// Script to migrate user emails using a CSV file with the following format: // // oldEmail,newEmail // // The script will iterate through the CSV file and update the user's email // address from oldEmail to newEmail, after checking all the email addresses // for duplicates. // // Intended for Server Pro customers migrating user emails from one domain to // another. const minimist = require('minimist') const { waitForDb } = require('../../../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const os = require('os') const fs = require('fs') const csv = require('csv/sync') const { parseEmail } = require('../../../app/src/Features/Helpers/EmailHelper') const UserGetter = require('../../../app/src/Features/User/UserGetter') const UserUpdater = require('../../../app/src/Features/User/UserUpdater') const UserSessionsManager = require('../../../app/src/Features/User/UserSessionsManager') const hostname = os.hostname() const scriptTimestamp = new Date().toISOString() // support command line option of --commit to actually do the migration const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['commit', 'ignore-missing'], string: ['admin-id'], alias: { 'ignore-missing': 'continue', }, default: { commit: false, 'ignore-missing': false, 'admin-id': '000000000000000000000000', // use a dummy admin ID for script audit log entries }, }) // display usage if no CSV file is provided if (argv._.length === 0) { console.log( 'Usage: node migrate_user_emails.js [--commit] [--continue|--ignore-missing] [--admin-id=ADMIN_USER_ID] ' ) console.log(' --commit: actually do the migration (default: false)') console.log( ' --continue|--ignore-missing: continue on missing or already-migrated users' ) console.log(' --admin-id: admin user ID to use for audit log entries') console.log(' : CSV file with old and new email addresses') process.exit(1) } function filterEmails(rows) { // check that emails have a valid format const result = [] const seenOld = new Set() const seenNew = new Set() for (const [oldEmail, newEmail] of rows) { const parsedOld = parseEmail(oldEmail) const parsedNew = parseEmail(newEmail) if (!parsedOld) { throw new Error(`invalid old email "${oldEmail}"`) } if (!parsedNew) { throw new Error(`invalid new email "${newEmail}"`) } // Check for duplicates and overlaps if (seenOld.has(parsedOld)) { throw new Error(`Duplicate old emails found in CSV file ${oldEmail}.`) } if (seenNew.has(parsedNew)) { throw new Error(`Duplicate new emails found in CSV file ${newEmail}.`) } if (seenOld.has(parsedNew) || seenNew.has(parsedOld)) { throw new Error( `Old and new emails cannot overlap ${oldEmail} ${newEmail}` ) } seenOld.add(parsedOld) seenNew.add(parsedNew) result.push([parsedOld, parsedNew]) } return result } async function checkEmailsAgainstDb(emails) { const result = [] for (const [oldEmail, newEmail] of emails) { const userWithEmail = await UserGetter.promises.getUserByMainEmail( oldEmail, { _id: 1, } ) if (!userWithEmail) { if (argv['ignore-missing']) { console.log( `User with email "${oldEmail}" not found, skipping update to "${newEmail}"` ) continue } else { throw new Error(`no user found with email "${oldEmail}"`) } } const userWithNewEmail = await UserGetter.promises.getUserByAnyEmail( newEmail, { _id: 1, } ) if (userWithNewEmail) { throw new Error( `new email "${newEmail}" already exists for user ${userWithNewEmail._id}` ) } result.push([oldEmail, newEmail]) } return result } async function doMigration(emails) { let success = 0 let failure = 0 let skipped = 0 for (const [oldEmail, newEmail] of emails) { const userWithEmail = await UserGetter.promises.getUserByMainEmail( oldEmail, { _id: 1, } ) if (!userWithEmail) { if (argv['ignore-missing']) { continue } else { throw new Error(`no user found with email "${oldEmail}"`) } } if (argv.commit) { console.log( `Updating user ${userWithEmail._id} email "${oldEmail}" to "${newEmail}"\n` ) try { await UserSessionsManager.promises.revokeAllUserSessions( userWithEmail, [] // log out all the user's sessions before changing the email address ) await UserUpdater.promises.migrateDefaultEmailAddress( userWithEmail._id, oldEmail, newEmail, { initiatorId: argv['admin-id'], ipAddress: hostname, extraInfo: { script: 'migrate_user_emails.js', runAt: scriptTimestamp, }, } ) success++ } catch (err) { console.log(err) failure++ } } else { console.log(`Dry run, skipping update from ${oldEmail} to ${newEmail}`) skipped++ } } console.log('Success: ', success, 'Failure: ', failure, 'Skipped: ', skipped) if (failure > 0) { throw new Error('Some email migrations failed') } } async function migrateEmails() { console.log('Starting email migration script') const csvFilePath = argv._[0] const csvFile = fs.readFileSync(csvFilePath, 'utf8') const rows = csv.parse(csvFile) console.log('Number of users to migrate: ', rows.length) await waitForDb() const emails = filterEmails(rows) const existingUserEmails = await checkEmailsAgainstDb(emails) await doMigration(existingUserEmails) } migrateEmails() .then(() => { console.log('Done.') process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) process.exit(1) })