const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const { expect } = require('chai') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const Errors = require('../../../../app/src/Features/Errors/Errors') const PrivilegeLevels = require('../../../../app/src/Features/Authorization/PrivilegeLevels') const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/src/Features/Project/ProjectDetailsHandler' describe('ProjectDetailsHandler', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.user = { _id: ObjectId('abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef'), email: '', features: 'mock-features' } this.collaborator = { _id: ObjectId('123456123456123456123456'), email: '' } this.project = { _id: ObjectId('5d5dabdbb351de090cdff0b2'), name: 'project', description: 'this is a great project', something: 'should not exist', compiler: 'latexxxxxx', owner_ref: this.user._id, collaberator_refs: [this.collaborator._id] } this.ProjectGetter = { promises: { getProjectWithoutDocLines: sinon.stub().resolves(this.project), getProject: sinon.stub().resolves(this.project), findAllUsersProjects: sinon.stub().resolves({ owned: [], readAndWrite: [], readOnly: [], tokenReadAndWrite: [], tokenReadOnly: [] }) } } this.ProjectModel = { update: sinon.stub().returns({ exec: sinon.stub().resolves() }) } this.UserGetter = { promises: { getUser: sinon.stub().resolves(this.user) } } this.TpdsUpdateSender = { promises: { moveEntity: sinon.stub().resolves() } } this.ProjectEntityHandler = { promises: { flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore: sinon.stub().resolves() } } this.CollaboratorsHandler = { promises: { removeUserFromProject: sinon.stub().resolves(), addUserIdToProject: sinon.stub().resolves() } } this.EmailHandler = { promises: { sendEmail: sinon.stub().resolves() } } this.ProjectTokenGenerator = { readAndWriteToken: sinon.stub(), promises: { generateUniqueReadOnlyToken: sinon.stub() } } this.settings = { defaultFeatures: 'default-features' } this.handler = SandboxedModule.require(MODULE_PATH, { globals: { console: console }, requires: { './ProjectGetter': this.ProjectGetter, '../../models/Project': { Project: this.ProjectModel }, '../User/UserGetter': this.UserGetter, '../ThirdPartyDataStore/TpdsUpdateSender': this.TpdsUpdateSender, './ProjectEntityHandler': this.ProjectEntityHandler, '../Collaborators/CollaboratorsHandler': this.CollaboratorsHandler, '../Email/EmailHandler': this.EmailHandler, 'logger-sharelatex': { log() {}, warn() {}, err() {} }, './ProjectTokenGenerator': this.ProjectTokenGenerator, '../Errors/Errors': Errors, 'settings-sharelatex': this.settings } }) }) describe('getDetails', function() { it('should find the project and owner', async function() { const details = await this.handler.promises.getDetails(this.project._id) details.description.should.equal(this.project.description) details.compiler.should.equal(this.project.compiler) details.features.should.equal(this.user.features) expect(details.something) }) it('should find overleaf metadata if it exists', async function() { this.project.overleaf = { id: 'id' } const details = await this.handler.promises.getDetails(this.project._id) details.overleaf.should.equal(this.project.overleaf) expect(details.something) }) it('should return an error for a non-existent project', async function() { this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.resolves(null) await expect( this.handler.promises.getDetails('0123456789012345678901234') ) }) it('should return the default features if no owner found', async function() { this.UserGetter.promises.getUser.resolves(null) const details = await this.handler.promises.getDetails(this.project._id) details.features.should.equal(this.settings.defaultFeatures) }) it('should rethrow any error', async function() { this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.rejects(new Error('boom')) await expect(this.handler.promises.getDetails(this.project._id)) .rejected }) }) describe('transferOwnership', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.UserGetter.promises.getUser .withArgs(this.user._id) .resolves(this.user) this.UserGetter.promises.getUser .withArgs(this.collaborator._id) .resolves(this.collaborator) }) it("should return a not found error if the project can't be found", async function() { this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.resolves(null) await expect( this.handler.promises.transferOwnership('abc', this.collaborator._id) ) }) it("should return a not found error if the user can't be