_ = require('underscore') PersonalEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/PersonalEmailLayout") NotificationEmailLayout = require("./Layouts/NotificationEmailLayout") templates = {} templates.welcome = subject: _.template "Welcome to ShareLaTeX" layout: PersonalEmailLayout type:"lifecycle" compiledTemplate: _.template ''' Hi <%= first_name %>, thanks for signing up to ShareLaTeX. If you ever get lost, you can log in again here.

I’m the co-founder of ShareLaTeX and I love talking to our users about our service. Please feel free to get in touch by replying to this email and I will get back to you within a day.

ShareLaTeX Co-founder ''' templates.canceledSubscription = subject: _.template "ShareLaTeX thoughts" layout: PersonalEmailLayout type:"lifecycle" compiledTemplate: _.template ''' Hi <%= first_name %>, I am sorry to see you cancelled your premium account. I wondered if you would mind giving me some advice on what the site is lacking at the moment? Criticism from our users about what is missing is the best thing for us to help improve the tool. Thank you in advance.

ShareLaTeX Co-founder ''' templates.passwordReset = subject: _.template "Password Reset - ShareLatex.com" layout: NotificationEmailLayout type:"notification" compiledTemplate: _.template '''

Password Reset

Your password has been reset, the new password is

<%= newPassword %>

please login here and then change your password in your user settings

Thank you


''' templates.projectSharedWithYou = subject: _.template "<%= owner.email %> wants to share <%= project.name %> with you" layout: NotificationEmailLayout type:"notification" compiledTemplate: _.template '''

<%= owner.email %> wants to share '<%= project.name %>' with you


View Project

Thank you


''' module.exports = buildEmail: (templateName, opts)-> template = templates[templateName] opts.body = template.compiledTemplate(opts) return { subject : template.subject(opts) html: template.layout(opts) type:template.type }