import React from 'react' import sinon from 'sinon' import { expect } from 'chai' import { screen, render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react' import PreviewToolbar from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/preview/components/preview-toolbar' describe('', function() { const onRecompile = sinon.stub() const onRecompileFromScratch = sinon.stub() const onRunSyntaxCheckNow = sinon.stub() const onSetAutoCompile = sinon.stub() const onSetDraftMode = sinon.stub() const onSetSyntaxCheck = sinon.stub() const onToggleLogs = sinon.stub() const onSetSplitLayout = sinon.stub() const onSetFullLayout = sinon.stub() const onStopCompilation = sinon.stub() function renderPreviewToolbar( compilerState = {}, logState = {}, showLogs = false, splitLayout = true ) { render( ) } it('renders the toolbar', function() { renderPreviewToolbar() screen.getByText('Recompile') screen.getByText('Download PDF') screen.getByText('View logs') }) it('all toolbar items have "toolbar-item" class and text has "toolbar-text"', function() { renderPreviewToolbar() const toolbar = screen.getByTestId('toolbar-preview') for (const toolbarSection of toolbar.children) { for (const toolbarItem of toolbarSection.children) { expect(toolbarItem.className).to.contain('toolbar-item') for (const parts of toolbarItem.children) { for (const part of parts.children) { if (part.nodeName !== 'LI' && part.textContent) { expect(part.className).to.contain('toolbar-text') } } } } } }) it('renders a full-screen button with a tooltip when when in split-screen mode', function() { renderPreviewToolbar() const btn = screen.getByLabelText('Full screen') expect(onSetFullLayout).to.have.been.calledOnce fireEvent.mouseOver(btn) screen.getByRole('tooltip', { name: 'Full screen' }) }) it('renders a split-screen button with a tooltip when when in full-screen mode', function() { renderPreviewToolbar({}, {}, false, false) const btn = screen.getByLabelText('Split screen') expect(onSetSplitLayout).to.have.been.calledOnce fireEvent.mouseOver(btn) screen.getByRole('tooltip', { name: 'Split screen' }) }) })