'use strict' var chai = require('chai') global.expect = chai.expect exports.expectError = function OErrorExpectError (e, expected) { // should set the name to the error's name expect(e.name).to.equal(expected.name) // should be an instance of the error type expect(e instanceof expected.klass).to.be.true // should be an instance of the built-in Error type expect(e instanceof Error).to.be.true // should be recognised by util.isError expect(require('util').isError(e)).to.be.true // should have a stack trace expect(e.stack).to.be.truthy // toString should return the default error message formatting expect(e.toString()).to.equal(expected.message) // stack should start with the default error message formatting expect(e.stack.split('\n')[0]).to.match(new RegExp(`^${expected.name}:`)) // first stack frame should be the function where the error was thrown expect(e.stack.split('\n')[1]).to.match(expected.firstFrameRx) }