ProjectEntityHandler = require "./ProjectEntityHandler" ProjectEntityUpdateHandler = require "./ProjectEntityUpdateHandler" ProjectGetter = require "./ProjectGetter" Path = require "path" async = require("async") _ = require("underscore") module.exports = ProjectRootDocManager = setRootDocAutomatically: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) -> ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocs project_id, (error, docs) -> return callback(error) if error? root_doc_id = null jobs = docs, (doc, path)-> return (cb)-> rootDocId = null for line in doc.lines || [] # We've had problems with this regex locking up CPU. # Previously /.*\\documentclass/ would totally lock up on lines of 500kb (data text files :() # This regex will only look from the start of the line, including whitespace so will return quickly # regardless of line length. match = /^\s*\\documentclass/.test(line) isRootDoc = /\.R?tex$/.test(Path.extname(path)) and match if isRootDoc rootDocId = doc?._id cb(rootDocId) async.series jobs, (root_doc_id)-> if root_doc_id? ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.setRootDoc project_id, root_doc_id, callback else callback() setRootDocFromName: (project_id, rootDocName, callback = (error) ->) -> ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocPathsFromProjectById project_id, (error, docPaths) -> return callback(error) if error? # strip off leading and trailing quotes from rootDocName rootDocName = rootDocName.replace(/^\'|\'$/g,"") # prepend a slash for the root folder if not present rootDocName = "/#{rootDocName}" if rootDocName[0] isnt '/' # find the root doc from the filename root_doc_id = null for doc_id, path of docPaths # docpaths have a leading / so allow matching "folder/filename" and "/folder/filename" if path == rootDocName root_doc_id = doc_id # try a basename match if there was no match if !root_doc_id for doc_id, path of docPaths if Path.basename(path) == Path.basename(rootDocName) root_doc_id = doc_id # set the root doc id if we found a match if root_doc_id? ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.setRootDoc project_id, root_doc_id, callback else callback() ensureRootDocumentIsSet: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) -> ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, rootDoc_id: 1, (error, project) -> return callback(error) if error? if !project? return callback new Error("project not found") if project.rootDoc_id? callback() else ProjectRootDocManager.setRootDocAutomatically project_id, callback ensureRootDocumentIsValid: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) -> ProjectGetter.getProject project_id, rootDoc_id: 1, (error, project) -> return callback(error) if error? if !project? return callback new Error("project not found") if project.rootDoc_id? ProjectEntityHandler.getAllDocPathsFromProjectById project_id, (error, docPaths) -> return callback(error) if error? rootDocValid = false for doc_id, _path of docPaths if doc_id == project.rootDoc_id rootDocValid = true if rootDocValid callback() else ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.setRootDoc project_id, null, -> ProjectRootDocManager.setRootDocAutomatically project_id, callback else ProjectRootDocManager.setRootDocAutomatically project_id, callback