const { expect } = require('chai') const sinon = require('sinon') const tk = require('timekeeper') const moment = require('moment') const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const Errors = require('../../../../app/src/Features/Errors/Errors') const ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId const { User } = require('../helpers/models/User') const { DeletedUser } = require('../helpers/models/DeletedUser') const modulePath = '../../../../app/src/Features/User/UserDeleter.js' describe('UserDeleter', function () { beforeEach(function () { tk.freeze( this.userId = new ObjectId() this.UserMock = sinon.mock(User) this.DeletedUserMock = sinon.mock(DeletedUser) this.mockedUser = sinon.mock( new User({ _id: this.userId, email: '', lastLoggedIn: + 1000, signUpDate: + 2000, loginCount: 10, overleaf: { id: 1234, }, refered_users: ['wombat', 'potato'], refered_user_count: 2, referal_id: ['giraffe'], }) ) this.user = this.mockedUser.object this.NewsletterManager = { promises: { unsubscribe: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.ProjectDeleter = { promises: { deleteUsersProjects: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.SubscriptionHandler = { promises: { cancelSubscription: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.SubscriptionUpdater = { promises: { removeUserFromAllGroups: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.SubscriptionLocator = { promises: { getUsersSubscription: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.UserMembershipsHandler = { promises: { removeUserFromAllEntities: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.UserSessionsManager = { promises: { revokeAllUserSessions: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.InstitutionsApi = { promises: { deleteAffiliations: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.UserAuditLogEntry = { deleteMany: sinon.stub().returns({ exec: sinon.stub().resolves() }), } this.Modules = { promises: { hooks: { fire: sinon.stub().resolves() } }, } this.Feedback = { deleteMany: sinon.stub().returns({ exec: sinon.stub().resolves() }), } this.OnboardingDataCollectionManager = { deleteOnboardingDataCollection: sinon.stub().resolves(), } this.UserDeleter = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { '../../models/User': { User }, '../../models/DeletedUser': { DeletedUser }, '../../models/Feedback': { Feedback: this.Feedback }, '../Newsletter/NewsletterManager': this.NewsletterManager, './UserSessionsManager': this.UserSessionsManager, '../Subscription/SubscriptionHandler': this.SubscriptionHandler, '../Subscription/SubscriptionUpdater': this.SubscriptionUpdater, '../Subscription/SubscriptionLocator': this.SubscriptionLocator, '../UserMembership/UserMembershipsHandler': this.UserMembershipsHandler, '../Project/ProjectDeleter': this.ProjectDeleter, '../Institutions/InstitutionsAPI': this.InstitutionsApi, '../../models/UserAuditLogEntry': { UserAuditLogEntry: this.UserAuditLogEntry, }, '../../infrastructure/Modules': this.Modules, '../OnboardingDataCollection/OnboardingDataCollectionManager': this.OnboardingDataCollectionManager, }, }) }) afterEach(function () { this.DeletedUserMock.restore() this.UserMock.restore() this.mockedUser.restore() }) describe('deleteUser', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UserMock.expects('findById') .withArgs(this.userId) .chain('exec') .resolves(this.user) }) describe('when the user can be deleted', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.deletedUser = { user: this.user, deleterData: { deletedAt: new Date(), deletedUserId: this.userId, deleterIpAddress: undefined, deleterId: undefined, deletedUserLastLoggedIn: this.user.lastLoggedIn, deletedUserSignUpDate: this.user.signUpDate, deletedUserLoginCount: this.user.loginCount, deletedUserReferralId: this.user.referal_id, deletedUserReferredUsers: this.user.refered_users, deletedUserReferredUserCount: this.user.refered_user_count, deletedUserOverleafId:, }, } }) describe('when no options are passed', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.DeletedUserMock.expects('updateOne') .withArgs( { 'deleterData.deletedUserId': this.userId }, this.deletedUser, { upsert: true } ) .chain('exec') .resolves() }) describe('when unsubscribing in Mailchimp succeeds', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UserMock.expects('deleteOne') .withArgs({ _id: this.userId }) .chain('exec') .resolves() }) it('should find and the user in mongo by its id', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) this.UserMock.verify() }) it('should delete the user from mailchimp', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.NewsletterManager.promises.unsubscribe ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.user, { delete: true }) }) it('should delete all the projects of a user', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.ProjectDeleter.promises.deleteUsersProjects ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.userId) }) it("should cancel the user's subscription", async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.SubscriptionHandler.promises.cancelSubscription ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.user) }) it('should delete user affiliations', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.InstitutionsApi.promises.deleteAffiliations ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.userId) }) it('should fire the deleteUser hook for modules', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( 'deleteUser', this.userId ) }) it('should stop the user sessions', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.UserSessionsManager.promises.revokeAllUserSessions ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.userId, []) }) it('should remove user from group subscriptions', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.SubscriptionUpdater.promises.removeUserFromAllGroups ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.userId) }) it('should remove user memberships', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) expect( this.UserMembershipsHandler.promises.removeUserFromAllEntities ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.userId) }) it('rejects if the user is a subscription admin', async function () { this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUsersSubscription.rejects({ _id: 'some-subscription', }) await expect(this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId)).to .be.rejected }) it('should create a deletedUser', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) this.DeletedUserMock.verify() }) }) describe('when unsubscribing from mailchimp