Brian Gough e04e6332e8 add fatal exception reporting
split out capture exception code into separate method
2016-03-29 12:53:16 +01:00

64 lines
1.9 KiB

bunyan = require('bunyan')
module.exports = Logger =
initialize: (name) ->
@logger = bunyan.createLogger
name: name
serializers: bunyan.stdSerializers
return @
initializeErrorReporting: (sentry_dsn, options) ->
raven = require "raven"
@raven = new raven.Client(sentry_dsn, options)
captureException: (attributes, message, level) ->
error = attributes.err or attributes.error or message
req = attributes.req
if error?
tags = {}
extra = {}
# capture attributes and use *_id objects as tags
for key, value of attributes
tags[key] = value if key.match(/_id/) and typeof value == 'string'
extra[key] = value
# capture req object if available
if req?
extra.req =
method: req.method
url: req.originalUrl
query: req.query
headers: req.headers
ip: req.ip
# recreate error objects that have been converted to a normal object
if !(error instanceof Error) and typeof error is "object"
newError = new Error(error.message)
for own key, value of error
newError[key] = value
error = newError
# send the error to sentry
@raven.captureException(error, {tags: tags, extra: extra, level: level})
info : ()->
@logger.info.apply(@logger, arguments)
log : ()->
@logger.info.apply(@logger, arguments)
error: (attributes, message, args...)->
@logger.error(attributes, message, args...)
@captureException(attributes, message, "error") if @raven?
err: () ->
@error.apply(this, arguments)
warn: ()->
@logger.warn.apply(@logger, arguments)
fatal: (attributes, message, callback) ->
@logger.fatal(attributes, message)
if @raven?
cb = (e) -> # call the callback once after 'logged' or 'error' event
cb = () ->
@captureException(attributes, message, "fatal")
@raven.once 'logged', cb
@raven.once 'error', cb