2020-06-23 18:29:41 +01:00

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/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
let ChannelManager;
const logger = require('logger-sharelatex');
const metrics = require("metrics-sharelatex");
const settings = require("settings-sharelatex");
const ClientMap = new Map(); // for each redis client, store a Map of subscribed channels (channelname -> subscribe promise)
// Manage redis pubsub subscriptions for individual projects and docs, ensuring
// that we never subscribe to a channel multiple times. The socket.io side is
// handled by RoomManager.
module.exports = (ChannelManager = {
getClientMapEntry(rclient) {
// return the per-client channel map if it exists, otherwise create and
// return an empty map for the client.
return ClientMap.get(rclient) || ClientMap.set(rclient, new Map()).get(rclient);
subscribe(rclient, baseChannel, id) {
const clientChannelMap = this.getClientMapEntry(rclient);
const channel = `${baseChannel}:${id}`;
const actualSubscribe = function() {
// subscribe is happening in the foreground and it should reject
const p = rclient.subscribe(channel);
p.finally(function() {
if (clientChannelMap.get(channel) === subscribePromise) {
return clientChannelMap.delete(channel);
}}).then(function() {
logger.log({channel}, "subscribed to channel");
return metrics.inc(`subscribe.${baseChannel}`);}).catch(function(err) {
logger.error({channel, err}, "failed to subscribe to channel");
return metrics.inc(`subscribe.failed.${baseChannel}`);
return p;
const pendingActions = clientChannelMap.get(channel) || Promise.resolve();
var subscribePromise = pendingActions.then(actualSubscribe, actualSubscribe);
clientChannelMap.set(channel, subscribePromise);
logger.log({channel}, "planned to subscribe to channel");
return subscribePromise;
unsubscribe(rclient, baseChannel, id) {
const clientChannelMap = this.getClientMapEntry(rclient);
const channel = `${baseChannel}:${id}`;
const actualUnsubscribe = function() {
// unsubscribe is happening in the background, it should not reject
const p = rclient.unsubscribe(channel)
.finally(function() {
if (clientChannelMap.get(channel) === unsubscribePromise) {
return clientChannelMap.delete(channel);
}}).then(function() {
logger.log({channel}, "unsubscribed from channel");
return metrics.inc(`unsubscribe.${baseChannel}`);}).catch(function(err) {
logger.error({channel, err}, "unsubscribed from channel");
return metrics.inc(`unsubscribe.failed.${baseChannel}`);
return p;
const pendingActions = clientChannelMap.get(channel) || Promise.resolve();
var unsubscribePromise = pendingActions.then(actualUnsubscribe, actualUnsubscribe);
clientChannelMap.set(channel, unsubscribePromise);
logger.log({channel}, "planned to unsubscribe from channel");
return unsubscribePromise;
publish(rclient, baseChannel, id, data) {
let channel;
metrics.summary(`redis.publish.${baseChannel}`, data.length);
if ((id === 'all') || !settings.publishOnIndividualChannels) {
channel = baseChannel;
} else {
channel = `${baseChannel}:${id}`;
// we publish on a different client to the subscribe, so we can't
// check for the channel existing here
return rclient.publish(channel, data);