settings = require "settings-sharelatex" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" _ = require "underscore" request = require "requestretry" Errors = require '../Errors/Errors' makeFaultTolerantRequest = (userId, options, callback) -> if userId+"" == settings.smokeTest?.userId+"" return callback() options = Object.assign(options, { delayStrategy: exponentialBackoffStrategy() timeout: 1000 }) if settings.overleaf? options.qs = Object.assign({}, options.qs, { fromV2: 1 }) makeRequest(options, callback) makeRequest = (opts, callback)-> if settings.apis?.analytics?.url? urlPath = opts.url opts.url = "#{}#{urlPath}" request opts, (err) -> if err? logger.err { err: err }, 'Request to analytics failed' callback() # Do not wait for all the attempts else callback(new Errors.ServiceNotConfiguredError('Analytics service not configured')) # Set an exponential backoff to retry calls to analytics. First retry will # happen after 4s, then 8, 16, 32, 64... exponentialBackoffStrategy = () -> attempts = 1 # This won't be called until there has been 1 failure () -> attempts += 1 exponentialBackoffDelay(attempts) exponentialBackoffDelay = (attempts) -> delay = 2 ** attempts * 1000 logger.warn "Error comunicating with the analytics service. " + "Will try again attempt #{attempts} in #{delay}ms" delay module.exports = identifyUser: (user_id, old_user_id, callback = (error)->)-> opts = body: old_user_id:old_user_id json:true method:"POST" timeout:1000 url: "/user/#{user_id}/identify" makeRequest opts, callback recordEvent: (user_id, event, segmentation = {}, callback = (error) ->) -> opts = body: event:event segmentation:segmentation json:true method:"POST" url: "/user/#{user_id}/event" maxAttempts: 7 # Give up after ~ 8min makeFaultTolerantRequest user_id, opts, callback updateEditingSession: (userId, projectId, countryCode, callback = (error) ->) -> query = userId: userId projectId: projectId if countryCode query.countryCode = countryCode opts = method: "PUT" url: "/editingSession" qs: query maxAttempts: 6 # Give up after ~ 4min makeFaultTolerantRequest userId, opts, callback getLastOccurrence: (user_id, event, callback = (error) ->) -> opts = body: event:event json:true method:"POST" timeout:1000 url: "/user/#{user_id}/event/last_occurrence" makeRequest opts, (err, response, body)-> if err? console.log response, opts logger.err {user_id, err}, "error getting last occurance of event" return callback err else return callback null, body