const Client = require('./helpers/Client') const ClsiApp = require('./helpers/ClsiApp') const { expect } = require('chai') describe('AllowedImageNames', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.project_id = Client.randomId() this.request = { options: { imageName: undefined, }, resources: [ { path: 'main.tex', content: `\ \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} Hello world \\end{document}\ `, }, ], } ClsiApp.ensureRunning(done) }) describe('with a valid name', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.request.options.imageName = process.env.TEXLIVE_IMAGE Client.compile(this.project_id, this.request, (error, res, body) => { this.error = error this.res = res this.body = body done(error) }) }) it('should return success', function () { expect(this.res.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should return a PDF', function () { let pdf try { pdf = Client.getOutputFile(this.body, 'pdf') } catch (e) {} expect(pdf).to.exist }) }) describe('with an invalid name', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { this.request.options.imageName = 'something/evil:1337' Client.compile(this.project_id, this.request, (error, res, body) => { this.error = error this.res = res this.body = body done(error) }) }) it('should return non success', function () { expect(this.res.statusCode).to.not.equal(200) }) it('should not return a PDF', function () { let pdf try { pdf = Client.getOutputFile(this.body, 'pdf') } catch (e) {} expect(pdf).to.not.exist }) }) describe('syncToCode', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { Client.compile(this.project_id, this.request, done) }) it('should error out with an invalid imageName', function (done) { Client.syncFromCodeWithImage( this.project_id, 'main.tex', 3, 5, 'something/evil:1337', (error, body) => { expect(String(error)).to.include('statusCode=400') expect(body).to.equal('invalid image') done() } ) }) it('should produce a mapping a valid imageName', function (done) { Client.syncFromCodeWithImage( this.project_id, 'main.tex', 3, 5, process.env.TEXLIVE_IMAGE, (error, result) => { expect(error).to.not.exist expect(result).to.deep.equal({ pdf: [ { page: 1, h: 133.77, v: 134.76, height: 6.92, width: 343.71 }, ], }) done() } ) }) }) describe('syncToPdf', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { Client.compile(this.project_id, this.request, done) }) it('should error out with an invalid imageName', function (done) { Client.syncFromPdfWithImage( this.project_id, 'main.tex', 100, 200, 'something/evil:1337', (error, body) => { expect(String(error)).to.include('statusCode=400') expect(body).to.equal('invalid image') done() } ) }) it('should produce a mapping a valid imageName', function (done) { Client.syncFromPdfWithImage( this.project_id, 1, 100, 200, process.env.TEXLIVE_IMAGE, (error, result) => { expect(error).to.not.exist expect(result).to.deep.equal({ code: [{ file: 'main.tex', line: 3, column: -1 }], }) done() } ) }) }) describe('wordcount', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { Client.compile(this.project_id, this.request, done) }) it('should error out with an invalid imageName', function (done) { Client.wordcountWithImage( this.project_id, 'main.tex', 'something/evil:1337', (error, body) => { expect(String(error)).to.include('statusCode=400') expect(body).to.equal('invalid image') done() } ) }) it('should produce a texcout a valid imageName', function (done) { Client.wordcountWithImage( this.project_id, 'main.tex', process.env.TEXLIVE_IMAGE, (error, result) => { expect(error).to.not.exist expect(result).to.exist expect(result.texcount).to.exist done() } ) }) }) })