import { callbackify, promisify } from 'node:util' import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises' import logger from '@overleaf/logger' import Settings from '@overleaf/settings' import redis from '@overleaf/redis-wrapper' import metrics from '@overleaf/metrics' import OError from '@overleaf/o-error' // maximum size taken from the redis queue, to prevent project history // consuming unbounded amounts of memory let RAW_UPDATE_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 4 * 1024 * 1024 // maximum length of ops (insertion and deletions) to process in a single // iteration let MAX_UPDATE_OP_LENGTH = 1024 // warn if we exceed this raw update size, the final compressed updates we send // could be smaller than this const WARN_RAW_UPDATE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 // maximum number of new docs to process in a single iteration let MAX_NEW_DOC_CONTENT_COUNT = 32 const CACHE_TTL_IN_SECONDS = 3600 const Keys = Settings.redis.project_history.key_schema const rclient = redis.createClient(Settings.redis.project_history) async function countUnprocessedUpdates(projectId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: projectId }) const updates = await rclient.llen(key) return updates } async function getOldestDocUpdates(projectId, batchSize) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: projectId }) const updates = await rclient.lrange(key, 0, batchSize - 1) return updates } export function parseDocUpdates(jsonUpdates) { return => JSON.parse(update)) } async function getUpdatesInBatches(projectId, batchSize, runner) { let moreBatches = true while (moreBatches) { let rawUpdates = await getOldestDocUpdates(projectId, batchSize) moreBatches = rawUpdates.length === batchSize if (rawUpdates.length === 0) { return } // don't process any more batches if we are single stepping if (batchSize === 1) { moreBatches = false } // consume the updates up to a maximum total number of bytes // ensuring that at least one update will be processed (we may // exceed RAW_UPDATE_SIZE_THRESHOLD is the first update is bigger // than that). let totalRawUpdatesSize = 0 const updatesToProcess = [] for (const rawUpdate of rawUpdates) { const nextTotalSize = totalRawUpdatesSize + rawUpdate.length if ( updatesToProcess.length > 0 && nextTotalSize > RAW_UPDATE_SIZE_THRESHOLD ) { // stop consuming updates if we have at least one and the // next update would exceed the size threshold break } else { updatesToProcess.push(rawUpdate) totalRawUpdatesSize += rawUpdate.length } } // if we hit the size limit above, only process the updates up to that point if (updatesToProcess.length < rawUpdates.length) { moreBatches = true // process remaining raw updates in the next iteration rawUpdates = updatesToProcess } metrics.timing('redis.incoming.bytes', totalRawUpdatesSize, 1) if (totalRawUpdatesSize > WARN_RAW_UPDATE_SIZE) { const rawUpdateSizes = => rawUpdate.length) logger.warn( { projectId, totalRawUpdatesSize, rawUpdateSizes }, 'large raw update size' ) } let updates try { updates = parseDocUpdates(rawUpdates) } catch (error) { throw OError.tag(error, 'failed to parse updates', { projectId, updates, }) } // consume the updates up to a maximum number of ops (insertions and deletions) let totalOpLength = 0 let updatesToProcessCount = 0 let totalDocContentCount = 0 for (const parsedUpdate of updates) { if (parsedUpdate.resyncDocContent) { totalDocContentCount++ } if (totalDocContentCount > MAX_NEW_DOC_CONTENT_COUNT) { break } const nextTotalOpLength = totalOpLength + (parsedUpdate?.op?.length || 1) if ( updatesToProcessCount > 0 && nextTotalOpLength > MAX_UPDATE_OP_LENGTH ) { break } else { totalOpLength = nextTotalOpLength updatesToProcessCount++ } } // if we hit the op limit above, only process the updates up to that point if (updatesToProcessCount < updates.length) { logger.debug( { projectId, updatesToProcessCount, updates_count: updates.length, totalOpLength, }, 'restricting number of ops to be processed' ) moreBatches = true // there is a 1:1 mapping between rawUpdates and updates // which we need to preserve here to ensure we only // delete the updates that are actually processed rawUpdates = rawUpdates.slice(0, updatesToProcessCount) updates = updates.slice(0, updatesToProcessCount) } logger.debug({ projectId }, 'retrieved raw updates from redis') await runner(updates) await deleteAppliedDocUpdates(projectId, rawUpdates) } } async function deleteAppliedDocUpdates(projectId, updates) { const multi = rclient.multi() // Delete all the updates which have been applied (exact match) for (const update of updates) { // Delete the first occurrence of the update with LREM KEY COUNT // VALUE by setting COUNT to 1 which 'removes COUNT elements equal to // value moving from head to tail.' // // If COUNT is 0 the entire list would be searched which would block // redis snce it would be an O(N) operation where N is the length of // the queue, in a multi of the batch size. metrics.summary('redis.projectHistoryOps', update.length, { status: 'lrem', }) multi.lrem(Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: projectId }), 1, update) } if (updates.length > 0) { multi.del(Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId })) } await multi.exec() } /** * Deletes the entire queue - use with caution */ async function destroyDocUpdatesQueue(projectId) { await rclient.del( Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: projectId }), Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId }) ) } /** * Iterate over keys asynchronously using redis scan (non-blocking) * * handle all the cluster nodes or single redis server */ async function _getKeys(pattern, limit) { const nodes = rclient.nodes?.