SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') sinon = require('sinon') require('chai').should() modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../app/js/LockManager' Path = require "path" Errors = require "../../../app/js/Errors" describe "LockManager", -> beforeEach -> @LockManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex": {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() } "lockfile": @Lockfile = {} @lockFile = "/local/compile/directory/.project-lock" describe "runWithLock", -> beforeEach -> @runner = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(0, null, "foo", "bar") @callback = sinon.stub() describe "normally", -> beforeEach -> @Lockfile.lock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null) @Lockfile.unlock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null) @LockManager.runWithLock @lockFile, @runner, @callback it "should run the compile", -> @runner .calledWith() .should.equal true it "should call the callback with the response from the compile", -> @callback .calledWithExactly(null, "foo", "bar") .should.equal true describe "when the project is locked", -> beforeEach -> @error = new Error() @error.code = "EEXIST" @Lockfile.lock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2,@error) @Lockfile.unlock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null) @LockManager.runWithLock @lockFile, @runner, @callback it "should not run the compile", -> @runner .called .should.equal false it "should return an error", -> error = new Errors.AlreadyCompilingError() @callback .calledWithExactly(error) .should.equal true