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async = require "async"
_ = require "underscore"
{db, ObjectId} = require "./mongojs"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
LockManager = require "./LockManager"
module.exports = PackManager =
# The following functions implement methods like a mongo find, but
# expands any documents containing a 'pack' field into multiple
# values
# e.g. a single update looks like
# {
# "doc_id" : 549dae9e0a2a615c0c7f0c98,
# "project_id" : 549dae9c0a2a615c0c7f0c8c,
# "op" : [ {"p" : 6981, "d" : "?" } ],
# "meta" : { "user_id" : 52933..., "start_ts" : 1422310693931, "end_ts" : 1422310693931 },
# "v" : 17082
# }
# and a pack looks like this
# {
# "doc_id" : 549dae9e0a2a615c0c7f0c98,
# "project_id" : 549dae9c0a2a615c0c7f0c8c,
# "pack" : [ U1, U2, U3, ...., UN],
# "meta" : { "user_id" : 52933..., "start_ts" : 1422310693931, "end_ts" : 1422310693931 },
# "v" : 17082
# }
# where U1, U2, U3, .... are single updates stripped of their
# doc_id and project_id fields (which are the same for all the
# updates in the pack).
# The pack itself has v and meta fields, this makes it possible to
# treat packs and single updates in the same way.
# The v field of the pack itself is from the first entry U1
# The meta.end_ts field of the pack itself is from the last entry UN.
findDocResults: (collection, query, limit, callback) ->
# query - the mongo query selector, includes both the doc_id/project_id and
# the range on v
# limit - the mongo limit, we need to apply it after unpacking any
# packs
sort = {}
sort['v'] = -1;
cursor = collection
.find( query )
.sort( sort )
# if we have packs, we will trim the results more later after expanding them
if limit?
# take the part of the query which selects the range over the parameter
rangeQuery = query['v']
# helper function to check if an item from a pack is inside the
# desired range
filterFn = (item) ->
return false if rangeQuery?['$gte']? && item['v'] < rangeQuery['$gte']
return false if rangeQuery?['$lte']? && item['v'] > rangeQuery['$lte']
return false if rangeQuery?['$lt']? && item['v'] >= rangeQuery['$lt']
return false if rangeQuery?['$gt']? && item['v'] <= rangeQuery['$gt']
return true
versionOrder = (a, b) ->
b.v - a.v
# create a query which can be used to select the entries BEFORE
# the range because we sometimes need to find extra ones (when the
# boundary falls in the middle of a pack)
extraQuery = _.clone(query)
# The pack uses its first entry for its metadata and v, so the
# only queries where we might not get all the packs are those for
# $gt and $gte (i.e. we need to find packs which start before our
# range but end in it)
if rangeQuery?['$gte']?
extraQuery['v'] = {'$lt' : rangeQuery['$gte']}
else if rangeQuery?['$gt']
extraQuery['v'] = {'$lte' : rangeQuery['$gt']}
delete extraQuery['v']
needMore = false # keep track of whether we need to load more data
updates = [] # used to accumulate the set of results
cursor.toArray (err, result) ->
unpackedSet = PackManager._unpackResults(result)
updates = PackManager._filterAndLimit(updates, unpackedSet, filterFn, limit)
# check if we need to retrieve more data, because there is a
# pack that crosses into our range
last = if unpackedSet.length then unpackedSet[unpackedSet.length-1] else null
if limit? && updates.length == limit
needMore = false
else if extraQuery['v']? && last? && filterFn(last)
needMore = true
else if extraQuery['v']? && updates.length == 0
needMore = true
if needMore
# we do need an extra result set
extra = collection
extra.toArray (err, result2) ->
if err?
return callback err, updates.sort versionOrder
extraSet = PackManager._unpackResults(result2)
updates = PackManager._filterAndLimit(updates, extraSet, filterFn, limit)
callback err, updates.sort versionOrder
if err?
callback err, result
callback err, updates.sort versionOrder
findProjectResults: (collection, query, limit, callback) ->
# query - the mongo query selector, includes both the doc_id/project_id and
# the range on meta.end_ts
# limit - the mongo limit, we need to apply it after unpacking any
# packs
sort = {}
sort['meta.end_ts'] = -1;
projection = {"op":false, "pack.op": false}
cursor = collection
.find( query, projection ) # no need to return the op only need version info
.sort( sort )
# if we have packs, we will trim the results more later after expanding them
if limit?
