
58 lines
2 KiB

define [
], (App) ->
App.factory "logHintsFeedback", ($http, $q) ->
hintsFeedbackFormAPIHash = "rl4xgvr1v5t64a"
idStampVal = "OPkEWEFHUFAm7hKlraQMhiOXQabafWo8NipRvLT397w="
hintFieldAPIId = "3"
reasonFieldAPIId = "1"
reasonOtherFieldAPIId = "1_other_other"
submitEndpoint = "https://sharelatex.wufoo.eu/forms/#{ hintsFeedbackFormAPIHash }/#public"
feedbackOpts =
DIDNT_UNDERSTAND: "didnt_understand"
NOT_APPLICABLE: "not_applicable"
INCORRECT: "incorrect"
OTHER: "other"
createRequest = (hintId, feedbackOpt, feedbackOtherVal = "") ->
formData = new FormData()
formData.append "Field#{ hintFieldAPIId }", hintId
formData.append "Field#{ reasonFieldAPIId }", feedbackOpt
formData.append "idstamp", idStampVal
# Allow user to specify "other" without any extra details; an empty string
# would trigger an error submitting.
if feedbackOpt == feedbackOpts.OTHER and feedbackOtherVal == ""
formData.append "Field#{ reasonOtherFieldAPIId }", "#{ feedbackOpts.OTHER } empty"
formData.append "Field#{ reasonOtherFieldAPIId }", feedbackOtherVal
req =
method: 'POST'
url: submitEndpoint
# This will effectively disable Angular's default serialization mechanisms,
# forcing the XHR to be done with whatever data we provide (in this case,
# form data). Without this, Angular will forcefully try to serialize data
# to JSON.
transformRequest: angular.identity
data: formData
headers :
# This will tell Angular to use the browser-provided value, which is
# computed according to the data being sent (in this case, multipart
# form + browser-specific multipart boundary). Without this, Angular
# will set JSON.
"Content-Type": undefined
return req
submitFeedback = (hintId, feedbackOpt, feedbackOtherVal = "") ->
submitRequest = createRequest hintId, feedbackOpt, feedbackOtherVal
service =
feedbackOpts: feedbackOpts
submitFeedback: submitFeedback
return service