updates
update.selectedTo = false
update.selectedFrom = false
@$scope.history.updates[selectedUpdateIndex].selectedTo = true
@$scope.history.updates[selectedUpdateIndex].selectedFrom = true
@loadFileTreeForVersion @$scope.history.updates[selectedUpdateIndex].toV
selectedLabelFromUpdatesSelection: () ->
# Get the number of labels associated with the currently selected update
nSelectedLabels = @$scope.history.selection.updates?[0]?.labels?.length
# If the currently selected update has no labels, select the last one (version-wise)
if nSelectedLabels == 0
# If the update has one label, select it
else if nSelectedLabels == 1
@selectLabel @$scope.history.selection.updates[0].labels[0]
# If there are multiple labels for the update, select the latest
else if nSelectedLabels > 1
sortedLabels = @ide.$filter("orderBy")(@$scope.history.selection.updates[0].labels, '-created_at')
lastLabelFromUpdate = sortedLabels[0]
@selectLabel lastLabelFromUpdate
selectLabel: (labelToSelect) ->
updateToSelect = null
if @_isLabelSelected labelToSelect
# Label already selected
for update in @$scope.history.updates
if update.toV == labelToSelect.version
updateToSelect = update
@$scope.history.selection.label = labelToSelect
if updateToSelect?
@selectUpdate updateToSelect
@$scope.history.selection.updates = []
@loadFileTreeForVersion labelToSelect.version
recalculateSelectedUpdates: () ->
beforeSelection = true
afterSelection = false
@$scope.history.selection.updates = []
for update in @$scope.history.updates
if update.selectedTo
inSelection = true
beforeSelection = false
update.beforeSelection = beforeSelection
update.inSelection = inSelection
update.afterSelection = afterSelection
if inSelection
@$scope.history.selection.updates.push update
if update.selectedFrom
inSelection = false
afterSelection = true
fetchNextBatchOfUpdates: () ->
updatesURL = "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/updates?min_count=#{@BATCH_SIZE}"
if @$scope.history.nextBeforeTimestamp?
updatesURL += "&before=#{@$scope.history.nextBeforeTimestamp}"
labelsURL = "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/labels"
@$scope.history.loading = true
@$scope.history.loadingFileTree = true
requests =
updates: @ide.$http.get updatesURL
if !@$scope.history.labels?
requests.labels = @ide.$http.get labelsURL
@ide.$q.all requests
.then (response) =>
updatesData = response.updates.data
if response.labels?
@$scope.history.labels = @_sortLabelsByVersionAndDate response.labels.data
@$scope.history.nextBeforeTimestamp = updatesData.nextBeforeTimestamp
if !updatesData.nextBeforeTimestamp? or @$scope.history.freeHistoryLimitHit
@$scope.history.atEnd = true
@$scope.history.loading = false
if @$scope.history.updates.length == 0
@$scope.history.loadingFileTree = false
.catch (error) =>
{ status, statusText } = error
@$scope.history.error = { status, statusText }
@$scope.history.loading = false
@$scope.history.loadingFileTree = false
_sortLabelsByVersionAndDate: (labels) ->
@ide.$filter("orderBy")(labels, [ '-version', '-created_at' ])
loadFileAtPointInTime: () ->
pathname = @$scope.history.selection.pathname
if @$scope.history.selection.updates?[0]?
toV = @$scope.history.selection.updates[0].toV
else if @$scope.history.selection.label?
toV = @$scope.history.selection.label.version
if !toV?
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/diff"
query = ["pathname=#{encodeURIComponent(pathname)}", "from=#{toV}", "to=#{toV}"]
url += "?" + query.join("&")
@$scope.history.selectedFile =
loading: true
.then (response) =>
{text, binary} = @_parseDiff(response.data.diff)
@$scope.history.selectedFile.binary = binary
@$scope.history.selectedFile.text = text
@$scope.history.selectedFile.loading = false
.catch () ->
reloadDiff: () ->
diff = @$scope.history.diff
{updates} = @$scope.history.selection
{fromV, toV, pathname} = @_calculateDiffDataFromSelection()
if !pathname?
@$scope.history.diff = null
return if diff? and
diff.pathname == pathname and
diff.fromV == fromV and
diff.toV == toV
@$scope.history.diff = diff = {
fromV: fromV
toV: toV
pathname: pathname
error: false
diff.loading = true
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/diff"
query = ["pathname=#{encodeURIComponent(pathname)}"]
if diff.fromV? and diff.toV?
query.push "from=#{diff.fromV}", "to=#{diff.toV}"
url += "?" + query.join("&")
.then (response) =>
{ data } = response
diff.loading = false
{text, highlights, binary} = @_parseDiff(data.diff)
diff.binary = binary
diff.text = text
diff.highlights = highlights
.catch () ->
diff.loading = false
diff.error = true
labelCurrentVersion: (labelComment) =>
@_labelVersion labelComment, @$scope.history.selection.updates[0].toV
deleteLabel: (label) =>
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/labels/#{label.id}"
method: "DELETE"
"X-CSRF-Token": window.csrfToken
}).then (response) =>
@_deleteLabelLocally label
_isLabelSelected: (label) ->
label.id == @$scope.history.selection.label?.id
_deleteLabelLocally: (labelToDelete) ->
for update, i in @$scope.history.updates
if update.toV == labelToDelete.version
update.labels = _.filter update.labels, (label) ->
label.id != labelToDelete.id
@$scope.history.labels = _.filter @$scope.history.labels, (label) ->
label.id != labelToDelete.id
_parseDiff: (diff) ->
if diff.binary
return { binary: true }
row = 0
column = 0
highlights = []
text = ""
for entry, i in diff or []
content = entry.u or entry.i or entry.d
content ||= ""
text += content
lines = content.split("\n")
startRow = row
startColumn = column
if lines.length > 1
endRow = startRow + lines.length - 1
endColumn = lines[lines.length - 1].length
endRow = startRow
endColumn = startColumn + lines[0].length
row = endRow
column = endColumn
range = {
row: startRow
column: startColumn
row: endRow
column: endColumn
if entry.i? or entry.d?
