sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../app/js/HttpController.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe "HttpController", -> beforeEach -> @HttpController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./ContactManager": @ContactManager = {} "./WebApiManager": @WebApiManager = {} "logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub() } @user_id = "mock-user-id" @contact_id = "mock-contact-id" @req = {} @res = {} @res.status = sinon.stub().returns @res @res.end = sinon.stub() @res.send = sinon.stub() @next = sinon.stub() describe "addContact", -> beforeEach -> @req.params = user_id: @user_id @ContactManager.touchContact = sinon.stub().callsArg(2) describe "with a valid user_id and contact_id", -> beforeEach -> @req.body = contact_id: @contact_id @HttpController.addContact @req, @res, @next it "should update the contact in the user's contact list", -> @ContactManager.touchContact .calledWith(@user_id, @contact_id) .should.equal true it "should update the user in the contact's contact list", -> @ContactManager.touchContact .calledWith(@contact_id, @user_id) .should.equal true it "should send back a 204 status", -> @res.status.calledWith(204).should.equal true @res.end.called.should.equal true describe "with an invalid contact id", -> beforeEach -> @req.body = contact_id: "" @HttpController.addContact @req, @res, @next it "should return 400, Bad Request", -> @res.status.calledWith(400).should.equal true @res.send.calledWith("contact_id should be a non-blank string").should.equal true describe "getContacts", -> beforeEach -> @req.params = user_id: @user_id now = @contacts = { "user-id-1": { n: 2, ts: new Date(now) } "user-id-2": { n: 4, ts: new Date(now) } "user-id-3": { n: 2, ts: new Date(now - 1000) } } @user_details = { "user-id-1": { _id: "user-id-1", email: "", first_name: "Joe", last_name: "Example", extra: "foo" } "user-id-2": { _id: "user-id-2", email: "", first_name: "Sarah", last_name: "Example", extra: "foo" } "user-id-3": { _id: "user-id-3", email: "", first_name: "Sam", last_name: "Example", extra: "foo" } } @ContactManager.getContacts = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @contacts) @WebApiManager.getUserDetails = (user_id, callback = (error, user) ->) => callback null, @user_details[user_id] sinon.spy @WebApiManager, "getUserDetails" describe "normally", -> beforeEach -> @HttpController.getContacts @req, @res, @next it "should look up the contacts in mongo", -> @ContactManager.getContacts .calledWith(@user_id) .should.equal true it "should look up each contact in web for their details", -> for user_id, data of @contacts @WebApiManager.getUserDetails .calledWith(user_id) .should.equal true it "should return a sorted list of contacts by count and timestamp", -> @res.send .calledWith({ contacts: [ { id: "user-id-2", email: "", first_name: "Sarah", last_name: "Example" } { id: "user-id-1", email: "", first_name: "Joe", last_name: "Example" } { id: "user-id-3", email: "", first_name: "Sam", last_name: "Example" } ] }) .should.equal true describe "with more contacts than the limit", -> beforeEach -> @req.query = limit: 2 @HttpController.getContacts @req, @res, @next it "should return the most commonly used contacts up to the limit", -> @res.send .calledWith({ contacts: [ { id: "user-id-2", email: "", first_name: "Sarah", last_name: "Example" } { id: "user-id-1", email: "", first_name: "Joe", last_name: "Example" } ] }) .should.equal true describe "without a contact list", -> beforeEach -> @ContactManager.getContacts = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, null) @HttpController.getContacts @req, @res, @next it "should return an empty list", -> @res.send .calledWith({ contacts: [] }) .should.equal true describe "with a holding account", -> it "should not return holding accounts"