import { expect } from 'chai' import sinon from 'sinon' import { screen, fireEvent, render, waitFor, waitForElementToBeRemoved, } from '@testing-library/react' import fetchMock from 'fetch-mock' import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' import ShareProjectModal from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/share-project-modal/components/share-project-modal' import { renderWithEditorContext, cleanUpContext, } from '../../../helpers/render-with-context' import { EditorProviders, USER_EMAIL, USER_ID, } from '../../../helpers/editor-providers' import * as useLocationModule from '../../../../../frontend/js/shared/hooks/use-location' describe('', function () { const project = { _id: 'test-project', name: 'Test Project', features: { collaborators: 10, compileGroup: 'standard', }, owner: { _id: USER_ID, email: USER_EMAIL, }, members: [], invites: [], } const contacts = [ // user with edited name { type: 'user', email: '', first_name: 'Test', last_name: 'User', name: 'Test User', }, // user with default name (email prefix) { type: 'user', email: '', first_name: 'test', }, // no last name { type: 'user', first_name: 'Eratosthenes', email: '', }, // more users { type: 'user', first_name: 'Claudius', last_name: 'Ptolemy', email: '', }, { type: 'user', first_name: 'Abd al-Rahman', last_name: 'Al-Sufi', email: '', }, { type: 'user', first_name: 'Nicolaus', last_name: 'Copernicus', email: '', }, ] const modalProps = { show: true, handleHide: sinon.stub(), } beforeEach(function () { this.locationStub = sinon.stub(useLocationModule, 'useLocation').returns({ assign: sinon.stub(), replace: sinon.stub(), reload: sinon.stub(), }) fetchMock.get('/user/contacts', { contacts }) window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-user', { allowedFreeTrial: true }) window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-showUpgradePrompt', true) }) afterEach(function () { this.locationStub.restore() fetchMock.restore() cleanUpContext() window.metaAttributesCache = new Map() }) it('renders the modal', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project }, }) await screen.findByText('Share Project') }) it('calls handleHide when a Close button is pressed', async function () { const handleHide = sinon.stub() renderWithEditorContext( , { scope: { project } } ) const [headerCloseButton, footerCloseButton] = await screen.findAllByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close' } ) await await expect(handleHide.callCount).to.equal(2) }) it('handles access level "private"', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'private' } }, }) await screen.findByText( 'Link sharing is off, only invited users can view this project.' ) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Turn on link sharing' }) expect(screen.queryByText('Anyone with this link can view this project')).to .be.null expect(screen.queryByText('Anyone with this link can edit this project')).to .be.null }) it('handles access level "tokenBased"', async function () { const tokens = { readAndWrite: '6862414195fwtbrtrdtskb', readAndWritePrefix: '6862414195', readOnly: 'wrnjfzkysqkr', readAndWriteHashPrefix: 'taEVki', readOnlyHashPrefix: 'j2xYbL', } fetchMock.get(`/project/${project._id}/tokens`, tokens) renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased' } }, }) await screen.findByText('Link sharing is on') await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Turn off link sharing' }) expect(screen.queryByText('Anyone with this link can view this project')) expect(screen.queryByText('Anyone with this link can edit this project')) screen.getByText( `${tokens.readAndWrite}#${tokens.readAndWriteHashPrefix}` ) screen.getByText( `${tokens.readOnly}#${tokens.readOnlyHashPrefix}` ) }) it('handles legacy access level "readAndWrite"', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'readAndWrite' } }, }) await screen.findByText( 'This project is public and can be edited by anyone with the URL.' ) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Make Private' }) }) it('handles legacy access level "readOnly"', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'readOnly' } }, }) await screen.findByText( 'This project is public and can be viewed but not edited by anyone with the URL' ) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Make Private' }) }) it('hides actions from non-project-owners', async function () { const invites = [ { _id: 'invited-author', email: '', privileges: 'readAndWrite', }, ] // render as project owner: actions should be present render( ) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Turn off link sharing' }) await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Resend' }) // render as non-project-owner, link sharing on: actions should be missing and message should be present render( ) await screen.findByText( 'To change access permissions, please ask the project owner' ) expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Turn off link sharing' })).to .be.null expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Turn on link sharing' })) .null expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Resend' })) // render as non-project-owner, link sharing off: actions should be missing and message should be present render( ) await screen.findByText( 'To add more collaborators or turn on link sharing, please ask the project owner' ) expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Turn off link sharing' })).to .be.null expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Turn on link sharing' })) .null expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Resend' })) }) it('only shows read-only token link to restricted token members', async function () { window.