user = entry.meta.users?[0]
name = displayNameForUser(user)
date = moment(entry.meta.end_ts).format("Do MMM YYYY, h:mm a")
if entry.i?
highlights.push {
label: "Added by #{name} on #{date}"
highlight: range
hue: ColorManager.getHueForUserId(user?.id)
else if entry.d?
highlights.push {
label: "Deleted by #{name} on #{date}"
strikeThrough: range
hue: ColorManager.getHueForUserId(user?.id)
return {text, highlights}
_loadUpdates: (updates = []) ->
previousUpdate = @$scope.history.updates[@$scope.history.updates.length - 1]
dateTimeNow = new Date()
timestamp24hoursAgo = dateTimeNow.setDate(dateTimeNow.getDate() - 1)
cutOffIndex = null
for update, i in updates or []
for user in update.meta.users or []
if user?
user.hue = ColorManager.getHueForUserId(user.id)
if !previousUpdate? or !moment(previousUpdate.meta.end_ts).isSame(update.meta.end_ts, "day")
update.meta.first_in_day = true
update.selectedFrom = false
update.selectedTo = false
update.inSelection = false
previousUpdate = update
if !@$scope.history.userHasFullFeature and update.meta.end_ts < timestamp24hoursAgo
cutOffIndex = i or 1 # Make sure that we show at least one entry (to allow labelling).
@$scope.history.freeHistoryLimitHit = true
firstLoad = @$scope.history.updates.length == 0
if !@$scope.history.userHasFullFeature and cutOffIndex?
updates = updates.slice 0, cutOffIndex
@$scope.history.updates =
if firstLoad
if @$scope.history.viewMode == HistoryViewModes.COMPARE
if @$scope.history.showOnlyLabels
_labelVersion: (comment, version) ->
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/labels"
.post url, {
_csrf: window.csrfToken
.then (response) =>
@_addLabelToLocalUpdate response.data
_addLabelToLocalUpdate: (label) =>
localUpdate = _.find @$scope.history.updates, (update) -> update.toV == label.version
if localUpdate?
localUpdate.labels = @_sortLabelsByVersionAndDate localUpdate.labels.concat label
@$scope.history.labels = @_sortLabelsByVersionAndDate @$scope.history.labels.concat label
_perDocSummaryOfUpdates: (updates) ->
# Track current_pathname -> original_pathname
# create bare object for use as Map
# http://ryanmorr.com/true-hash-maps-in-javascript/
original_pathnames = Object.create(null)
# Map of original pathname -> doc summary
docs_summary = Object.create(null)
updatePathnameWithUpdateVersions = (pathname, update, deletedAtV) ->
# docs_summary is indexed by the original pathname the doc
# had at the start, so we have to look this up from the current
# pathname via original_pathname first
if !original_pathnames[pathname]?
original_pathnames[pathname] = pathname
original_pathname = original_pathnames[pathname]
doc_summary = docs_summary[original_pathname] ?= {
fromV: update.fromV, toV: update.toV,
doc_summary.fromV = Math.min(
doc_summary.toV = Math.max(
if deletedAtV?
doc_summary.deletedAtV = deletedAtV
# Put updates in ascending chronological order
updates = updates.slice().reverse()
for update in updates
for pathname in update.pathnames or []
updatePathnameWithUpdateVersions(pathname, update)
for project_op in update.project_ops or []
if project_op.rename?
rename = project_op.rename
updatePathnameWithUpdateVersions(rename.pathname, update)
original_pathnames[rename.newPathname] = original_pathnames[rename.pathname]
delete original_pathnames[rename.pathname]
if project_op.add?
add = project_op.add
updatePathnameWithUpdateVersions(add.pathname, update)
if project_op.remove?
remove = project_op.remove
updatePathnameWithUpdateVersions(remove.pathname, update, project_op.atV)
return docs_summary
_calculateDiffDataFromSelection: () ->
fromV = toV = pathname = null
selected_pathname = @$scope.history.selection.pathname
for pathname, doc of @_perDocSummaryOfUpdates(@$scope.history.selection.updates)
if pathname == selected_pathname
{fromV, toV} = doc
return {fromV, toV, pathname}
return {}
# Set the track changes selected doc to one of the docs in the range
# of currently selected updates. If we already have a selected doc
# then prefer this one if present.
_selectDocFromUpdates: () ->
affected_docs = @_perDocSummaryOfUpdates(@$scope.history.selection.updates)
@$scope.history.selection.docs = affected_docs
selected_pathname = @$scope.history.selection.pathname
if selected_pathname? and affected_docs[selected_pathname]
# Selected doc is already open
# Set to first possible candidate
for pathname, doc of affected_docs
selected_pathname = pathname
@$scope.history.selection.pathname = selected_pathname
_updateContainsUserId: (update, user_id) ->
for user in update.meta.users
return true if user?.id == user_id
return false