fails', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.NewsletterManager.promises.unsubscribe.rejects( new Error('something went wrong') ) }) it('should return an error and not delete the user', async function () { await expect(this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId)).to .be.rejected this.UserMock.verify() }) }) describe('when called as a callback', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UserMock.expects('deleteOne') .withArgs({ _id: this.userId }) .chain('exec') .resolves() }) it('should delete the user', function (done) { this.UserDeleter.deleteUser(this.userId, err => { expect(err) this.UserMock.verify() this.DeletedUserMock.verify() done() }) }) }) }) describe('when a user and IP address are specified', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.ipAddress = '' this.deleterId = new ObjectId() this.deletedUser.deleterData.deleterIpAddress = this.ipAddress this.deletedUser.deleterData.deleterId = this.deleterId this.DeletedUserMock.expects('updateOne') .withArgs( { 'deleterData.deletedUserId': this.userId }, this.deletedUser, { upsert: true } ) .chain('exec') .resolves() this.UserMock.expects('deleteOne') .withArgs({ _id: this.userId }) .chain('exec') .resolves() }) it('should add the deleted user id and ip address to the deletedUser', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId, { deleterUser: { _id: this.deleterId }, ipAddress: this.ipAddress, }) this.DeletedUserMock.verify() }) describe('when called as a callback', function () { it('should delete the user', function (done) { this.UserDeleter.deleteUser( this.userId, { deleterUser: { _id: this.deleterId }, ipAddress: this.ipAddress, }, err => { expect(err) this.UserMock.verify() this.DeletedUserMock.verify() done() } ) }) }) }) }) describe('when the user cannot be deleted because they are a subscription admin', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUsersSubscription.resolves({ _id: 'some-subscription', }) }) it('fails with a SubscriptionAdminDeletionError', async function () { await expect( this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId) ) }) it('should not create a deletedUser', async function () { await expect(this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId)) .rejected this.DeletedUserMock.verify() }) it('should not remove the user from mongo', async function () { await expect(this.UserDeleter.promises.deleteUser(this.userId)) .rejected this.UserMock.verify() }) }) }) describe('ensureCanDeleteUser', function () { it('should not return error when user can be deleted', async function () { this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUsersSubscription.resolves(null) let error try { await this.UserDeleter.promises.ensureCanDeleteUser(this.user) } catch (e) { error = e } finally { expect(error) } }) it('should return custom error when user is group admin', async function () { this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUsersSubscription.resolves({ _id: '123abc', }) let error try { await this.UserDeleter.promises.ensureCanDeleteUser(this.user) } catch (e) { error = e } finally { expect(error) } }) it('propagates errors', async function () { this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUsersSubscription.rejects( new Error('Some error') ) let error try { await this.UserDeleter.promises.ensureCanDeleteUser(this.user) } catch (e) { error = e } finally { expect(error) } }) }) describe('expireDeletedUsersAfterDuration', function () { const userId1 = new ObjectId() const userId2 = new ObjectId() beforeEach(function () { this.deletedUsers = [ { user: { _id: userId1 }, deleterData: { deletedUserId: userId1 }, save: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, { user: { _id: userId2 }, deleterData: { deletedUserId: userId2 }, save: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, ] this.DeletedUserMock.expects('find') .withArgs({ 'deleterData.deletedAt': { $lt: new Date(moment().subtract(90, 'days')), }, user: { $ne: null, }, }) .chain('exec') .resolves(this.deletedUsers) for (const deletedUser of this.deletedUsers) { this.DeletedUserMock.expects('findOne') .withArgs({ 'deleterData.deletedUserId': deletedUser.deleterData.deletedUserId, }) .chain('exec') .resolves(deletedUser) } }) it('clears data from all deleted users', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUsersAfterDuration() for (const deletedUser of this.deletedUsers) { expect(deletedUser.user) expect( } }) it('deletes audit logs for all deleted users', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUsersAfterDuration() for (const deletedUser of this.deletedUsers) { expect(this.UserAuditLogEntry.deleteMany).to.have.been.calledWith({ userId: deletedUser.deleterData.deletedUserId, }) } }) }) describe('expireDeletedUser', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.mockedDeletedUser = sinon.mock( new DeletedUser({ user: this.user, deleterData: { deleterIpAddress: '', deletedUserId: this.userId, }, }) ) this.deletedUser = this.mockedDeletedUser.object this.mockedDeletedUser.expects('save').resolves() this.DeletedUserMock.expects('findOne') .withArgs({ 'deleterData.deletedUserId': this.userId }) .chain('exec') .resolves(this.deletedUser) }) afterEach(function () { this.mockedDeletedUser.restore() }) it('should find the user by user ID', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) this.DeletedUserMock.verify() }) it('should remove the user data from mongo', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) expect(this.deletedUser.user) }) it('should remove the IP address from mongo', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) expect(this.deletedUser.deleterData.ipAddress) }) it('should not delete other deleterData fields', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) expect(this.deletedUser.deleterData.deletedUserId).to.equal(this.userId) }) it('should save the record to mongo', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) this.mockedDeletedUser.verify() }) it('should fire the expireDeletedUser hook for modules', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) expect( 'expireDeletedUser', this.userId ) }) it('should delete Feeback', async function () { await this.UserDeleter.promises.expireDeletedUser(this.userId) expect(this.Feedback.deleteMany).to.have.been.calledWith({ userId: this.userId, }) }) describe('when called as a callback', function () { it('should expire the user', function (done) { this.UserDeleter.expireDeletedUser(this.userId, err => { expect(err) this.DeletedUserMock.verify() this.mockedDeletedUser.verify() expect(this.deletedUser.user) expect(this.deletedUser.deleterData.ipAddress) done() }) }) }) }) })