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-isRestrictedTokenMember', true) renderWithEditorContext(, { isRestrictedTokenMember: true, scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased' } }, }) // no buttons expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Turn on link sharing' })) .null expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Turn off link sharing' })).to .be.null // only read-only token link await screen.findByText('Anyone with this link can view this project') expect(screen.queryByText('Anyone with this link can edit this project')).to .be.null }) it('displays project members and invites', async function () { const members = [ { _id: 'member-author', email: '', privileges: 'readAndWrite', }, { _id: 'member-viewer', email: '', privileges: 'readOnly', }, ] const invites = [ { _id: 'invited-author', email: '', privileges: 'readAndWrite', }, { _id: 'invited-viewer', email: '', privileges: 'readOnly', }, ] renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, members, invites, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) const projectOwnerEmail = USER_EMAIL expect(screen.queryAllByText(projectOwnerEmail)).to.have.length(1) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length(1) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length(1) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length( 1 ) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length( 1 ) expect(screen.queryAllByText('Invite not yet accepted.')).to.have.length( invites.length ) expect(screen.queryAllByRole('button', { name: 'Resend' })).to.have.length( invites.length ) }) it('resends an invite', async function () { fetchMock.postOnce( 'express:/project/:projectId/invite/:inviteId/resend', 204 ) const invites = [ { _id: 'invited-author', email: '', privileges: 'readAndWrite', }, ] renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, invites, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) const [, closeButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Close', }) const resendButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Resend' }) await waitFor(() => expect(closeButton.disabled) expect(fetchMock.done()) expect(closeButton.disabled) }) it('revokes an invite', async function () { fetchMock.deleteOnce('express:/project/:projectId/invite/:inviteId', 204) const invites = [ { _id: 'invited-author', email: '', privileges: 'readAndWrite', }, ] renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, invites, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) const [, closeButton] = screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Close', }) const revokeButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Revoke' }) await waitFor(() => expect(closeButton.disabled) expect(fetchMock.done()) expect(closeButton.disabled) }) it('changes member privileges to read + write', async function () { fetchMock.putOnce('express:/project/:projectId/users/:userId', 204) const members = [ { _id: 'member-viewer', email: '', privileges: 'readOnly', }, ] renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, members, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) const [, closeButton] = await screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Close', }) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length(1) const select = screen.getByDisplayValue('Read Only') await fireEvent.change(select, { target: { value: 'readAndWrite' } }) const changeButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Change' }) await waitFor(() => expect(closeButton.disabled) const { body } = fetchMock.lastOptions() expect(JSON.parse(body)).to.deep.equal({ privilegeLevel: 'readAndWrite' }) expect(fetchMock.done()) expect(closeButton.disabled) }) it('removes a member from the project', async function () { fetchMock.deleteOnce('express:/project/:projectId/users/:userId', 204) const members = [ { _id: 'member-viewer', email: '', privileges: 'readOnly', }, ] renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, members, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length(1) const removeButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Remove collaborator', }) const url = fetchMock.lastUrl() expect(url).to.equal('/project/test-project/users/member-viewer') expect(fetchMock.done()) await waitForElementToBeRemoved(() => screen.queryByText('') ) }) it('changes member privileges to owner with confirmation', async function () { fetchMock.postOnce('express:/project/:projectId/transfer-ownership', 204) const members = [ { _id: 'member-viewer', email: '', privileges: 'readOnly', }, ] renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, members, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) expect(screen.queryAllByText('')).to.have.length(1) const select = screen.getByDisplayValue('Read Only') fireEvent.change(select, { target: { value: 'owner' } }) const changeButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Change' }) await screen.getByText((_, node) => { return ( node.textContent === 'Are you sure you want to make the owner of Test Project?' ) }) const confirmButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Change owner', }) await waitFor(() => expect(confirmButton.disabled) const { body } = fetchMock.lastOptions() expect(JSON.parse(body)).to.deep.equal({ user_id: 'member-viewer' }) expect(fetchMock.done()) }) it('sends invites to input email addresses', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) const [inputElement] = await screen.findAllByLabelText( 'Share with your collaborators' ) // loading contacts await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock.called('express:/user/contacts')) }) // displaying a list of matching contacts inputElement.focus() fireEvent.change(inputElement, { target: { value: 'ptolemy' } }) await screen.findByText(/ // sending invitations'express:/project/:projectId/invite', (url, req) => { const data = JSON.parse(req.body) if ( === 'a@b.c') { return { status: 400, body: { errorReason: 'invalid_email' }, } } return { status: 200, body: { invite: {, _id:, }, }, } }) fireEvent.paste(inputElement, { clipboardData: { getData: () => `;, a@b.c`, }, }) const privilegesElement = screen.getByDisplayValue('Can Edit') fireEvent.change(privilegesElement, { target: { value: 'readOnly' } }) const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Share' }) await let calls await waitFor( () => { calls = fetchMock.calls('express:/project/:projectId/invite') expect(calls).to.have.length(4) }, { timeout: 5000 } // allow time for delay between each request ) expect(calls[0][1].body).to.equal( JSON.stringify({ email: '', privileges: 