chai = require("chai") chai.should() unless Object.prototype.should? expect = chai.expect request = require "request" Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" buildUrl = (path) -> "http://#{}:#{Settings.internal.clsi.port}/#{path}" random = require("crypto").randomBytes(4).toString("hex") url = buildUrl("project/smoketest-#{random}/compile") describe "Running a compile", -> before (done) -> { url: url json: compile: resources: [ path: "main.tex" content: """ \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} Hello world \\end{document} """ ] }, (@error, @response, @body) => done() it "should return the pdf", -> for file in @body.compile.outputFiles return if file.type == "pdf" throw new Error("no pdf returned") it "should return the log", -> for file in @body.compile.outputFiles return if file.type == "log" throw new Error("no log returned")