assert = require("chai").assert sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../app/js/FSPersistorManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') fs = require("fs") response = require("response") describe "FSPersistorManagerTests", -> beforeEach -> @Fs = rename:sinon.stub() createReadStream:sinon.stub() createWriteStream:sinon.stub() unlink:sinon.stub() rmdir:sinon.stub() exists:sinon.stub() readdir:sinon.stub() openSync:sinon.stub() fstatSync:sinon.stub() closeSync:sinon.stub() stat:sinon.stub() @Rimraf = sinon.stub() @LocalFileWriter = writeStream: sinon.stub() deleteFile: sinon.stub() @requires = "./LocalFileWriter":@LocalFileWriter "fs":@Fs "logger-sharelatex": log:-> err:-> "response":response "rimraf":@Rimraf "./Errors": @Errors = NotFoundError: sinon.stub() @location = "/tmp" @name1 = "530f2407e7ef165704000007/530f838b46d9a9e859000008" @name1Filtered ="530f2407e7ef165704000007_530f838b46d9a9e859000008" @name2 = "second_file" @error = "error_message" @FSPersistorManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: @requires describe "sendFile", -> beforeEach -> @Fs.createReadStream = sinon.stub().returns({ on: -> pipe: -> }) it "should copy the file", (done) -> @Fs.createWriteStream =sinon.stub().returns({ on: (event, handler) -> process.nextTick(handler) if event is 'finish' }) @FSPersistorManager.sendFile @location, @name1, @name2, (err)=> @Fs.createReadStream.calledWith(@name2).should.equal true @Fs.createWriteStream.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}" ).should.equal true done() it "should return an error if the file cannot be stored", (done) -> @Fs.createWriteStream =sinon.stub().returns({ on: (event, handler) => if event is 'error' process.nextTick () => handler(@error) }) @FSPersistorManager.sendFile @location, @name1, @name2, (err)=> @Fs.createReadStream.calledWith(@name2).should.equal true @Fs.createWriteStream.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}" ).should.equal true err.should.equal @error done() describe "sendStream", -> beforeEach -> @FSPersistorManager.sendFile = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3) @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.callsArgWith(2, null, @name1) @LocalFileWriter.deleteFile.callsArg(1) @SourceStream = on:-> it "should sent stream to LocalFileWriter", (done)-> @FSPersistorManager.sendStream @location, @name1, @SourceStream, => @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.calledWith(@SourceStream).should.equal true done() it "should return the error from LocalFileWriter", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.callsArgWith(2, @error) @FSPersistorManager.sendStream @location, @name1, @SourceStream, (err)=> err.should.equal @error done() it "should send the file to the filestore", (done)-> @LocalFileWriter.writeStream.callsArgWith(2) @FSPersistorManager.sendStream @location, @name1, @SourceStream, (err)=> @FSPersistorManager.sendFile.called.should.equal true done() describe "getFileStream", -> beforeEach -> @opts = {} it "should use correct file location", (done) -> @Fs.createReadStream.returns({on: ->}) @FSPersistorManager.getFileStream @location, @name1, @opts, (err,res) => @Fs.createReadStream.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}").should.equal true done() describe "with start and end options", -> beforeEach -> @opts = {start: 0, end: 8} it 'should pass the options to createReadStream', (done) -> @Fs.createReadStream.returns({on: ->}) @FSPersistorManager.getFileStream @location, @name1, @opts, (err,res)=> @Fs.createReadStream.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}", @opts).should.equal true done() describe "error conditions", -> describe "when the file does not exist", -> beforeEach -> @fakeCode = 'ENOENT' @Fs.createReadStream.returns( on: (key, callback) => err = new Error() err.code = @fakeCode callback(err, null) ) it "should give a NotFoundError", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.getFileStream @location, @name1, @opts, (err,res)=> expect(res).to.equal null expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err instanceof @Errors.NotFoundError).to.equal true done() describe "when some other error happens", -> beforeEach -> @fakeCode = 'SOMETHINGHORRIBLE' @Fs.createReadStream.returns( on: (key, callback) => err = new Error() err.code = @fakeCode callback(err, null) ) it "should give an Error", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.getFileStream @location, @name1, @opts, (err,res)=> expect(res).to.equal null expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err instanceof Error).to.equal true done() describe "getFileSize", -> it "should return the file size", (done) -> expectedFileSize = 75382 @Fs.stat.yields(new Error("fs.stat got unexpected arguments")) @Fs.stat.withArgs("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}") .yields(null, { size: expectedFileSize }) @FSPersistorManager.getFileSize @location, @name1, (err, fileSize) => if err? return done(err) expect(fileSize).to.equal(expectedFileSize) done() it "should throw a NotFoundError if the file does not exist", (done) -> error = new Error() error.code = "ENOENT" @Fs.stat.yields(error) @FSPersistorManager.getFileSize @location, @name1, (err, fileSize) => expect(err) done() it "should rethrow any other error", (done) -> error = new Error() @Fs.stat.yields(error) @FSPersistorManager.getFileSize @location, @name1, (err, fileSize) => expect(err).to.equal(error) done() describe "copyFile", -> beforeEach -> @ReadStream= on:-> pipe:sinon.stub() @WriteStream= on:-> @Fs.createReadStream.returns(@ReadStream) @Fs.createWriteStream.returns(@WriteStream) it "Should open the source for reading", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.copyFile @location, @name1, @name2, -> @Fs.createReadStream.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}").should.equal true done() it "Should open the target for writing", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.copyFile @location, @name1, @name2, -> @Fs.createWriteStream.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name2}").should.equal true done() it "Should pipe the source to the target", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.copyFile @location, @name1, @name2, -> @ReadStream.pipe.calledWith(@WriteStream).should.equal true done() describe "deleteFile", -> beforeEach -> @Fs.unlink.callsArgWith(1,@error) it "Should call unlink with correct options", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.deleteFile @location, @name1, (err) => @Fs.unlink.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}").should.equal true done() it "Should propogate the error", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.deleteFile @location, @name1, (err) => err.should.equal @error done() describe "deleteDirectory", -> beforeEach -> @Rimraf.callsArgWith(1,@error) it "Should call rmdir(rimraf) with correct options", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.deleteDirectory @location, @name1, (err) => @Rimraf.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}").should.equal true done() it "Should propogate the error", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.deleteDirectory @location, @name1, (err) => err.should.equal @error done() describe "checkIfFileExists", -> beforeEach -> @Fs.exists.callsArgWith(1,true) it "Should call exists with correct options", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @location, @name1, (exists) => @Fs.exists.calledWith("#{@location}/#{@name1Filtered}").should.equal true done() # fs.exists simply returns false on any error, so... it "should not return an error", (done) -> @FSPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @location, @name1, (err,exists) => expect(err) done() it "Should return true for existing files", (done) -> @Fs.exists.callsArgWith(1,true) @FSPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @location, @name1, (err,exists) => done() it "Should return false for non-existing files", (done) -> @Fs.exists.callsArgWith(1,false) @FSPersistorManager.checkIfFileExists @location, @name1, (err,exists) => done() describe "directorySize", -> it "should propogate the error", (done) -> @Fs.readdir.callsArgWith(1, @error) @FSPersistorManager.directorySize @location, @name1, (err, totalsize) => err.should.equal @error done() it "should sum directory files size", (done) -> @Fs.readdir.callsArgWith(1, null, [ {'file1'}, {'file2'} ]) @Fs.fstatSync.returns({size : 1024}) @FSPersistorManager.directorySize @location, @name1, (err, totalsize) => expect(totalsize).to.equal 2048 done()