'readOnly' }) ) expect(calls[1][1].body).to.equal( JSON.stringify({ email: '', privileges: 'readOnly' }) ) expect(calls[2][1].body).to.equal( JSON.stringify({ email: '', privileges: 'readOnly' }) ) expect(calls[3][1].body).to.equal( JSON.stringify({ email: 'a@b.c', privileges: 'readOnly' }) ) // error from the last invite screen.getByText('An email address is invalid') }) it('displays a message when the collaborator limit is reached', async function () { '/event/paywall-prompt', {}, { body: { 'paywall-type': 'project-sharing' } } ) renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', features: { collaborators: 0, compileGroup: 'standard', }, }, }, }) expect(screen.queryByLabelText('Share with your collaborators')) screen.getByText( /You need to upgrade your account to add more collaborators/ ) }) it('handles server error responses', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project: { ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased', }, }, }) // loading contacts await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock.called('express:/user/contacts')) }) const [inputElement] = await screen.findAllByLabelText( 'Share with your collaborators' ) const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Share' }) const respondWithError = async function (errorReason) { fireEvent.focus(inputElement) fireEvent.change(inputElement, { target: { value: '' }, }) fireEvent.blur(inputElement) fetchMock.postOnce( 'express:/project/:projectId/invite', { status: 400, body: { errorReason }, }, { overwriteRoutes: true } ) expect(submitButton.disabled) await await fetchMock.flush(true) expect(fetchMock.done()) } await respondWithError('cannot_invite_non_user') await screen.findByText( `Can’t send invite. Recipient must already have an Overleaf account` ) await respondWithError('cannot_verify_user_not_robot') await screen.findByText( `Sorry, we could not verify that you are not a robot. Please check that Google reCAPTCHA is not being blocked by an ad blocker or firewall.` ) await respondWithError('cannot_invite_self') await screen.findByText(`Can’t send invite to yourself`) await respondWithError('invalid_email') await screen.findByText(`An email address is invalid`) await respondWithError('too_many_requests') await screen.findByText( `Too many requests were received in a short space of time. Please wait for a few moments and try again.` ) }) it('handles switching between access levels', async function () {'express:/project/:projectId/settings/admin', 204) const watchCallbacks = {} const scopeWithProject = project => { return { $watch: (path, callback) => { watchCallbacks[path] = callback return () => {} }, project, } } renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: scopeWithProject({ ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'private' }), }) await screen.findByText( 'Link sharing is off, only invited users can view this project.' ) const enableButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Turn on link sharing', }) await waitFor(() => expect(enableButton.disabled) const { body: tokenBody } = fetchMock.lastOptions() expect(JSON.parse(tokenBody)).to.deep.equal({ publicAccessLevel: 'tokenBased', }) // NOTE: updating the scoped project data manually, // as the project data is usually updated via the websocket connection watchCallbacks.project({ ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'tokenBased' }) await screen.findByText('Link sharing is on') const disableButton = await screen.findByRole('button', { name: 'Turn off link sharing', }) await waitFor(() => expect(disableButton.disabled) const { body: privateBody } = fetchMock.lastOptions() expect(JSON.parse(privateBody)).to.deep.equal({ publicAccessLevel: 'private', }) // NOTE: updating the scoped project data manually, // as the project data is usually updated via the websocket connection watchCallbacks.project({ ...project, publicAccesLevel: 'private' }) await screen.findByText( 'Link sharing is off, only invited users can view this project.' ) }) it('avoids selecting unmatched contact', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project }, }) const [inputElement] = await screen.findAllByLabelText( 'Share with your collaborators' ) // Wait for contacts to load await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock.called('express:/user/contacts')) }) // Enter a prefix that matches a contact inputElement.focus() fireEvent.change(inputElement, { target: { value: 'ptolemy' } }) // The matching contact should now be present and selected await screen.findByRole('option', { name: `Claudius Ptolemy `, selected: true, }) // Keep entering text so the contact no longer matches fireEvent.change(inputElement, { target: { value: '' }, }) // The matching contact should no longer be present expect( screen.queryByRole('option', { name: `Claudius Ptolemy `, }) ) // No items should be added yet expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Remove' })) // Pressing Tab should add the entered item fireEvent.keyDown(inputElement, { key: 'Tab', code: 'Tab' }) await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Remove' })).to.have.length( 1 ) }) // Blurring the input should not add another contact fireEvent.blur(inputElement) await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Remove' })).to.have.length( 1 ) }) }) it('selects contact by typing the entire email and blurring the input', async function () { renderWithEditorContext(, { scope: { project }, }) const [inputElement] = await screen.findAllByLabelText( 'Share with your collaborators' ) // Wait for contacts to load await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock.called('express:/user/contacts')) }) // Enter a prefix that matches a contact await userEvent.type(inputElement, '') // The matching contact should now be present and selected await screen.findByRole('option', { name: `Claudius Ptolemy `, selected: true, }) // No items should be added yet expect(screen.queryByRole('button', { name: 'Remove' })) // Click anywhere on the form to blur the input await'dialog')) // The contact should be added await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getAllByRole('button', { name: 'Remove' })).to.have.length( 1 ) }) }) })