# take the part of the query which selects the range over the parameter
before = query['meta.end_ts']?['$lt'] # may be null
updates = [] # used to accumulate the set of results
cursor.toArray (err, result) ->
if err?
return callback err, result
if result.length == 0 && not before? # no results and no time range specified
return callback err, result
unpackedSet = PackManager._unpackResults(result)
if limit?
unpackedSet = unpackedSet.slice(0, limit)
# find the end time of the last result, we will take all the
# results up to this, and then all the changes at that time
# (without imposing a limit) and any overlapping packs
cutoff = if unpackedSet.length then unpackedSet[unpackedSet.length-1].meta.end_ts else null
filterFn = (item) ->
ts = item?.meta?.end_ts
return false if before? && ts >= before
return false if cutoff? && ts < cutoff
return true
timeOrder = (a, b) ->
(b.meta.end_ts - a.meta.end_ts) || documentOrder(a, b)
documentOrder = (a, b) ->
x = a.doc_id.valueOf()
y = b.doc_id.valueOf()
if x > y then 1 else if x < y then -1 else 0
updates = PackManager._filterAndLimit(updates, unpackedSet, filterFn, limit)
# get all elements on the lower bound (cutoff)
tailQuery = _.clone(query)
tailQuery['meta.end_ts'] = cutoff
tail = collection
.find(tailQuery, projection)
# now find any packs that overlap with the time window
overlapQuery = _.clone(query)
if before? && cutoff?
overlapQuery['meta.end_ts'] = {"$gte": before}
overlapQuery['pack.0.meta.end_ts'] = {"$lte": before }
else if before? && not cutoff?
overlapQuery['meta.end_ts'] = {"$gte": before}
overlapQuery['pack.0.meta.end_ts'] = {"$lte": before }
else if not before? && cutoff?
overlapQuery['meta.end_ts'] = {"$gte": cutoff}
overlapQuery['pack.0.meta.end_ts'] = {"$gte": 0 }
else if not before? && not cutoff?
overlapQuery['meta.end_ts'] = {"$gte": 0 }
overlapQuery['pack.0.meta.end_ts'] = {"$gte": 0 }
overlap = collection
.find(overlapQuery, projection)
# we don't specify a limit here, as there could be any number of overlaps
# NB. need to catch items in original query and followup query for duplicates
applyAndUpdate = (result) ->
extraSet = PackManager._unpackResults(result)
# note: final argument is null, no limit applied because we
# need all the updates at the final time to avoid breaking
# the changeset into parts
updates = PackManager._filterAndLimit(updates, extraSet, filterFn, null)
tail.toArray (err, result2) ->
if err?
return callback err, updates.sort timeOrder
applyAndUpdate result2
overlap.toArray (err, result3) ->
if err?
return callback err, updates.sort timeOrder
applyAndUpdate result3
callback err, updates.sort timeOrder
_unpackResults: (updates) ->
# iterate over the updates, if there's a pack, expand it into ops and
# insert it into the array at that point
result = []
updates.forEach (item) ->
if item.pack?
all = PackManager._explodePackToOps item
result = result.concat all
result.push item
return result
_explodePackToOps: (packObj) ->
# convert a pack into an array of ops
doc_id = packObj.doc_id
project_id = packObj.project_id
result = packObj.pack.map (item) ->
item.doc_id = doc_id
item.project_id = project_id
return result.reverse()
_filterAndLimit: (results, extra, filterFn, limit) ->
# update results with extra docs, after filtering and limiting
filtered = extra.filter(filterFn)
newResults = results.concat filtered
# remove duplicates
seen = {}
newResults = newResults.filter (item) ->
key = item.doc_id + ' ' + item.v
if seen[key]
return false
seen[key] = true
return true
newResults.slice(0, limit) if limit?
return newResults
MAX_SIZE: 1024*1024 # make these configurable parameters
convertDocsToPacks: (docs, callback) ->
packs = []
top = null
# keep the last KEEP_OPS as individual ops
docs = docs.slice(0,-PackManager.KEEP_OPS)
docs.forEach (d,i) ->
# skip existing packs
if d.pack?
top = null
# skip temporary ops (we could pack these into temporary packs in future)
if d.expiresAt?
top = null
sz = BSON.calculateObjectSize(d)
if top? && top.pack.length < PackManager.MAX_COUNT && top.sz + sz < PackManager.MAX_SIZE
top.pack = top.pack.concat {v: d.v, meta: d.meta, op: d.op, _id: d._id}
top.sz += sz
top.v_end = d.v
top.meta.end_ts = d.meta.end_ts
else if sz < PackManager.MAX_SIZE
# create a new pack
top = _.clone(d)
top.pack = [ {v: d.v, meta: d.meta, op: d.op, _id: d._id} ]
top.meta = { start_ts: d.meta.start_ts, end_ts: d.meta.end_ts }
top.sz = sz
delete top.op
delete top._id
packs.push top
# keep the op
# util.log "keeping large op unchanged (#{sz} bytes)"
# only store packs with a sufficient number of ops, discard others
packs = packs.filter (packObj) ->
packObj.pack.length > PackManager.MIN_COUNT
callback(null, packs)
checkHistory: (docs, callback) ->
errors = []
prev = null
error = (args...) ->
errors.push args
docs.forEach (d,i) ->
if d.pack?
