import { expect } from 'chai' import type { FileDiff } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/services/types/file' import { autoSelectFile } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/utils/auto-select-file' import type { User } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/services/types/shared' import { LoadedUpdate } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/services/types/update' import { fileFinalPathname } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/utils/file-diff' import { getUpdateForVersion } from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/history/utils/history-details' describe('autoSelectFile', function () { const historyUsers: User[] = [ { first_name: 'first_name', last_name: 'last_name', email: '', id: '6266xb6b7a366460a66186xx', }, ] describe('for comparing version with previous', function () { const comparing = false it('return the file with `edited` as the last operation', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'main.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'sample.bib', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'frog.jpg', editable: false, }, { pathname: 'newfile5.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfolder2/newfile2.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile10.tex', operation: 'edited', }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 25, toV: 26, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680888731881, end_ts: 1680888731881, }, labels: [], pathnames: ['newfolder1/newfile10.tex'], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 23, toV: 25, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680888725098, end_ts: 1680888729123, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile3.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder1/newfile10.tex', }, atV: 24, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfile3.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder1/newfile3.tex', }, atV: 23, }, ], }, { fromV: 22, toV: 23, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680888721015, end_ts: 1680888721015, }, labels: [], pathnames: ['newfile3.tex'], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 19, toV: 22, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680888715364, end_ts: 1680888718726, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfolder2/newfile3.tex', newPathname: 'newfile3.tex', }, atV: 21, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile2.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder1/newfolder2/newfile2.tex', }, atV: 20, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile5.tex', newPathname: 'newfile5.tex', }, atV: 19, }, ], }, { fromV: 16, toV: 19, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680888705042, end_ts: 1680888712662, }, labels: [], pathnames: [ 'main.tex', 'newfolder1/newfile2.tex', 'newfolder1/newfile5.tex', ], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 16, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680888456499, end_ts: 1680888640774, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { add: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile2.tex', }, atV: 15, }, { remove: { pathname: 'newfile2.tex', }, atV: 14, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/frog.jpg', newPathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 13, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile2.tex', newPathname: 'newfile2.tex', }, atV: 12, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfile5.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder1/newfile5.tex', }, atV: 11, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfile4.tex', newPathname: 'newfile5.tex', }, atV: 10, }, { add: { pathname: 'newfile4.tex', }, atV: 9, }, { remove: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfolder2/newfile1.tex', }, atV: 8, }, { rename: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', newPathname: 'newfolder1/frog.jpg', }, atV: 7, }, { add: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfolder2/newfile3.tex', }, atV: 6, }, { add: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile2.tex', }, atV: 5, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile1.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder1/newfolder2/newfile1.tex', }, atV: 4, }, { add: { pathname: 'newfolder1/newfile1.tex', }, atV: 3, }, { add: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 2, }, { add: { pathname: 'sample.bib', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const { pathname } = autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) expect(pathname).to.equal('newfolder1/newfile10.tex') }) it('return file with `added` operation on highest `atV` value if no other operation is available on the latest `updates` entry', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'main.tex', operation: 'added', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'sample.bib', operation: 'added', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'frog.jpg', operation: 'added', editable: false, }, { pathname: 'newfile1.tex', operation: 'added', editable: true, }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 0, toV: 4, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680861468999, end_ts: 1680861491861, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { add: { pathname: 'newfile1.tex', }, atV: 3, }, { add: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 2, }, { add: { pathname: 'sample.bib', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const { pathname } = autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) expect(pathname).to.equal('newfile1.tex') }) it('return the last non-`removed` operation with the highest `atV` value', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'main.tex', operation: 'removed', deletedAtV: 6, editable: true, }, { pathname: 'sample.bib', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'main2.tex', operation: 'added', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'main3.tex', operation: 'added', editable: true, }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 4, toV: 7, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680874742389, end_ts: 1680874755552, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { remove: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 6, }, { add: { pathname: 'main3.tex', }, atV: 5, }, { add: { pathname: 'main2.tex', }, atV: 4, }, ], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 4, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680861975947, end_ts: 1680861988442, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { remove: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 3, }, { add: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 2, }, { add: { pathname: 'sample.bib', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const { pathname } = autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) expect(pathname).to.equal('main3.tex') }) it('if `removed` is the last operation, and no other operation is available on the latest `updates` entry, with `main.tex` available as a file name somewhere in the file tree, return `main.tex`', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'main.