/* global chai */ // Allow for mocking of Angular import 'angular' import 'angular-mocks' /** * Add chai assertion for comparing CodeMirror Pos objects. * A deep comparison will fail because CodeMirror inserts additional properties * that we want to ignore. */ chai.Assertion.addMethod('equalPos', function(expectedPos) { const { line: actualLine, ch: actualCh } = this._obj const { line: expectedLine, ch: expectedCh } = expectedPos this.assert( actualLine === expectedLine && actualCh === expectedCh, `expected #{exp} to equal #{act}`, `expected #{exp} to not equal #{act}`, `Pos({ line: ${expectedLine}, ch: ${expectedCh} })`, `Pos({ line: ${actualLine}, ch: ${actualCh} })` ) }) // Mock ExposedSettings window.ExposedSettings = {} /* * Bundle all test files together into a single bundle, and run tests against * this single bundle. * We are using karma-webpack to bundle our tests and the 'default' strategy is * to create a bundle for each test file. This isolates the tests better, but * causes a problem with Angular. The issue with Angular tests is because we * load a single global copy of Angular (see karma.conf.js) but * frontend/js/base.js is included in each bundle, meaning the Angular app is * initialised for each bundle when it is loaded onto the page when Karma * starts. This means that only the last bundle will have controllers/directives * registered against it, ultimately meaning that all other bundles will fail * because Angular cannot find the controller/directive under test. */ // Import from the top-level any JS files within a test/karma // directory const context = require.context('../../', true, /test\/karma\/.*\.js$/) context.keys().forEach(context)