found", async function() { this.UserGetter.promises.getUser .withArgs(this.collaborator._id) .resolves(null) await expect( this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) ) }) it('should return an error if user cannot be removed as collaborator ', async function() { this.CollaboratorsHandler.promises.removeUserFromProject.rejects( new Error('user-cannot-be-removed') ) await expect( this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) ) }) it('should transfer ownership of the project', async function() { await this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledWith( { _id: this.project._id }, sinon.match({ $set: { owner_ref: this.collaborator._id } }) ) }) it('should do nothing if transferring back to the owner', async function() { await this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.user._id ) expect(this.ProjectModel.update) }) it("should remove the user from the project's collaborators", async function() { await this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) expect( this.CollaboratorsHandler.promises.removeUserFromProject ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.project._id, this.collaborator._id) }) it('should add the former project owner as a read/write collaborator', async function() { await this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) expect( this.CollaboratorsHandler.promises.addUserIdToProject ).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id, this.user._id, PrivilegeLevels.READ_AND_WRITE ) }) it('should flush the project to tpds', async function() { await this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) expect( this.ProjectEntityHandler.promises.flushProjectToThirdPartyDataStore ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.project._id) }) it('should send an email notification', async function() { await this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) expect(this.EmailHandler.promises.sendEmail).to.have.been.calledWith( 'ownershipTransferConfirmationPreviousOwner', { to:, project: this.project, newOwner: this.collaborator } ) expect(this.EmailHandler.promises.sendEmail).to.have.been.calledWith( 'ownershipTransferConfirmationNewOwner', { to:, project: this.project, previousOwner: this.user } ) }) it('should decline to transfer ownership to a non-collaborator', async function() { this.project.collaberator_refs = [] await expect( this.handler.promises.transferOwnership( this.project._id, this.collaborator._id ) ) }) }) describe('getProjectDescription', function() { it('should make a call to mongo just for the description', async function() { this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.resolves() await this.handler.promises.getProjectDescription(this.project._id) expect(this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id, { description: true } ) }) it('should return what the mongo call returns', async function() { const expectedDescription = 'cool project' this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.resolves({ description: expectedDescription }) const description = await this.handler.promises.getProjectDescription( this.project._id ) expect(description).to.equal(expectedDescription) }) }) describe('setProjectDescription', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.description = 'updated teh description' }) it('should update the project detials', async function() { await this.handler.promises.setProjectDescription( this.project._id, this.description ) expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledWith( { _id: this.project._id }, { description: this.description } ) }) }) describe('renameProject', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.newName = 'new name here' }) it('should update the project with the new name', async function() { await this.handler.promises.renameProject(this.project._id, this.newName) expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledWith( { _id: this.project._id }, { name: this.newName } ) }) it('should tell the TpdsUpdateSender', async function() { await this.handler.promises.renameProject(this.project._id, this.newName) expect(this.TpdsUpdateSender.promises.moveEntity).to.have.been.calledWith( { project_id: this.project._id, project_name:, newProjectName: this.newName } ) }) it('should not do anything with an invalid name', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.renameProject(this.project._id)) .rejected expect(this.TpdsUpdateSender.promises.moveEntity) expect(this.ProjectModel.update) }) }) describe('validateProjectName', function() { it('should