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synced 2024-12-04 09:17:56 -05:00
Add contentType and contentEncoding options to sendStream(). These options will set the corresponding metadata on the object. This changes the API. The fourth argument to sendStream() used to be the source md5. Now, it's an options object and the source md5 is a property of that object.
331 lines
11 KiB
331 lines
11 KiB
const sinon = require('sinon')
const chai = require('chai')
const { expect } = chai
const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
const Errors = require('../../src/Errors')
const StreamModule = require('stream')
const modulePath = '../../src/FSPersistor.js'
describe('FSPersistorTests', function () {
const stat = { size: 4, isFile: sinon.stub().returns(true) }
const fd = 1234
const writeStream = 'writeStream'
const remoteStream = 'remoteStream'
const location = '/foo'
const error = new Error('guru meditation error')
const md5 = 'ffffffff'
const files = ['animals/wombat.tex', 'vegetables/potato.tex']
const globs = [`${location}/${files[0]}`, `${location}/${files[1]}`]
const filteredFilenames = ['animals_wombat.tex', 'vegetables_potato.tex']
let fs, stream, FSPersistor, glob, readStream, crypto, Hash, uuid, tempFile
beforeEach(function () {
const randomNumber = Math.random().toString()
readStream = {
name: 'readStream',
on: sinon.stub().yields(),
pipe: sinon.stub()
uuid = {
v1: () => randomNumber
tempFile = `/tmp/${randomNumber}`
fs = {
createReadStream: sinon.stub().returns(readStream),
createWriteStream: sinon.stub().returns(writeStream),
unlink: sinon.stub().yields(),
open: sinon.stub().yields(null, fd),
stat: sinon.stub().yields(null, stat)
glob = sinon.stub().yields(null, globs)
stream = {
pipeline: sinon.stub().yields(),
Transform: StreamModule.Transform
Hash = {
end: sinon.stub(),
read: sinon.stub().returns(md5),
digest: sinon.stub().returns(md5),
setEncoding: sinon.stub()
crypto = {
createHash: sinon.stub().returns(Hash)
FSPersistor = new (SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, {
requires: {
'./Errors': Errors,
'node-uuid': uuid,
// imported by PersistorHelper but otherwise unused here
'logger-sharelatex': {}
globals: { console }
}))({ paths: { uploadFolder: '/tmp' } })
describe('sendFile', function () {
const localFilesystemPath = '/path/to/local/file'
it('should copy the file', async function () {
await FSPersistor.sendFile(location, files[0], localFilesystemPath)
expect(stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith(readStream, writeStream)
it('should return an error if the file cannot be stored', async function () {
await expect(
FSPersistor.sendFile(location, files[0], localFilesystemPath)
).to.eventually.be.rejected.and.have.property('cause', error)
describe('sendStream', function () {
it('should write the stream to disk', async function () {
await FSPersistor.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream)
expect(stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith(remoteStream, writeStream)
it('should delete the temporary file', async function () {
await FSPersistor.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream)
it('should wrap the error from the filesystem', async function () {
await expect(FSPersistor.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream))
.and.have.property('cause', error)
it('should send the temporary file to the filestore', async function () {
await FSPersistor.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream)
describe('when the md5 hash does not match', function () {
it('should return a write error', async function () {
await expect(
FSPersistor.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream, {
sourceMd5: '00000000'
.and.have.property('message', 'md5 hash mismatch')
it('deletes the copied file', async function () {
try {
await FSPersistor.sendStream(location, files[0], remoteStream, {
sourceMd5: '00000000'
} catch (_) {}
describe('getObjectStream', function () {
it('should use correct file location', async function () {
await FSPersistor.getObjectStream(location, files[0], {})
it('should pass the options to createReadStream', async function () {
await FSPersistor.getObjectStream(location, files[0], {
start: 0,
end: 8
expect(fs.createReadStream).to.have.been.calledWith(null, {
start: 0,
end: 8,
it('should give a NotFoundError if the file does not exist', async function () {
const err = new Error()
err.code = 'ENOENT'
await expect(FSPersistor.getObjectStream(location, files[0], {}))
.and.have.property('cause', err)
it('should wrap any other error', async function () {
await expect(FSPersistor.getObjectStream(location, files[0], {}))
.to.eventually.be.rejectedWith('failed to open file for streaming')
.and.have.property('cause', error)
describe('getObjectSize', function () {
const badFilename = 'neenaw.tex'
const size = 65536
const noentError = new Error('not found')
noentError.code = 'ENOENT'
beforeEach(function () {
.yields(null, { size })
it('should return the file size', async function () {
expect(await FSPersistor.getObjectSize(location, files[0])).to.equal(size)
it('should throw a NotFoundError if the file does not exist', async function () {
await expect(
FSPersistor.getObjectSize(location, badFilename)
it('should wrap any other error', async function () {
await expect(FSPersistor.getObjectSize(location, 'raccoon'))
.and.have.property('cause', error)
describe('copyObject', function () {
it('Should open the source for reading', async function () {
await FSPersistor.copyObject(location, files[0], files[1])
it('Should open the target for writing', async function () {
await FSPersistor.copyObject(location, files[0], files[1])
it('Should pipe the source to the target', async function () {
await FSPersistor.copyObject(location, files[0], files[1])
expect(stream.pipeline).to.have.been.calledWith(readStream, writeStream)
describe('deleteObject', function () {
it('Should call unlink with correct options', async function () {
await FSPersistor.deleteObject(location, files[0])
it('Should propagate the error', async function () {
await expect(
FSPersistor.deleteObject(location, files[0])
).to.eventually.be.rejected.and.have.property('cause', error)
describe('deleteDirectory', function () {
it('Should call glob with correct options', async function () {
await FSPersistor.deleteDirectory(location, files[0])
it('Should call unlink on the returned files', async function () {
await FSPersistor.deleteDirectory(location, files[0])
for (const filename of globs) {
it('Should propagate the error', async function () {
await expect(
FSPersistor.deleteDirectory(location, files[0])
).to.eventually.be.rejected.and.have.property('cause', error)
describe('checkIfObjectExists', function () {
const badFilename = 'pototo'
const noentError = new Error('not found')
noentError.code = 'ENOENT'
beforeEach(function () {
.yields(null, {})
it('Should call stat with correct options', async function () {
await FSPersistor.checkIfObjectExists(location, files[0])
it('Should return true for existing files', async function () {
await FSPersistor.checkIfObjectExists(location, files[0])
it('Should return false for non-existing files', async function () {
await FSPersistor.checkIfObjectExists(location, badFilename)
it('should wrap the error if there is a problem', async function () {
await expect(FSPersistor.checkIfObjectExists(location, 'llama'))
.and.have.property('cause', error)
describe('directorySize', function () {
it('should wrap the error', async function () {
await expect(FSPersistor.directorySize(location, files[0]))
.and.include({ cause: error })
.which.includes({ location, name: files[0] })
it('should filter the directory name', async function () {
await FSPersistor.directorySize(location, files[0])
it('should sum directory files size', async function () {
expect(await FSPersistor.directorySize(location, files[0])).to.equal(
stat.size * files.length