n = d.pack.length
last = d.pack[n-1]
error('bad pack v_end', d) if d.v_end != last.v
error('bad pack start_ts', d) if d.meta.start_ts != d.pack[0].meta.start_ts
error('bad pack end_ts', d) if d.meta.end_ts != last.meta.end_ts
d.pack.forEach (p, i) ->
prev = v
v = p.v
error('bad version', v, 'in', p) if v <= prev
#error('expired op', p, 'in pack') if p.expiresAt?
prev = v
v = d.v
error('bad version', v, 'in', d) if v <= prev
if errors.length
insertPack: (packObj, callback) ->
bulk = db.docHistory.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
doc_id = packObj.doc_id
expect_nInserted = 1
expect_nRemoved = packObj.pack.length
logger.log {doc_id: doc_id}, "adding pack, removing #{expect_nRemoved} ops"
bulk.insert packObj
packObj.pack.forEach (op) ->
bulk.execute (err, result) ->
if err?
logger.error {doc_id: doc_id}, "error adding pack"
callback(err, result)
else if result.nInserted != expect_nInserted or result.nRemoved != expect_nRemoved
logger.error {doc_id: doc_id, result}, "unexpected result adding pack"
callback(new Error(
msg: 'unexpected result'
expected: {expect_nInserted, expect_nRemoved}
), result)
db.docHistoryStats.update {doc_id:doc_id}, {
}, {upsert:true}, () ->
callback(err, result)
# retrieve document ops/packs and check them
getDocHistory: (doc_id, callback) ->
db.docHistory.find({doc_id:ObjectId(doc_id)}).sort {v:1}, (err, docs) ->
return callback(err) if err?
# for safety, do a consistency check of the history
logger.log {doc_id}, "checking history for document"
PackManager.checkHistory docs, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
callback(err, docs)
#PackManager.deleteExpiredPackOps docs, (err) ->
# return callback(err) if err?
# callback err, docs
packDocHistory: (doc_id, options, callback) ->
if typeof callback == "undefined" and typeof options == 'function'
callback = options
options = {}
(releaseLock) ->
PackManager._packDocHistory(doc_id, options, releaseLock)
, callback
_packDocHistory: (doc_id, options, callback) ->
logger.log {doc_id},"starting pack operation for document history"
PackManager.getDocHistory doc_id, (err, docs) ->
return callback(err) if err?
origDocs = 0
origPacks = 0
for d in docs
if d.pack? then origPacks++ else origDocs++
PackManager.convertDocsToPacks docs, (err, packs) ->
return callback(err) if err?
total = 0
for p in packs
total = total + p.pack.length
logger.log {doc_id, origDocs, origPacks, newPacks: packs.length, totalOps: total}, "document stats"
if packs.length
if options['dry-run']
logger.log {doc_id}, 'dry-run, skipping write packs'
return callback()
PackManager.savePacks packs, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
# check the history again
PackManager.getDocHistory doc_id, callback
logger.log {doc_id}, "no packs to write"
# keep a record that we checked this one to avoid rechecking it
db.docHistoryStats.update {doc_id:doc_id}, {
}, {upsert:true}, () ->
callback null, null
savePacks: (packs, callback) ->
async.eachSeries packs, PackManager.safeInsert, (err, result) ->
if err?
logger.log {err, result}, "error writing packs"
callback err, result
safeInsert: (packObj, callback) ->
PackManager.insertPack packObj, (err, result) ->
setTimeout () ->
, PackManager.DB_WRITE_DELAY
deleteExpiredPackOps: (docs, callback) ->
now = Date.now()
toRemove = []
toUpdate = []
docs.forEach (d,i) ->
if d.pack?
newPack = d.pack.filter (op) ->
if op.expiresAt? then op.expiresAt > now else true
if newPack.length == 0
toRemove.push d
else if newPack.length < d.pack.length
# adjust the pack properties
d.pack = newPack
first = d.pack[0]
last = d.pack[d.pack.length - 1]
d.v_end = last.v
d.meta.start_ts = first.meta.start_ts
d.meta.end_ts = last.meta.end_ts
toUpdate.push d
if toRemove.length or toUpdate.length
bulk = db.docHistory.initializeOrderedBulkOp()
toRemove.forEach (pack) ->
console.log "would remove", pack
toUpdate.forEach (pack) ->
console.log "would update", pack
bulk.execute callback