const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const { expect } = require('chai') const User = require('./helpers/User').promises const MockHaveIBeenPwnedApiClass = require('./mocks/MockHaveIBeenPwnedApi') const { db } = require('../../../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const { getMetric } = require('./helpers/metrics').promises const sleep = require('util').promisify(setTimeout) let MockHaveIBeenPwnedApi before(function () { MockHaveIBeenPwnedApi = MockHaveIBeenPwnedApiClass.instance() }) async function letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() { await sleep(200) } async function getMetricReUsed() { return getMetric( line => line.includes('password_re_use') && line.includes('re-used') ) } async function getMetricUnique() { return getMetric( line => line.includes('password_re_use') && line.includes('unique') ) } async function getMetricFailure() { return getMetric( line => line.includes('password_re_use') && line.includes('failure') ) } let user, previous async function resetPassword(password) { await user.getCsrfToken() await user.doRequest('POST', { url: '/user/password/reset', form: { email:, }, }) const token = ( await db.tokens.findOne({ 'data.user_id': user._id.toString(), }) ).token await user.doRequest('GET', { url: `/user/password/set?passwordResetToken=${token}&email=${}`, }) await user.doRequest('POST', { url: '/user/password/set', form: { passwordResetToken: token, password, }, }) } describe('HaveIBeenPwnedApi', function () { before(function () { Settings.apis.haveIBeenPwned.enabled = true }) after(function () { Settings.apis.haveIBeenPwned.enabled = false }) describe('login with weak password', function () { beforeEach(function () { user = new User() user.password = 'aLeakedPassword42' // echo -n aLeakedPassword42 | sha1sum MockHaveIBeenPwnedApi.addPasswordByHash( 'D1ABBDEEE70CBE8BBCE5D9D039C53C0CE91C0C16' ) }) beforeEach('create the user', async function () { await user.ensureUserExists() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) beforeEach('fetch previous count', async function () { previous = await getMetricReUsed() }) beforeEach('login', async function () { await user.loginNoUpdate() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) it('should track the weak password', async function () { const after = await getMetricReUsed() expect(after).to.equal(previous + 1) }) }) describe('login with strong password', function () { beforeEach(function () { user = new User() user.password = 'this-is-a-strong-password' }) beforeEach('create the user', async function () { await user.ensureUserExists() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) beforeEach('fetch previous count', async function () { previous = await getMetricUnique() }) beforeEach('login', async function () { await user.loginNoUpdate() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) it('should track the strong password', async function () { const after = await getMetricUnique() expect(after).to.equal(previous + 1) }) }) describe('when the api is producing garbage', function () { beforeEach(function () { user = new User() user.password = 'trigger-garbage-output' }) beforeEach('create the user', async function () { await user.ensureUserExists() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) beforeEach('fetch previous count', async function () { previous = await getMetricFailure() }) beforeEach('login', async function () { await user.loginNoUpdate() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) it('should track the failure to collect a score', async function () { const after = await getMetricFailure() expect(after).to.equal(previous + 1) }) }) describe('login attempt with weak password', function () { beforeEach(function () { user = new User() // echo -n aLeakedPassword42 | sha1sum MockHaveIBeenPwnedApi.addPasswordByHash( 'D1ABBDEEE70CBE8BBCE5D9D039C53C0CE91C0C16' ) }) beforeEach('create the user', async function () { await user.ensureUserExists() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) beforeEach('fetch previous counts', async function () { previous = { reUsed: await getMetricReUsed(), unique: await getMetricUnique(), failure: await getMetricFailure(), } }) beforeEach('login', async function () { await user.loginWithEmailPassword(, 'aLeakedPassword42') await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) it('should not increment any counter', async function () { expect(previous).to.deep.equal({ reUsed: await getMetricReUsed(), unique: await getMetricUnique(), failure: await getMetricFailure(), }) }) }) describe('password reset with a weak password', function () { beforeEach(function () { user = new User() // echo -n aLeakedPassword42 | sha1sum MockHaveIBeenPwnedApi.addPasswordByHash( 'D1ABBDEEE70CBE8BBCE5D9D039C53C0CE91C0C16' ) }) beforeEach('create the user', async function () { await user.ensureUserExists() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) beforeEach('fetch previous count', async function () { previous = await getMetricReUsed() }) beforeEach('set password', async function () { await resetPassword('aLeakedPassword42') await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) it('should track the weak password', async function () { const after = await getMetricReUsed() expect(after).to.equal(previous + 1) }) }) describe('password reset with a strong password', function () { beforeEach(function () { user = new User() }) beforeEach('create the user', async function () { await user.ensureUserExists() await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) beforeEach('fetch previous count', async function () { previous = await getMetricUnique() }) beforeEach('set password', async function () { await resetPassword('a-strong-new-password') await letPasswordCheckRunInBackground() }) it('should track the strong password', async function () { const after = await getMetricUnique() expect(after).to.equal(previous + 1) }) }) })