import { Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate, } from '@codemirror/view' import { type Range, StateEffect, StateField } from '@codemirror/state' import { sourceOnly } from './visual/visual' const MAX_INDENT_FRACTION = 0.9 const setMaxIndentEffect = StateEffect.define() /** * Calculates the indentation needed for each line based on the spaces and tabs at the start of the line. * Decorates each line with a `style` attribute, to ensure that wrapped lines share the same indentation. * * NOTE: performance increases linearly with document size, but decorating only the viewport causes unacceptable layout shifts when scrolling. */ export const lineWrappingIndentation = (visual: boolean) => { // this extension should only be active in the source editor return sourceOnly(visual, [ // store the current maxIndent, based on the clientWidth StateField.define({ create() { return 0 }, update(value, tr) { for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { value = effect.value } } return value }, provide(field) { return [ // calculate the max indent when the geometry changes ViewPlugin.define(view => { const measure = { key: 'line-wrapping-indentation-max-indent', read(view: EditorView) { return ( (view.contentDOM.clientWidth / view.defaultCharacterWidth) * MAX_INDENT_FRACTION ) }, write(value: number, view: EditorView) { if (view.state.field(field) !== value) { window.setTimeout(() => { view.dispatch({ effects: setMaxIndentEffect.of(value), }) }) } }, } return { update(update: ViewUpdate) { if (update.geometryChanged) { view.requestMeasure(measure) } }, } }), // rebuild the decorations when needed ViewPlugin.define<{ decorations: DecorationSet }>( view => { let previousMaxIndent = 0 const value = { decorations: buildDecorations(view, view.state.field(field)), update(update: ViewUpdate) { const maxIndent = view.state.field(field) if (maxIndent !== previousMaxIndent) { value.decorations = buildDecorations(view, maxIndent) } else if (update.geometryChanged || update.viewportChanged) { value.decorations = updateDecorations( value.decorations, update, maxIndent ) } previousMaxIndent = maxIndent }, } return value }, { decorations: value => value.decorations, } ), ] }, }), ]) } export const buildDecorations = (view: EditorView, maxIndent: number) => { const { state } = view const { doc, tabSize } = state const decorations: Range[] = [] let from = 0 for (const line of doc.iterLines()) { const indent = calculateIndent(line, tabSize, maxIndent) if (indent) { decorations.push(lineIndentDecoration(indent).range(from)) } from += line.length + 1 } return Decoration.set(decorations) } export const updateDecorations = ( decorations: DecorationSet, update: ViewUpdate, maxIndent: number ) => { const add: Range[] = [] const { doc: startDoc } = update.startState const { doc, tabSize } = update.state const changedLinesFrom = new Set() let filterFrom = doc.length let filterTo = 0 update.changes.iterChangedRanges((fromA, toA, fromB, toB) => { // remove changed lines const fromALineNumber = startDoc.lineAt(fromA).number const toALineNumber = startDoc.lineAt(toA).number for ( let lineNumber = fromALineNumber; lineNumber <= toALineNumber; lineNumber++ ) { const line = startDoc.line(lineNumber) changedLinesFrom.add(line.from) filterFrom = Math.min(line.from, filterFrom) filterTo = Math.max(line.from, filterTo) } // add changed lines const fromBLineNumber = doc.lineAt(fromB).number const toBLineNumber = doc.lineAt(toB).number for ( let lineNumber = fromBLineNumber; lineNumber <= toBLineNumber; lineNumber++ ) { const line = doc.line(lineNumber) const indent = calculateIndent(line.text, tabSize, maxIndent) if (indent) { add.push(lineIndentDecoration(indent).range(line.from)) } } }) return decorations .update({ filter(from) { return !changedLinesFrom.has(from) }, filterFrom, filterTo, }) .map(update.changes) .update({ add }) } const lineIndentDecoration = (indent: number) => Decoration.line({ attributes: { // style: `text-indent: ${indent}ch hanging`, // "hanging" would be ideal, when browsers support it style: `text-indent: -${indent}ch; padding-left: calc(${indent}ch + 6px)`, // add 6px to account for existing padding-left }, }) // calculate the character width of whitespace at the start of a line const calculateIndent = (line: string, tabSize: number, maxIndent: number) => { let indent = 0 for (const char of line) { if (char === ' ') { indent++ } else if (char === '\t') { indent += tabSize - (indent % tabSize) } else { break } } return Math.min(indent, maxIndent) }