import sinon from 'sinon' import { expect } from 'chai' import mongodb from 'mongodb-legacy' import tk from 'timekeeper' import { File, Comment, TrackedChange, Range } from 'overleaf-editor-core' import { strict as esmock } from 'esmock' const { ObjectId } = mongodb const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/js/SyncManager.js' const TIMESTAMP = new Date().toISOString() const USER_ID = 'user-id' function resyncProjectStructureUpdate(docs, files) { return { resyncProjectStructure: { docs, files }, meta: { ts: TIMESTAMP, }, } } function docContentSyncUpdate( doc, content, ranges = {}, resolvedCommentIds = [] ) { return { path: doc.path, doc: doc.doc, resyncDocContent: { content, ranges, resolvedCommentIds, }, meta: { ts: TIMESTAMP, }, } } function makeComment(commentId, pos, text) { return { id: commentId, op: { p: pos, c: text, t: commentId }, metadata: { user_id: USER_ID, ts: TIMESTAMP, }, } } function makeTrackedChange(id, op) { return { id, op, metadata: { user_id: USER_ID, ts: TIMESTAMP }, } } describe('SyncManager', function () { beforeEach(async function () { = new Date() tk.freeze( this.projectId = new ObjectId().toString() this.historyId = 'mock-overleaf-id' this.syncState = { origin: { kind: 'history-resync' } } this.db = { projectHistorySyncState: { findOne: sinon.stub().resolves(this.syncState), updateOne: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.extendLock = sinon.stub().resolves() this.LockManager = { promises: { runWithLock: sinon.stub().callsFake(async (key, runner) => { await runner(this.extendLock) }), }, } this.UpdateCompressor = { diffAsShareJsOps: sinon.stub().returns([]), } this.UpdateTranslator = { isTextUpdate: sinon.stub(), _convertPathname: sinon.stub(), } this.WebApiManager = { promises: { getHistoryId: sinon.stub(), requestResync: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.WebApiManager.promises.getHistoryId .withArgs(this.projectId) .resolves(this.historyId) this.ErrorRecorder = { promises: { record: sinon.stub().resolves(), recordSyncStart: sinon.stub().resolves(), }, } this.RedisManager = {} this.SnapshotManager = { promises: { getLatestSnapshotFiles: sinon.stub(), }, } this.HistoryStoreManager = { getBlobStore: sinon.stub(), _getBlobHashFromString: sinon.stub().returns('random-hash'), } this.HashManager = { _getBlobHashFromString: sinon.stub(), } this.Metrics = { inc: sinon.stub() } this.Settings = { redis: { lock: { key_schema: { projectHistoryLock({ project_id: projectId }) { return `ProjectHistoryLock:${projectId}` }, }, }, }, } this.SyncManager = await esmock(MODULE_PATH, { '../../../../app/js/LockManager.js': this.LockManager, '../../../../app/js/UpdateCompressor.js': this.UpdateCompressor, '../../../../app/js/UpdateTranslator.js': this.UpdateTranslator, '../../../../app/js/mongodb.js': { ObjectId, db: this.db }, '../../../../app/js/WebApiManager.js': this.WebApiManager, '../../../../app/js/ErrorRecorder.js': this.ErrorRecorder, '../../../../app/js/RedisManager.js': this.RedisManager, '../../../../app/js/SnapshotManager.js': this.SnapshotManager, '../../../../app/js/HistoryStoreManager.js': this.HistoryStoreManager, '../../../../app/js/HashManager.js': this.HashManager, '@overleaf/metrics': this.Metrics, '@overleaf/settings': this.Settings, }) }) afterEach(function () { tk.reset() }) describe('startResync', function () { describe('if a sync is not in progress', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.db.projectHistorySyncState.findOne.resolves({}) await this.SyncManager.promises.startResync(this.projectId) }) it('takes the project lock', function () { expect(this.LockManager.promises.runWithLock).to.have.been.calledWith( `ProjectHistoryLock:${this.projectId}` ) }) it('gets the sync state from mongo', function () { expect(this.db.projectHistorySyncState.findOne).to.have.been.calledWith( { project_id: new ObjectId(this.projectId) } ) }) it('requests a resync from web', function () { expect( this.WebApiManager.promises.requestResync ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.projectId) }) it('sets the sync state in mongo and prevents it expiring', function () { expect( this.db.projectHistorySyncState.updateOne ).to.have.been.calledWith( { project_id: new ObjectId(this.projectId), }, sinon.match({ $set: { resyncProjectStructure: true, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, $currentDate: { lastUpdated: true }, $inc: { resyncCount: 1 }, $unset: { expiresAt: true }, }), { upsert: true, } ) }) }) describe('if project structure sync is in progress', function () { beforeEach(function () { const syncState = { resyncProjectStructure: true } this.db.projectHistorySyncState.findOne.resolves(syncState) }) it('returns an error if already syncing', async function () { await expect( this.SyncManager.promises.startResync(this.projectId) )'sync ongoing') }) }) describe('if doc content sync in is progress', function () { beforeEach(async function () { const syncState = { resyncDocContents: ['/foo.tex'] } this.db.projectHistorySyncState.findOne.resolves(syncState) }) it('returns an error if already syncing', async function () { await expect( this.SyncManager.promises.startResync(this.projectId) )'sync