reject undefined names', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.validateProjectName(undefined)) .rejected }) it('should reject empty names', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.validateProjectName('')) }) it('should reject names with /s', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.validateProjectName('foo/bar')) .rejected }) it('should reject names with \\s', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.validateProjectName('foo\\bar')) .rejected }) it('should reject long names', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.validateProjectName('a'.repeat(1000))) }) it('should accept normal names', async function() { await expect(this.handler.promises.validateProjectName('foobar')) .resolved }) }) describe('generateUniqueName', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.longName = 'x'.repeat(this.handler.MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH - 5) const usersProjects = { owned: [ { _id: 1, name: 'name' }, { _id: 2, name: 'name1' }, { _id: 3, name: 'name11' }, { _id: 100, name: 'numeric' }, { _id: 101, name: 'numeric (1)' }, { _id: 102, name: 'numeric (2)' }, { _id: 103, name: 'numeric (3)' }, { _id: 104, name: 'numeric (4)' }, { _id: 105, name: 'numeric (5)' }, { _id: 106, name: 'numeric (6)' }, { _id: 107, name: 'numeric (7)' }, { _id: 108, name: 'numeric (8)' }, { _id: 109, name: 'numeric (9)' }, { _id: 110, name: 'numeric (10)' }, { _id: 111, name: 'numeric (11)' }, { _id: 112, name: 'numeric (12)' }, { _id: 113, name: 'numeric (13)' }, { _id: 114, name: 'numeric (14)' }, { _id: 115, name: 'numeric (15)' }, { _id: 116, name: 'numeric (16)' }, { _id: 117, name: 'numeric (17)' }, { _id: 118, name: 'numeric (18)' }, { _id: 119, name: 'numeric (19)' }, { _id: 120, name: 'numeric (20)' }, { _id: 130, name: 'numeric (30)' }, { _id: 131, name: 'numeric (31)' }, { _id: 132, name: 'numeric (32)' }, { _id: 133, name: 'numeric (33)' }, { _id: 134, name: 'numeric (34)' }, { _id: 135, name: 'numeric (35)' }, { _id: 136, name: 'numeric (36)' }, { _id: 137, name: 'numeric (37)' }, { _id: 138, name: 'numeric (38)' }, { _id: 139, name: 'numeric (39)' }, { _id: 140, name: 'numeric (40)' } ], readAndWrite: [{ _id: 4, name: 'name2' }, { _id: 5, name: 'name22' }], readOnly: [{ _id: 6, name: 'name3' }, { _id: 7, name: 'name33' }], tokenReadAndWrite: [ { _id: 8, name: 'name4' }, { _id: 9, name: 'name44' } ], tokenReadOnly: [ { _id: 10, name: 'name5' }, { _id: 11, name: 'name55' }, { _id: 12, name: this.longName } ] } this.ProjectGetter.promises.findAllUsersProjects.resolves(usersProjects) }) it('should leave a unique name unchanged', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'unique-name', ['-test-suffix'] ) expect(name).to.equal('unique-name') }) it('should append a suffix to an existing name', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'name1', ['-test-suffix'] ) expect(name).to.equal('name1-test-suffix') }) it('should fallback to a second suffix when needed', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'name1', ['1', '-test-suffix'] ) expect(name).to.equal('name1-test-suffix') }) it('should truncate the name when append a suffix if the result is too long', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, this.longName, ['-test-suffix'] ) expect(name).to.equal( this.longName.substr(0, this.handler.MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH - 12) + '-test-suffix' ) }) it('should use a numeric index if no suffix is supplied', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'name1', [] ) expect(name).to.equal('name1 (1)') }) it('should use a numeric index if all suffixes are exhausted', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'name', ['1', '11'] ) expect(name).to.equal('name (1)') }) it('should find the next lowest available numeric index for the base name', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'numeric', [] ) expect(name).to.equal('numeric (21)') }) it('should find the next available numeric index when a numeric index is already present', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'numeric (5)', [] ) expect(name).to.equal('numeric (21)') }) it('should not find a numeric index lower than the one already present', async function() { const name = await this.handler.promises.generateUniqueName( this.user._id, 'numeric (31)', [] ) expect(name).to.equal('numeric (41)') }) }) describe('fixProjectName', function() { it('should change empty names to