{ "presets": [ [ "@babel/env", { "useBuiltIns": "usage", // This version must be aligned with the `core-js` version in `package.json` "corejs": { "version": "3.30" }, "exclude": [ // Exclude Array.prototype.push polyfill, as it's not needed and affects performance in Chrome "es.array.push", // Exclude objectSpread polyfill, as it's not needed and affects performance "@babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread", // Exclude _defineProperty polyfill, as it causes a bug without the objectSpread polyfill "@babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties" ] } ], ["@babel/react", { "runtime": "automatic" }], "@babel/typescript" ], "plugins": ["angularjs-annotate", "macros"], "overrides": [ // treat .cjs files (e.g. libraries symlinked into node_modules) as commonjs { "test": "../../**/*.cjs", "sourceType": "script" } ] }