ongoing') }) }) }) describe('setResyncState', function () { describe('when the sync is starting', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.syncState = { toRaw() { return { resyncProjectStructure: true, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, } }, isSyncOngoing: sinon.stub().returns(true), } }) it('sets the sync state in mongo and prevents it expiring', async function () { // SyncState is a private class of SyncManager // we know the interface however: await this.SyncManager.promises.setResyncState( this.projectId, this.syncState ) expect( this.db.projectHistorySyncState.updateOne ).to.have.been.calledWith( { project_id: new ObjectId(this.projectId) }, sinon.match({ $set: this.syncState.toRaw(), $currentDate: { lastUpdated: true }, $inc: { resyncCount: 1 }, $unset: { expiresAt: true }, }), { upsert: true } ) }) }) describe('when the sync is ending', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.syncState = { toRaw() { return { resyncProjectStructure: false, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, } }, isSyncOngoing: sinon.stub().returns(false), } }) it('sets the sync state entry in mongo to expire', async function () { await this.SyncManager.promises.setResyncState( this.projectId, this.syncState ) expect( this.db.projectHistorySyncState.updateOne ).to.have.been.calledWith( { project_id: new ObjectId(this.projectId) }, sinon.match({ $set: { resyncProjectStructure: false, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, expiresAt: new Date( + 90 * 24 * 3600 * 1000), }, $currentDate: { lastUpdated: true }, }), { upsert: true } ) }) }) describe('when the new sync state is null', function () { it('does not update the sync state in mongo', async function () { // SyncState is a private class of SyncManager // we know the interface however: await this.SyncManager.promises.setResyncState(this.projectId, null) expect(this.db.projectHistorySyncState.updateOne).to.not.have.been .called }) }) }) describe('skipUpdatesDuringSync', function () { describe('if a sync is not in progress', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.db.projectHistorySyncState.findOne.resolves({}) this.updates = ['some', 'mock', 'updates'] this.result = await this.SyncManager.promises.skipUpdatesDuringSync( this.projectId, this.updates ) }) it('returns all updates', function () { expect(this.result.updates).to.deep.equal(this.updates) }) it('should not return any newSyncState', function () { expect(this.result.syncState) }) }) describe('if a sync in is progress', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.renameUpdate = { pathname: 'old.tex', newPathname: 'new.tex', } this.projectStructureSyncUpdate = { resyncProjectStructure: { docs: [{ path: 'new.tex' }], files: [], }, } this.textUpdate = { doc: new ObjectId(), op: [{ i: 'a', p: 4 }], meta: { pathname: 'new.tex', doc_length: 4, }, } this.docContentSyncUpdate = { path: 'new.tex', resyncDocContent: { content: 'a', }, } this.UpdateTranslator.isTextUpdate .withArgs(this.renameUpdate) .returns(false) this.UpdateTranslator.isTextUpdate .withArgs(this.projectStructureSyncUpdate) .returns(false) this.UpdateTranslator.isTextUpdate .withArgs(this.docContentSyncUpdate) .returns(false) this.UpdateTranslator.isTextUpdate .withArgs(this.textUpdate) .returns(true) const syncState = { resyncProjectStructure: true, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, } this.db.projectHistorySyncState.findOne.resolves(syncState) }) it('remove updates before a project structure sync update', async function () { const updates = [ this.renameUpdate, this.textUpdate, this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, ] const { updates: filteredUpdates, syncState } = await this.SyncManager.promises.skipUpdatesDuringSync( this.projectId, updates ) expect(filteredUpdates).to.deep.equal([this.projectStructureSyncUpdate]) expect(syncState.toRaw()).to.deep.equal({ resyncProjectStructure: false, resyncDocContents: ['new.tex'], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }) }) it('allow project structure updates after project structure sync update', async function () { const updates = [this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, this.renameUpdate] const { updates: filteredUpdates, syncState } = await this.SyncManager.promises.skipUpdatesDuringSync( this.projectId, updates ) expect(filteredUpdates).to.deep.equal([ this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, this.renameUpdate, ]) expect(syncState.toRaw()).to.deep.equal({ resyncProjectStructure: false, resyncDocContents: ['new.tex'], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }) }) it('remove text updates for a doc before doc sync update', async function () { const updates = [ this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, this.textUpdate, this.docContentSyncUpdate, ] const { updates: filteredUpdates, syncState } = await this.SyncManager.promises.skipUpdatesDuringSync( this.projectId, updates ) expect(filteredUpdates).to.deep.equal([ this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, this.docContentSyncUpdate, ]) expect(syncState.toRaw()).to.deep.equal({ resyncProjectStructure: false, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }) }) it('allow text updates for a doc after doc sync update', async function () { const updates = [ this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, this.docContentSyncUpdate, this.textUpdate, ] const { updates: filteredUpdates, syncState } = await this.SyncManager.promises.skipUpdatesDuringSync( this.projectId, updates ) expect(filteredUpdates).to.deep.equal([ this.projectStructureSyncUpdate, this.docContentSyncUpdate, this.textUpdate, ]) expect(syncState.toRaw()).to.deep.equal({ resyncProjectStructure: false, resyncDocContents: [], origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }) }) }) }) describe('expandSyncUpdates', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.persistedDoc = { doc: 'doc-id', path: 'main.tex', } this.persistedDocContent = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' this.persistedFile = { file: 'file-id', path: '1.png', _hash: 'abcde', } this.loadedSnapshotDoc = File.fromString(this.persistedDocContent) this.fileMap = { 'main.tex': { isEditable: sinon.stub().returns(true), getContent: sinon.stub().returns(null), getHash: sinon.stub().returns(null), load: sinon.stub().resolves(this.loadedSnapshotDoc), getMetadata: sinon.stub().returns({}), }, '1.png': { isEditable: sinon.stub().returns(false), data: { hash: this.persistedFile._hash }, getMetadata: sinon.stub().returns({}), }, } this.UpdateTranslator._convertPathname .withArgs('main.tex') .returns('main.tex') this.UpdateTranslator._convertPathname .withArgs('/main.tex') .returns('main.tex') this.UpdateTranslator._convertPathname .withArgs('another.tex') .returns('another.tex') this.UpdateTranslator._convertPathname.withArgs('1.png').returns('1.png') this.UpdateTranslator._convertPathname.withArgs('2.png').returns('2.png') this.SnapshotManager.promises.getLatestSnapshotFiles.resolves( this.fileMap ) }) it('returns updates if no sync updates are queued', async function () { const updates = ['some', 'mock', 'updates'] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.equal(updates) expect(this.SnapshotManager.promises.getLatestSnapshotFiles).to.not.have .been.called expect(this.extendLock).to.not.have.been.called }) describe('expanding project structure sync updates', function () { it('queues nothing for expected docs and files', async function () { const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues file removes for unexpected files', async function () { const updates = [resyncProjectStructureUpdate([this.persistedDoc], [])] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: this.persistedFile.path, new_pathname: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues doc removes for unexpected docs', async function () { const updates = [resyncProjectStructureUpdate([], [this.persistedFile])] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, new_pathname: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues file additions for missing regular files', async function () { const newFile = { path: '2.png', file: {}, url: 'filestore/2.png', _hash: 'hash-42', } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile, newFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: newFile.path, file: newFile.file, url: newFile.url, hash: 'hash-42', metadata: undefined, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues file additions for missing linked files', async function () { const newFile = { path: '2.png', file: {}, url: 'filestore/2.png', metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'references-provider', }, _hash: 'hash-42', } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile, newFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: newFile.path, file: newFile.file, url: newFile.url, hash: 'hash-42', metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'references-provider', }, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues blank doc additions for missing docs', async function () { const newDoc = { path: 'another.tex', doc: new ObjectId().toString(), } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc, newDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: newDoc.path, doc: newDoc.doc, docLines: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('removes and re-adds files if whether they are binary differs', async function () { const fileWichWasADoc = { path: this.persistedDoc.path, url: 'filestore/2.png', _hash: 'other-hash', } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [], [fileWichWasADoc, this.persistedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: fileWichWasADoc.path, new_pathname: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, { pathname: fileWichWasADoc.path, file: fileWichWasADoc.file, url: fileWichWasADoc.url, hash: 'other-hash', metadata: undefined, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('removes and re-adds linked-files if their binary state differs', async function () { const fileWhichWasADoc = { path: this.persistedDoc.path, url: 'filestore/references.txt', _hash: 