SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') should = require('chai').should() expect = require('chai').expect sinon = require 'sinon' assert = require("chai").assert modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/References/ReferencesHandler" describe 'ReferencesHandler', -> beforeEach -> @projectId = '222' @fakeProject = _id: @projectId owner_ref: @fakeOwner = _id: 'some_owner' features: references: false rootFolder: [ docs: [ {name: 'one.bib', _id: 'aaa'}, {name: 'two.txt', _id: 'bbb'}, ] folders: [ { docs: [{name: 'three.bib', _id: 'ccc'}], fileRefs: [{name: 'four.bib', _id: 'ghg'}], folders: [] } ] ] @docIds = ['aaa', 'ccc'] @handler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: 'logger-sharelatex': { log: -> err: -> } 'settings-sharelatex': @settings = { apis: references: {url: 'http://some.url/references'} docstore: {url: 'http://some.url/docstore'} filestore: {url: 'http://some.url/filestore'} } 'request': @request = { get: sinon.stub() post: sinon.stub() } '../Project/ProjectGetter': @ProjectGetter = { getProject: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) } '../User/UserGetter': @UserGetter = { getUser: sinon.stub() } '../DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler': @DocumentUpdaterHandler = { flushDocToMongo: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null) } @fakeResponseData = projectId: @projectId keys: ['k1', 'k2'] describe 'index', -> beforeEach -> sinon.stub(@handler, '_findBibDocIds') sinon.stub(@handler, '_findBibFileIds') sinon.stub(@handler, '_isFullIndex').callsArgWith(1, null, true), null, {statusCode: 200}, @fakeResponseData) @call = (callback) => @handler.index @projectId, @docIds, callback describe 'with docIds as an array', -> beforeEach -> @docIds = ['aaa', 'ccc'] it 'should not call _findBibDocIds', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @handler._findBibDocIds.callCount.should.equal 0 done() it 'should call ProjectGetter.getProject', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @ProjectGetter.getProject.callCount.should.equal 1 @ProjectGetter.getProject.calledWith(@projectId).should.equal true done() it 'should not call _findBibDocIds', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @handler._findBibDocIds.callCount.should.equal 0 done() it 'should call DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.callCount.should.equal 2 @docIds.forEach (docId) => @DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.calledWith(@projectId, docId).should.equal true done() it 'should make a request to references service', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 1 arg =[0] expect(arg.json).to.have.all.keys 'docUrls', 'fullIndex' expect(arg.json.docUrls.length).to.equal 2 expect(arg.json.fullIndex).to.equal true done() it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should return data', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(data).to.not.equal null expect(data).to.not.equal undefined expect(data).to.equal @fakeResponseData done() describe 'when ProjectGetter.getProject produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() it 'should not send request', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 0 done() describe 'when _isFullIndex produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) @handler._isFullIndex.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() it 'should not send request', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 0 done() describe 'when flushDocToMongo produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) @handler._isFullIndex.callsArgWith(1, false) @DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.callsArgWith(2, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() it 'should not send request', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 0 done() describe 'when request produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) @handler._isFullIndex.callsArgWith(1, null, false) @DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.callsArgWith(2, null), new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() describe 'when request responds with error status', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) @handler._isFullIndex.callsArgWith(1, null, false), null, {statusCode: 500}, null) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() describe 'indexAll', -> beforeEach -> sinon.stub(@handler, '_findBibDocIds').returns(['aaa', 'ccc']) sinon.stub(@handler, '_findBibFileIds').returns(['fff', 'ggg']) sinon.stub(@handler, '_isFullIndex').callsArgWith(1, null, true), null, {statusCode: 200}, @fakeResponseData) @call = (callback) => @handler.indexAll @projectId, callback it 'should call _findBibDocIds', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @handler._findBibDocIds.callCount.should.equal 1 @handler._findBibDocIds.calledWith(@fakeProject).should.equal true done() it 'should call _findBibFileIds', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @handler._findBibDocIds.callCount.should.equal 1 @handler._findBibDocIds.calledWith(@fakeProject).should.equal true done() it 'should call DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo', (done) -> @call (err, data) => @DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.callCount.should.equal 2 done() it 'should make a request to references service', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 1 arg =[0] expect(arg.json).to.have.all.keys 'docUrls', 'fullIndex' expect(arg.json.docUrls.length).to.equal 4 expect(arg.json.fullIndex).to.equal true done() it 'should not produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.equal null done() it 'should return data', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(data).to.not.equal null expect(data).to.not.equal undefined expect(data).to.equal @fakeResponseData done() describe 'when ProjectGetter.getProject produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() it 'should not send request', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 0 done() describe 'when _isFullIndex produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) @handler._isFullIndex.callsArgWith(1, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() it 'should not send request', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 0 done() describe 'when flushDocToMongo produces an error', -> beforeEach -> @ProjectGetter.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @fakeProject) @handler._isFullIndex.callsArgWith(1, false) @DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo.callsArgWith(2, new Error('woops')) it 'should produce an error', (done) -> @call (err, data) => expect(err).to.not.equal null expect(err) Error expect(data).to.equal undefined done() it 'should not send request', (done) -> @call (err, data) => 0 done() describe '_findBibDocIds', -> beforeEach -> @fakeProject = rootFolder: [ docs: [ {name: 'one.bib', _id: 'aaa'}, {name: 'two.txt', _id: 'bbb'}, ] folders: [ {docs: [{name: 'three.bib', _id: 'ccc'}], folders: []} ] ] @expectedIds = ['aaa', 'ccc'] it 'should select the correct docIds', -> result = @handler._findBibDocIds(@fakeProject) expect(result).to.deep.equal @expectedIds it 'should not error with a non array of folders from dirty data', -> @fakeProject.rootFolder[0].folders[0].folders = {} result = @handler._findBibDocIds(@fakeProject) expect(result).to.deep.equal @expectedIds describe '_findBibFileIds', -> beforeEach -> @fakeProject = rootFolder: [ docs: [ {name: 'one.bib', _id: 'aaa'}, {name: 'two.txt', _id: 'bbb'}, ] fileRefs: [ {name: 'other.bib', _id: 'ddd'} ], folders: [ { docs: [{name: 'three.bib', _id: 'ccc'}], fileRefs: [{name: 'four.bib', _id: 'ghg'}], folders: [] } ] ] @expectedIds = ['ddd', 'ghg'] it 'should select the correct docIds', -> result = @handler._findBibFileIds(@fakeProject) expect(result).to.deep.equal @expectedIds describe '_isFullIndex', -> beforeEach -> @fakeProject = owner_ref: @owner_ref = "owner-ref-123" @owner = features: references: false @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub() @UserGetter.getUser.withArgs(@owner_ref, {features: true}).yields(null, @owner) @call = (callback) => @handler._isFullIndex @fakeProject, callback describe 'with references feature on', -> beforeEach -> @owner.features.references = true it 'should return true', -> @call (err, isFullIndex) => expect(err).to.equal null expect(isFullIndex).to.equal true describe 'with references feature off', -> beforeEach -> @owner.features.references = false it 'should return false', -> @call (err, isFullIndex) => expect(err).to.equal null expect(isFullIndex).to.equal false