Untitled', function() { expect(this.handler.fixProjectName('')).to.equal('Untitled') }) it('should replace / with -', function() { expect(this.handler.fixProjectName('foo/bar')).to.equal('foo-bar') }) it("should replace \\ with ''", function() { expect(this.handler.fixProjectName('foo \\ bar')).to.equal('foo bar') }) it('should truncate long names', function() { expect(this.handler.fixProjectName('a'.repeat(1000))).to.equal( 'a'.repeat(150) ) }) it('should accept normal names', function() { expect(this.handler.fixProjectName('foobar')).to.equal('foobar') }) }) describe('setPublicAccessLevel', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.accessLevel = 'readOnly' }) it('should update the project with the new level', async function() { await this.handler.promises.setPublicAccessLevel( this.project._id, this.accessLevel ) expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledWith( { _id: this.project._id }, { publicAccesLevel: this.accessLevel } ) }) it('should not produce an error', async function() { await expect( this.handler.promises.setPublicAccessLevel( this.project._id, this.accessLevel ) ) }) describe('when update produces an error', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.ProjectModel.update.rejects(new Error('woops')) }) it('should produce an error', async function() { await expect( this.handler.promises.setPublicAccessLevel( this.project._id, this.accessLevel ) ) }) }) }) describe('ensureTokensArePresent', function() { describe('when the project has tokens', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.project = { _id: this.project._id, tokens: { readOnly: 'aaa', readAndWrite: '42bbb', readAndWritePrefix: '42' } } this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.resolves(this.project) }) it('should get the project', async function() { await this.handler.promises.ensureTokensArePresent(this.project._id) expect(this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject).to.have.been.calledOnce expect(this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id, { tokens: 1 } ) }) it('should not update the project with new tokens', async function() { await this.handler.promises.ensureTokensArePresent(this.project._id) expect(this.ProjectModel.update) }) it('should produce the tokens without error', async function() { const tokens = await this.handler.promises.ensureTokensArePresent( this.project._id ) expect(tokens).to.deep.equal(this.project.tokens) }) }) describe('when tokens are missing', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.project = { _id: this.project._id } this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject.resolves(this.project) this.readOnlyToken = 'abc' this.readAndWriteToken = '42def' this.readAndWriteTokenPrefix = '42' this.ProjectTokenGenerator.promises.generateUniqueReadOnlyToken.resolves( this.readOnlyToken ) this.ProjectTokenGenerator.readAndWriteToken.returns({ token: this.readAndWriteToken, numericPrefix: this.readAndWriteTokenPrefix }) }) it('should get the project', async function() { await this.handler.promises.ensureTokensArePresent(this.project._id) expect(this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject).to.have.been.calledOnce expect(this.ProjectGetter.promises.getProject).to.have.been.calledWith( this.project._id, { tokens: 1 } ) }) it('should update the project with new tokens', async function() { await this.handler.promises.ensureTokensArePresent(this.project._id) expect(this.ProjectTokenGenerator.promises.generateUniqueReadOnlyToken) .to.have.been.calledOnce expect(this.ProjectTokenGenerator.readAndWriteToken).to.have.been .calledOnce expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledOnce expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledWith( { _id: this.project._id }, { $set: { tokens: { readOnly: this.readOnlyToken, readAndWrite: this.readAndWriteToken, readAndWritePrefix: this.readAndWriteTokenPrefix } } } ) }) it('should produce the tokens without error', async function() { const tokens = await this.handler.promises.ensureTokensArePresent( this.project._id ) expect(tokens).to.deep.equal({ readOnly: this.readOnlyToken, readAndWrite: this.readAndWriteToken, readAndWritePrefix: this.readAndWriteTokenPrefix }) }) }) }) describe('clearTokens', function() { it('clears the tokens from the project', async function() { await this.handler.promises.clearTokens(this.project._id) expect(this.ProjectModel.update).to.have.been.calledWith( { _id: this.project._id }, { $unset: { tokens: 1 }, $set: { publicAccesLevel: 'private' } } ) }) }) })