chai = require "chai" chai.should() expect = chai.expect sinon = require("sinon") SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') path = require "path" modulePath = '../../../app/js/AuthorizationManager' describe 'AuthorizationManager', -> beforeEach -> @client = params: {} get: (param, cb) -> cb null, @params[param] @AuthorizationManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: {} describe "assertClientCanViewProject", -> it "should allow the readOnly privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "readOnly" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanViewProject @client, (error) -> expect(error) done() it "should allow the readAndWrite privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "readAndWrite" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanViewProject @client, (error) -> expect(error) done() it "should allow the owner privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "owner" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanViewProject @client, (error) -> expect(error) done() it "should return an error with any other privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "unknown" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanViewProject @client, (error) -> error.message.should.equal "not authorized" done() describe "assertClientCanEditProject", -> it "should not allow the readOnly privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "readOnly" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanEditProject @client, (error) -> error.message.should.equal "not authorized" done() it "should allow the readAndWrite privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "readAndWrite" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanEditProject @client, (error) -> expect(error) done() it "should allow the owner privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "owner" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanEditProject @client, (error) -> expect(error) done() it "should return an error with any other privilegeLevel", (done) -> @client.params.privilege_level = "unknown" @AuthorizationManager.assertClientCanEditProject @client, (error) -> error.message.should.equal "not authorized" done()