require('coffee-script') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect path = require('path') modulePath = path.join __dirname, '../../../' SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') sinon = require("sinon") describe 'timeAsyncMethod', -> beforeEach -> @Timer = {done: sinon.stub()} @TimerConstructor = sinon.stub().returns(@Timer) @metrics = { Timer: @TimerConstructor inc: sinon.stub() } @timeAsyncMethod = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: './metrics': @metrics @testObject = { nextNumber: (n, callback=(err, result)->) -> setTimeout( () -> callback(null, n+1) , 100 ) } it 'should have the testObject behave correctly before wrapping', (done) -> @testObject.nextNumber 2, (err, result) -> expect(err).to.not.exist expect(result).to.equal 3 done() it 'should wrap method without error', (done) -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' done() it 'should transparently wrap method invocation in timer', (done) -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' @testObject.nextNumber 2, (err, result) => expect(err).to.not.exist expect(result).to.equal 3 expect(@TimerConstructor.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@Timer.done.callCount).to.equal 1 done() it 'should increment success count', (done) -> = sinon.stub() @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' @testObject.nextNumber 2, (err, result) => expect( 1 expect('someContext_result', 1, { method: 'TestObject_nextNumber', status: 'success'})).to.equal true done() describe 'when base method produces an error', -> beforeEach -> = sinon.stub() @testObject.nextNumber = (n, callback=(err, result)->) -> setTimeout( () -> callback(new Error('woops')) , 100 ) it 'should propagate the error transparently', (done) -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' @testObject.nextNumber 2, (err, result) => expect(err).to.exist expect(err) Error expect(result).to.not.exist done() it 'should increment failure count', (done) -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' @testObject.nextNumber 2, (err, result) => expect( 1 expect('someContext_result', 1, { method: 'TestObject_nextNumber', status: 'failed'})).to.equal true done() describe 'when a logger is supplied', -> beforeEach -> @logger = {log: sinon.stub()} it 'should also call logger.log', (done) -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject', @logger @testObject.nextNumber 2, (err, result) => expect(err).to.not.exist expect(result).to.equal 3 expect(@TimerConstructor.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@Timer.done.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@logger.log.callCount).to.equal 1 done() describe 'when the wrapper cannot be applied', -> beforeEach -> it 'should raise an error', -> badWrap = () => @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'DEFINITELY_NOT_A_REAL_METHOD', 'someContext.TestObject' expect(badWrap).to.throw( /^.*expected object property 'DEFINITELY_NOT_A_REAL_METHOD' to be a function.*$/ ) describe 'when the wrapped function is not using a callback', -> beforeEach -> @realMethod = sinon.stub().returns(42) @testObject.nextNumber = @realMethod it 'should not throw an error', -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' badCall = () => @testObject.nextNumber 2 expect(badCall).to.not.throw(Error) it 'should call the underlying method', -> @timeAsyncMethod @testObject, 'nextNumber', 'someContext.TestObject' result = @testObject.nextNumber(12) expect(@realMethod.callCount).to.equal 1 expect(@realMethod.calledWith(12)).to.equal true expect(result).to.equal 42