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'sample.bib', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'frog.jpg', editable: false, }, { pathname: 'newfolder/maybewillbedeleted.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder2/maybewillbedeleted.tex', operation: 'removed', deletedAtV: 10, editable: true, }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 9, toV: 11, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904414419, end_ts: 1680904417538, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { remove: { pathname: 'newfolder2/maybewillbedeleted.tex', }, atV: 10, }, { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder/maybewillbedeleted.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder2/maybewillbedeleted.tex', }, atV: 9, }, ], }, { fromV: 8, toV: 9, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904410333, end_ts: 1680904410333, }, labels: [], pathnames: ['newfolder/maybewillbedeleted.tex'], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 7, toV: 8, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904407448, end_ts: 1680904407448, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { rename: { pathname: 'newfolder/tobedeleted.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder/maybewillbedeleted.tex', }, atV: 7, }, ], }, { fromV: 6, toV: 7, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904400839, end_ts: 1680904400839, }, labels: [], pathnames: ['newfolder/tobedeleted.tex'], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 5, toV: 6, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904398544, end_ts: 1680904398544, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { rename: { pathname: 'tobedeleted.tex', newPathname: 'newfolder/tobedeleted.tex', }, atV: 5, }, ], }, { fromV: 4, toV: 5, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904389891, end_ts: 1680904389891, }, labels: [], pathnames: ['tobedeleted.tex'], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 4, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680904363778, end_ts: 1680904385308, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { add: { pathname: 'tobedeleted.tex', }, atV: 3, }, { add: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 2, }, { add: { pathname: 'sample.bib', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const { pathname } = autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) expect(pathname).to.equal('main.tex') }) it('if `removed` is the last operation, and no other operation is available on the latest `updates` entry, with `main.tex` is not available as a file name somewhere in the file tree, return any tex file based on ascending alphabetical order', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'certainly_not_main.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'newfile.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'file2.tex', editable: true, }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 7, toV: 8, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680905536168, end_ts: 1680905536168, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { remove: { pathname: 'newfolder/tobedeleted.txt', }, atV: 7, }, ], }, { fromV: 6, toV: 7, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680905531816, end_ts: 1680905531816, }, labels: [], pathnames: ['newfolder/tobedeleted.txt'], project_ops: [], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 6, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680905492130, end_ts: 1680905529186, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { rename: { pathname: 'tobedeleted.txt', newPathname: 'newfolder/tobedeleted.txt', }, atV: 5, }, { add: { pathname: 'file2.tex', }, atV: 4, }, { add: { pathname: 'newfile.tex', }, atV: 3, }, { add: { pathname: 'tobedeleted.txt', }, atV: 2, }, { rename: { pathname: 'main.tex', newPathname: 'certainly_not_main.tex', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const { pathname } = autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) expect(pathname).to.equal('certainly_not_main.tex') }) it('selects renamed file', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'main.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'original.bib', newPathname: 'new.bib', operation: 'renamed', editable: true, }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 4, toV: 7, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680874742389, end_ts: 1680874755552, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { rename: { pathname: 'original.bib', newPathname: 'new.bib', }, atV: 5, }, ], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 4, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680861975947, end_ts: 1680861988442, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { add: { pathname: 'original.bib', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const pathname = fileFinalPathname( autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) ) expect(pathname).to.equal('new.bib') }) it('ignores binary file', function () { const files: FileDiff[] = [ { pathname: 'frog.jpg', editable: false, operation: 'added', }, { pathname: 'main.tex', editable: true, }, { pathname: 'sample.bib', editable: true, }, ] const updates: LoadedUpdate[] = [ { fromV: 4, toV: 7, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680874742389, end_ts: 1680874755552, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { add: { pathname: 'frog.jpg', }, atV: 5, }, ], }, { fromV: 0, toV: 4, meta: { users: historyUsers, start_ts: 1680861975947, end_ts: 1680861988442, }, labels: [], pathnames: [], project_ops: [ { add: { pathname: 'sample.bib', }, atV: 1, }, { add: { pathname: 'main.tex', }, atV: 0, }, ], }, ] const { pathname } = autoSelectFile( files, updates[0].toV, comparing, getUpdateForVersion(updates[0].toV, updates), null ) expect(pathname).to.equal('main.tex') }) }) })