const RecurlyWrapper = require('../../app/src/Features/Subscription/RecurlyWrapper') const minimist = require('minimist') const logger = require('@overleaf/logger') const waitMs = require.main === module ? timeout => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), timeout)) : () => Promise.resolve() // NOTE: Errors are not propagated to the caller const handleAPIError = async (source, id, error) => { logger.warn(`Errors in ${source} with id=${id}`, error) if (typeof error === 'string' && error.match(/429$/)) { return waitMs(1000 * 60 * 5) } await waitMs(80) } /** * @returns {Promise<{ * INVOICES_COLLECTED: string[], * INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS: string[], * USERS_COLLECTED: string[], * }>} */ const main = async () => { const attemptInvoiceCollection = async invoice => { const isPaypal = await isAccountUsingPaypal(invoice) if (!isPaypal) { return } const accountId = invoice.account.url.match(/accounts\/(.*)/)[1] if (USERS_COLLECTED.indexOf(accountId) > -1) { logger.warn(`Skipping duplicate user ${accountId}`) return } INVOICES_COLLECTED.push(invoice.invoice_number) USERS_COLLECTED.push(accountId) if (DRY_RUN) { return } try { await RecurlyWrapper.promises.attemptInvoiceCollection( invoice.invoice_number ) INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS.push(invoice.invoice_number) await waitMs(80) } catch (error) { return handleAPIError( 'attemptInvoiceCollection', invoice.invoice_number, error ) } } const isAccountUsingPaypal = async invoice => { const accountId = invoice.account.url.match(/accounts\/(.*)/)[1] try { const response = await RecurlyWrapper.promises.getBillingInfo(accountId) await waitMs(80) return !!response.billing_info.paypal_billing_agreement_id } catch (error) { return handleAPIError('billing info', accountId, error) } } const attemptInvoicesCollection = async () => { let getPage = await RecurlyWrapper.promises.getPaginatedEndpointIterator( 'invoices', { state: 'past_due' } ) while (getPage) { const { items, getNextPage } = await getPage()'invoices', items?.length) for (const invoice of items) { await attemptInvoiceCollection(invoice) } getPage = getNextPage } } const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) const DRY_RUN = argv.n !== undefined const INVOICES_COLLECTED = [] const INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS = [] const USERS_COLLECTED = [] try { await attemptInvoicesCollection() const diff = INVOICES_COLLECTED.length - INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS.length if (diff !== 0) { logger.warn(`Invoices collection failed for ${diff} invoices`) } return { INVOICES_COLLECTED, INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS, USERS_COLLECTED, } } finally { `DONE (DRY_RUN=${DRY_RUN}). ${INVOICES_COLLECTED.length} invoices collection attempts for ${USERS_COLLECTED.length} users. ${INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS.length} successful collections` ) console.dir( { INVOICES_COLLECTED, INVOICES_COLLECTED_SUCCESS, USERS_COLLECTED, }, { maxArrayLength: null } ) } } if (require.main === module) { main() .then(() => {'Done.') process.exit(0) }) .catch(err => { logger.error({ err }, 'Error') process.exit(1) }) } module.exports = { main }