import { expect } from 'chai' import React from 'react' import sinon from 'sinon' import { screen, render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import MockedSocket from '' import FileTreeRoot from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/file-tree/components/file-tree-root' describe('FileTree Create Folder Flow', function() { const onSelect = sinon.stub() const onInit = sinon.stub() beforeEach(function() { global.requestAnimationFrame = sinon.stub() window._ide = { socket: new MockedSocket() } }) afterEach(function() { delete global.requestAnimationFrame fetchMock.restore() onSelect.reset() onInit.reset() delete window._ide }) it('add to root when no files are selected', async function() { const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', docs: [{ _id: '456def', name: 'main.tex' }], folders: [], fileRefs: [] } ] render( ) const newFolderName = 'Foo Bar In Root' const matcher = /\/project\/\w+\/folder/ const response = { folders: [], fileRefs: [], docs: [], _id: fakeId(), name: newFolderName }, response) fireCreateFolder(newFolderName) const lastCallBody = JSON.parse(fetchMock.lastCall(matcher)[1].body) expect( expect(lastCallBody.parent_folder_id).to.equal('root-folder-id') window._ide.socket.socketClient.emit('reciveNewFolder', 'root-folder-id', { _id: fakeId(), name: newFolderName, docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }) await screen.findByRole('treeitem', { name: newFolderName }) }) it('add to folder from folder', async function() { const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', docs: [], folders: [ { _id: '789ghi', name: 'thefolder', docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] } ], fileRefs: [] } ] render( ) const expandButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Expand' }) const newFolderName = 'Foo Bar In thefolder' const matcher = /\/project\/\w+\/folder/ const response = { folders: [], fileRefs: [], docs: [], _id: fakeId(), name: newFolderName }, response) fireCreateFolder(newFolderName) const lastCallBody = JSON.parse(fetchMock.lastCall(matcher)[1].body) expect( expect(lastCallBody.parent_folder_id).to.equal('789ghi') window._ide.socket.socketClient.emit('reciveNewFolder', '789ghi', { _id: fakeId(), name: newFolderName, docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }) // find the created folder await screen.findByRole('treeitem', { name: newFolderName }) // collapse the parent folder; created folder should not be rendered anymore expect(screen.queryByRole('treeitem', { name: newFolderName })).to.not.exist }) it('add to folder from child', async function() { const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', docs: [], folders: [ { _id: '789ghi', name: 'thefolder', docs: [], fileRefs: [{ _id: '456def', name: 'sub.tex' }], folders: [] } ], fileRefs: [] } ] render( ) const expandButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Expand' }) const newFolderName = 'Foo Bar In thefolder' const matcher = /\/project\/\w+\/folder/ const response = { folders: [], fileRefs: [], docs: [], _id: fakeId(), name: newFolderName }, response) fireCreateFolder(newFolderName) const lastCallBody = JSON.parse(fetchMock.lastCall(matcher)[1].body) expect( expect(lastCallBody.parent_folder_id).to.equal('789ghi') window._ide.socket.socketClient.emit('reciveNewFolder', '789ghi', { _id: fakeId(), name: newFolderName, docs: [], fileRefs: [], folders: [] }) // find the created folder await screen.findByRole('treeitem', { name: newFolderName }) // collapse the parent folder; created folder should not be rendered anymore expect(screen.queryByRole('treeitem', { name: newFolderName })).to.not.exist }) it('prevents adding duplicate or invalid names', async function() { const rootFolder = [ { _id: 'root-folder-id', docs: [{ _id: '456def', name: 'existingFile' }], folders: [], fileRefs: [] } ] render( ) var newFolderName = 'existingFile' fireCreateFolder(newFolderName) expect(fetchMock.called()) await screen.findByRole('alert', { name: 'A file or folder with this name already exists', hidden: true }) newFolderName = 'in/valid ' setFolderName(newFolderName) await screen.findByRole('alert', { name: 'File name is empty or contains invalid characters', hidden: true }) }) function fireCreateFolder(name) { const createFolderButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'New Folder' }) setFolderName(name) const modalCreateButton = getModalCreateButton() } function setFolderName(name) { const input = screen.getByRole('textbox', { hidden: true // FIXME: modal should not be hidden but it has the aria-hidden label due to a react-bootstrap bug }) fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: name } }) } function fakeId() { return Math.random() .toString(16) .replace(/0\./, 'random-test-id-') } function getModalCreateButton() { return screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Create', hidden: true // FIXME: modal should not be hidden but it has the aria-hidden label due to a react-bootstrap bug })[0] // the first matched button is the toolbar button } })