'other-hash', metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'references-provider', }, } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [], [fileWhichWasADoc, this.persistedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: fileWhichWasADoc.path, new_pathname: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, { pathname: fileWhichWasADoc.path, file: fileWhichWasADoc.file, url: fileWhichWasADoc.url, hash: 'other-hash', metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'references-provider', }, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('add linked file data with same hash', async function () { const nowLinkedFile = { path: this.persistedFile.path, url: 'filestore/1.png', _hash: this.persistedFile._hash, metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'image-provider', }, } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate([this.persistedDoc], [nowLinkedFile]), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: nowLinkedFile.path, metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'image-provider', }, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('updates linked file data when hash remains the same', async function () { this.fileMap[this.persistedFile.path].getMetadata.returns({ importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'image-provider', }) const updatedLinkedFile = { path: this.persistedFile.path, url: 'filestore/1.png', _hash: this.persistedFile._hash, metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-31T00:00:00.000Z', provider: 'image-provider', }, } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [updatedLinkedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: updatedLinkedFile.path, metadata: { importedAt: '2024-07-31T00:00:00.000Z', provider: 'image-provider', }, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('remove linked file data', async function () { this.fileMap[this.persistedFile.path].getMetadata.returns({ importedAt: '2024-07-30T09:14:45.928Z', provider: 'image-provider', }) const noLongerLinkedFile = { path: this.persistedFile.path, url: 'filestore/1.png', _hash: this.persistedFile._hash, } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [noLongerLinkedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: noLongerLinkedFile.path, metadata: {}, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it("does not remove and re-add files if the expected file doesn't have a hash", async function () { const fileWichWasADoc = { path: this.persistedDoc.path, url: 'filestore/2.png', } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [], [fileWichWasADoc, this.persistedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('does not remove and re-add editable files if there is a binary file with same hash', async function () { const binaryFile = { file: Object().toString(), // The paths in the resyncProjectStructureUpdate must have a leading slash ('/') // The other unit tests in this file are incorrectly missing the leading slash. // The leading slash is present in web where the paths are created with // ProjectEntityHandler.getAllEntitiesFromProject in ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.resyncProjectHistory. path: '/' + this.persistedDoc.path, url: 'filestore/12345', _hash: 'abcdef', } this.fileMap['main.tex'].data = { hash: 'abcdef' } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate([], [binaryFile, this.persistedFile]), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('removes and re-adds binary files if they do not have same hash', async function () { const persistedFileWithNewContent = { _hash: 'anotherhashvalue', hello: 'world', path: '1.png', url: 'filestore-new-url', } const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [persistedFileWithNewContent] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: persistedFileWithNewContent.path, new_pathname: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, { pathname: persistedFileWithNewContent.path, file: persistedFileWithNewContent.file, url: persistedFileWithNewContent.url, hash: 'anotherhashvalue', metadata: undefined, meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('preserves other updates', async function () { const update = { mock: 'update' } const updates = [ update, resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([update]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) }) describe('expanding doc contents sync updates', function () { it('returns errors from diffAsShareJsOps', async function () { const diffError = new Error('test') this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.throws(diffError) const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent), ] await expect( this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) ) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('handles an update for a file that is missing from the snapshot', async function () { const updates = [docContentSyncUpdate('not-in-snapshot.txt', 'test')] await expect( this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) )'unrecognised file: not in snapshot') }) it('queues nothing for in docs whose contents is in sync', async function () { const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent), ] this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([]) const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues text updates for docs whose contents is out of sync', async function () { const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, 'the fox jumps over the lazy dog' ), ] this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([ { d: 'quick brown ', p: 4 }, ]) const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [{ d: 'quick brown ', p: 4 }], meta: { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('queues text updates for docs created by project structure sync', async function () { this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([{ i: 'a', p: 0 }]) const newDoc = { path: 'another.tex', doc: new ObjectId().toString(), } const newDocContent = 'a' const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc, newDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate(newDoc, newDocContent), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: newDoc.path, doc: newDoc.doc, docLines: '', meta: { resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, { doc: newDoc.doc, op: [{ i: 'a', p: 0 }], meta: { pathname: newDoc.path, doc_length: 0, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('skips text updates for docs when hashes match', async function () { this.fileMap['main.tex'].getHash.returns('special-hash') this.HashManager._getBlobHashFromString.returns('special-hash') const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, 'hello'), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) it('computes text updates for docs when hashes differ', async function () { this.fileMap['main.tex'].getHash.returns('first-hash') this.HashManager._getBlobHashFromString.returns('second-hash') this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([ { i: 'test diff', p: 0 }, ]) const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, 'hello'), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [{ i: 'test diff', p: 0 }], meta: { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) describe('for docs whose contents is out of sync', function () { beforeEach(async function () { const updates = [ resyncProjectStructureUpdate( [this.persistedDoc], [this.persistedFile] ), docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, 'the quick brown fox'), ] this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([ { d: ' jumps over the lazy dog', p: 19 }, ]) this.expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) }) it('loads content from the history service when needed', function () { expect(this.expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [{ d: ' jumps over the lazy dog', p: 19 }], meta: { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) expect(this.extendLock).to.have.been.called }) }) }) describe('syncing comments', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.loadedSnapshotDoc .getComments() .add(new Comment('comment1', [new Range(4, 5)])) this.loadedSnapshotDoc .getComments() .add(new Comment('comment2', [new Range(10, 5)], true)) this.comments = [ makeComment('comment1', 4, 'quick'), makeComment('comment2', 10, 'brown'), ] this.resolvedCommentIds = ['comment2'] }) it('does nothing if comments have not changed', async function () { const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { comments: this.comments, }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) }) it('adds missing comments', async function () { this.comments.push(makeComment('comment3', 20, 'jumps')) const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { comments: this.comments, }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { c: 'jumps', p: 20, t: 'comment3', resolved: false, }, ], meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, }, }, ]) }) it('deletes extra comments', async function () { this.comments.splice(0, 1) const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { comments: this.comments, }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, deleteComment: 'comment1', meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, }, }, ]) }) it('updates comments when ranges differ', async function () { this.comments[1] = makeComment('comment2', 16, 'fox') const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { comments: this.comments, }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: 'doc-id', op: [ { c: 'fox', p: 16, t: 'comment2', resolved: true, }, ], meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, }, }, ]) }) it('sets the resolved state when it differs', async function () { this.resolvedCommentIds = ['comment1'] const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { comments: this.comments, }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.have.deep.members([ { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, commentId: 'comment1', resolved: true, meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, }, }, { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, commentId: 'comment2', resolved: false, meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, }, }, ]) }) it('treats zero length comments as detached comments', async function () { this.loadedSnapshotDoc.getComments().add(new Comment('comment1', [])) this.comments = [ makeComment('comment1', 16, ''), makeComment('comment2', 10, 'brown'), ] this.resolvedCommentIds = ['comment2'] const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { comments: this.comments, }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) }) it('adjusts comment positions when the underlying text has changed', async function () { const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, 'quick brown fox', { comments: [ makeComment('comment1', 0, 'quick'), makeComment('comment2', 12, 'fox'), ], }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([ { d: 'the ', p: 0 }, { d: ' jumps over the lazy dog', p: 15 }, ]) const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { d: 'the ', p: 0 }, { d: ' jumps over the lazy dog', p: 15 }, ], meta: { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { c: 'fox', p: 12, t: 'comment2', resolved: true, }, ], meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, doc_length: 'quick brown fox'.length, }, }, ]) }) }) describe('syncing tracked changes', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.loadedSnapshotDoc.getTrackedChanges().add( new TrackedChange(new Range(4, 6), { type: 'delete', userId: USER_ID, ts: new Date(TIMESTAMP), }) ) this.loadedSnapshotDoc.getTrackedChanges().add( new TrackedChange(new Range(10, 6), { type: 'insert', userId: USER_ID, ts: new Date(TIMESTAMP), }) ) this.loadedSnapshotDoc.getTrackedChanges().add( new TrackedChange(new Range(20, 6), { type: 'delete', userId: USER_ID, ts: new Date(TIMESTAMP), }) ) this.loadedSnapshotDoc.getTrackedChanges().add( new TrackedChange(new Range(40, 3), { type: 'insert', userId: USER_ID, ts: new Date(TIMESTAMP), }) ) this.changes = [ makeTrackedChange('td1', { p: 4, d: 'quick ' }), makeTrackedChange('ti1', { p: 4, hpos: 10, i: 'brown ' }), makeTrackedChange('td2', { p: 14, hpos: 20, d: 'jumps ' }), makeTrackedChange('ti2', { p: 28, hpos: 40, i: 'dog' }), ] }) it('does nothing if tracked changes have not changed', async function () { const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { changes: this.changes, }), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([]) }) it('adds new tracked changes', async function () { this.changes.splice( 3, 0, makeTrackedChange('td3', { p: 29, hpos: 35, d: 'lazy ' }) ) const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { changes: this.changes, }), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { p: 35, r: 'lazy ', tracking: { type: 'delete', userId: USER_ID, ts: TIMESTAMP, }, }, ], meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, }, }, ]) }) it('removes extra tracked changes', async function () { this.changes.splice(0, 1) const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { changes: this.changes, }), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { p: 4, r: 'quick ', tracking: { type: 'none' }, }, ], meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync', }, pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, }, }, ]) }) it('handles overlapping ranges', async function () { this.changes = [ makeTrackedChange('ti1', { p: 0, i: 'the quic' }), makeTrackedChange('td1', { p: 8, d: 'k br' }), makeTrackedChange('ti2', { p: 14, hpos: 23, i: 'ps over' }), ] const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate(this.persistedDoc, this.persistedDocContent, { changes: this.changes, }), ] const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) // Before: the [quick ][brown ] fox [jumps ]over the lazy dog // After: [the quic][k br]own fox jum[ps over] the lazy dog expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { p: 0, r: 'the quic', tracking: { type: 'insert', userId: USER_ID, ts: TIMESTAMP }, }, { p: 10, r: 'br', tracking: { type: 'delete', userId: USER_ID, ts: TIMESTAMP }, }, { p: 12, r: 'own ', tracking: { type: 'none' }, }, { p: 20, r: 'jum', tracking: { type: 'none' }, }, { p: 23, r: 'ps over', tracking: { type: 'insert', userId: USER_ID, ts: TIMESTAMP }, }, { p: 40, r: 'dog', tracking: { type: 'none' }, }, ], meta: { origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, }, }, ]) }) it('adjusts tracked change positions when the underlying text has changed', async function () { const updates = [ docContentSyncUpdate( this.persistedDoc, 'every fox jumps over the lazy dog', { changes: [ makeTrackedChange('ti1', { p: 5, i: ' ' }), // the space after every is still a tracked insert makeTrackedChange('td2', { p: 10, d: 'jumps ' }), makeTrackedChange('ti2', { p: 24, hpos: 30, i: 'dog' }), ], }, this.resolvedCommentIds ), ] this.UpdateCompressor.diffAsShareJsOps.returns([ { d: 'the quick brown', p: 0 }, { i: 'every', p: 0 }, ]) const expandedUpdates = await this.SyncManager.promises.expandSyncUpdates( this.projectId, this.historyId, updates, this.extendLock ) expect(expandedUpdates).to.deep.equal([ { doc: this.persistedDoc.doc, op: [ { d: 'the quick brown', p: 0 }, { i: 'every', p: 0 }, ], meta: { pathname: this.persistedDoc.path, doc_length: this.persistedDocContent.length, resync: true, ts: TIMESTAMP, origin: { kind: 'history-resync' }, }, }, ]) }) }) }) })