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# N requests in parallel
# send P correct words and Q incorrect words
# generate incorrect words by qq+random
async = require "async"
request = require "request"
fs = require "fs"
# created with
# aspell -d en dump master | aspell -l en expand | shuf -n 150000 > words.txt
WORDS = "words.txt"
wordlist = fs.readFileSync(WORDS).toString().split('\n').filter (w) ->
generateCorrectWords = (n) ->
words = []
N = if Math.random() > 0.5 then wordlist.length else 10
for i in [1 .. n]
j = Math.floor(N * Math.random())
words.push wordlist[j]
return words
generateIncorrectWords = (n) ->
words = []
N = wordlist.length
for i in [1 .. n]
j = Math.floor(N * Math.random())
words.push("qzxq" + wordlist[j])
return words
make_request = (correctWords, incorrectWords, callback) ->
correctSet = generateCorrectWords(correctWords)
incorrectSet = generateIncorrectWords(incorrectWords)
full = correctSet.concat incorrectSet
bad = []
for w, i in correctSet
bad[i] = false
for w, i in incorrectSet
bad[i+correctSet.length] = true
k = full.length
full.forEach (e, i) ->
j = Math.floor(k * Math.random())
[ full[i], full[j] ] = [ full[j], full[i] ]
[ bad[i], bad[j] ] = [ bad[j], bad[i] ]
expected = []
for tf, i in bad
if tf
expected.push {index: i, word: full[i]}
request.post 'http://localhost:3005/user/1/check', json:true, body: {words: full}, (err, req, body) ->
misspellings = body.misspellings
console.log JSON.stringify({full: full, misspellings: misspellings})
if expected.length != misspellings.length
console.log "ERROR: length mismatch", expected.length, misspellings.length
console.log full, bad
console.log 'expected', expected, 'mispellings', misspellings
for i in [0 .. Math.max(expected.length, misspellings.length)-1]
if expected[i].index != misspellings[i].index
console.log "ERROR", i, expected[i], misspellings[i], full[misspellings[i].index]
for m in misspellings
console.log full[m.index], "=>", m
for m,i in body.misspellings
if m.index != expected[i].index
console.log "ERROR AT RESULT", i, m, expected[i]
callback(null, full)
q = async.queue (task, callback) ->
setTimeout () ->
make_request task.correct, task.incorrect, callback
, Math.random() * 100
, 3
q.drain = () ->
console.log('all items have been processed');
for i in [0 .. 1000]
q.push({correct: Math.floor(30*Math.random()) + 1, incorrect: Math.floor(3*Math.random())})
# if Math.random() < 0.1
# else
# q.push({correct: Math.floor(100*Math.random()) + 1, incorrect: Math.floor(3*Math.random())})