import async from 'async' import sinon from 'sinon' import { expect } from 'chai' import { strict as esmock } from 'esmock' const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/js/WebApiManager.js' describe('WebApiManager', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.request = sinon.stub() this.settings = { apis: { web: { url: '', user: 'overleaf', pass: 'password', }, }, } this.callback = sinon.stub() this.userId = 'mock-user-id' this.projectId = 'mock-project-id' this.project = { features: 'mock-features' } this.olProjectId = 12345 this.Metrics = { inc: sinon.stub() } this.RedisManager = { getCachedHistoryId: sinon.stub(), setCachedHistoryId: sinon.stub().yields(), } this.WebApiManager = await esmock(MODULE_PATH, { requestretry: this.request, '@overleaf/settings': this.settings, '@overleaf/metrics': this.Metrics, '../../../../app/js/RedisManager.js': this.RedisManager, }) }) describe('getHistoryId', function () { describe('when there is no cached value and the web request is successful', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.RedisManager.getCachedHistoryId .withArgs(this.projectId) // first call, no cached value returned .onCall(0) .yields() this.RedisManager.getCachedHistoryId .withArgs(this.projectId) // subsequent calls, return cached value .yields(null, this.olProjectId) this.RedisManager.getCachedHistoryId .withArgs('mock-project-id-2') // no cached value for other project .yields() this.request.yields( null, { statusCode: 200 }, { overleaf: { history: { id: this.olProjectId } } } ) }) it('should only request project details once per project', function (done) { async.times( 5, (n, cb) => { this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId(this.projectId, cb) }, () => { this.request.callCount.should.equal(1) this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId('mock-project-id-2', () => { this.request.callCount.should.equal(2) done() }) } ) }) it('should cache the history id', function (done) { this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId( this.projectId, (error, olProjectId) => { if (error) return done(error) this.RedisManager.setCachedHistoryId .calledWith(this.projectId, olProjectId) .should.equal(true) done() } ) }) it('should call the callback with the project', function (done) { this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId( this.projectId, (error, olProjectId) => { expect(error) expect( this.request.calledWithMatch({ method: 'GET', url: `${this.settings.apis.web.url}/project/${this.projectId}/details`, json: true, auth: { user: this.settings.apis.web.user, pass: this.settings.apis.web.pass, sendImmediately: true, }, }) ) expect(olProjectId).to.equal(this.olProjectId) done() } ) }) }) describe('when the web API returns an error', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.error = new Error('something went wrong') this.request.yields(this.error) this.RedisManager.getCachedHistoryId.yields() this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId(this.projectId, this.callback) }) it('should return an error to the callback', function () { this.callback.calledWith(this.error).should.equal(true) }) }) describe('when web returns a 404', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.request.callsArgWith(1, null, { statusCode: 404 }, '') this.RedisManager.getCachedHistoryId.yields() this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId(this.projectId, this.callback) }) it('should return the callback with an error', function () { this.callback .calledWith(sinon.match.has('message', 'got a 404 from web api')) .should.equal(true) }) }) describe('when web returns a failure error code', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.RedisManager.getCachedHistoryId.yields() this.request.callsArgWith( 1, null, { statusCode: 500, attempts: 42 }, '' ) this.WebApiManager.getHistoryId(this.projectId, this.callback) }) it('should return the callback with an error', function () { this.callback .calledWith( sinon.match.has( 'message', 'web returned a non-success status code: 500 (attempts: 42)' ) ) .should.equal(true) }) }) }) })