define [ "base" ], (App) -> App.directive "asyncForm", ($http) -> return { link: (scope, element, attrs) -> formName = attrs.asyncForm scope[].response = response = {} scope[].inflight = false element.on "submit", (e) -> e.preventDefault() formData = {} for data in element.serializeArray() formData[] = data.value scope[].inflight = true $http .post(element.attr('action'), formData) .success (data, status, headers, config) -> scope[].inflight = false response.success = true response.error = false if data.redir? ga('send', 'event', formName, 'success') window.location = data.redir else if data.message? response.message = data.message if data.message.type == "error" response.success = false response.error = true ga('send', 'event', formName, 'failure', data.message) else ga('send', 'event', formName, 'success') .error (data, status, headers, config) -> scope[].inflight = false response.success = false response.error = true response.message = text: data.message?.text or "Something went wrong talking to the server :(. Please try again." type: 'error' ga('send', 'event', formName, 'failure', data.message) } App.directive "formMessages", () -> return { restrict: "E" template: """
""" transclude: true scope: { form: "=for" } }