('master') || [rclient] const keysByNode = [] for (const node of nodes) { const keys = await _getKeysFromNode(node, pattern, limit) keysByNode.push(keys) } return [].concat(...keysByNode) } async function _getKeysFromNode(node, pattern, limit) { let cursor = 0 // redis iterator const keySet = new Set() // avoid duplicate results const batchSize = limit != null ? Math.min(limit, 1000) : 1000 // scan over all keys looking for pattern while (true) { const reply = await node.scan(cursor, 'MATCH', pattern, 'COUNT', batchSize) const [newCursor, keys] = reply cursor = newCursor for (const key of keys) { keySet.add(key) } const noResults = cursor === '0' // redis returns string results not numeric const limitReached = limit != null && keySet.size >= limit if (noResults || limitReached) { return Array.from(keySet) } // avoid hitting redis too hard await setTimeout(10) } } /** * Extract ids from keys like DocsWithHistoryOps:57fd0b1f53a8396d22b2c24b * or DocsWithHistoryOps:{57fd0b1f53a8396d22b2c24b} (for redis cluster) */ function _extractIds(keyList) { return => { const m = key.match(/:\{?([0-9a-f]{24})\}?/) // extract object id return m[1] }) } async function getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps(limit) { const projectKeys = await _getKeys( Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: '*' }), limit ) const projectIds = _extractIds(projectKeys) return projectIds } async function getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCount() { const projectIds = await getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps() const queuedProjectsCount = projectIds.length metrics.globalGauge('queued-projects', queuedProjectsCount) return queuedProjectsCount } async function setFirstOpTimestamp(projectId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId }) // store current time as an integer (string) await rclient.setnx(key, } async function getFirstOpTimestamp(projectId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId }) const result = await rclient.get(key) // convert stored time back to a numeric timestamp const timestamp = parseInt(result, 10) // check for invalid timestamp if (isNaN(timestamp)) { return null } // convert numeric timestamp to a date object const firstOpTimestamp = new Date(timestamp) return firstOpTimestamp } async function clearFirstOpTimestamp(projectId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId }) await rclient.del(key) } async function getProjectIdsWithFirstOpTimestamps(limit) { const projectKeys = await _getKeys( Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: '*' }), limit ) const projectIds = _extractIds(projectKeys) return projectIds } async function clearDanglingFirstOpTimestamp(projectId) { const count = await rclient.exists( Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId }), Keys.projectHistoryOps({ project_id: projectId }) ) if (count === 2 || count === 0) { // both (or neither) keys are present, so don't delete the timestamp return 0 } // only one key is present, which makes this a dangling record, // so delete the timestamp const cleared = await rclient.del( Keys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({ project_id: projectId }) ) return cleared } async function getCachedHistoryId(projectId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryCachedHistoryId({ project_id: projectId }) const historyId = await rclient.get(key) return historyId } async function setCachedHistoryId(projectId, historyId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryCachedHistoryId({ project_id: projectId }) await rclient.setex(key, CACHE_TTL_IN_SECONDS, historyId) } async function clearCachedHistoryId(projectId) { const key = Keys.projectHistoryCachedHistoryId({ project_id: projectId }) await rclient.del(key) } // for tests export function setMaxUpdateOpLength(value) { MAX_UPDATE_OP_LENGTH = value } export function setRawUpdateSizeThreshold(value) { RAW_UPDATE_SIZE_THRESHOLD = value } export function setMaxNewDocContentCount(value) { MAX_NEW_DOC_CONTENT_COUNT = value } // EXPORTS const countUnprocessedUpdatesCb = callbackify(countUnprocessedUpdates) const getOldestDocUpdatesCb = callbackify(getOldestDocUpdates) const deleteAppliedDocUpdatesCb = callbackify(deleteAppliedDocUpdates) const destroyDocUpdatesQueueCb = callbackify(destroyDocUpdatesQueue) const getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCb = callbackify(getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps) const getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCountCb = callbackify( getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCount ) const setFirstOpTimestampCb = callbackify(setFirstOpTimestamp) const getFirstOpTimestampCb = callbackify(getFirstOpTimestamp) const clearFirstOpTimestampCb = callbackify(clearFirstOpTimestamp) const getProjectIdsWithFirstOpTimestampsCb = callbackify( getProjectIdsWithFirstOpTimestamps ) const clearDanglingFirstOpTimestampCb = callbackify( clearDanglingFirstOpTimestamp ) const getCachedHistoryIdCb = callbackify(getCachedHistoryId) const setCachedHistoryIdCb = callbackify(setCachedHistoryId) const clearCachedHistoryIdCb = callbackify(clearCachedHistoryId) const getUpdatesInBatchesCb = function ( projectId, batchSize, runner, callback ) { const runnerPromises = promisify(runner) getUpdatesInBatches(projectId, batchSize, runnerPromises) .then(result => { callback(null, result) }) .catch(err => { callback(err) }) } export { countUnprocessedUpdatesCb as countUnprocessedUpdates, getOldestDocUpdatesCb as getOldestDocUpdates, deleteAppliedDocUpdatesCb as deleteAppliedDocUpdates, destroyDocUpdatesQueueCb as destroyDocUpdatesQueue, getUpdatesInBatchesCb as getUpdatesInBatches, getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCb as getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps, getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCountCb as getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCount, setFirstOpTimestampCb as setFirstOpTimestamp, getFirstOpTimestampCb as getFirstOpTimestamp, clearFirstOpTimestampCb as clearFirstOpTimestamp, getProjectIdsWithFirstOpTimestampsCb as getProjectIdsWithFirstOpTimestamps, clearDanglingFirstOpTimestampCb as clearDanglingFirstOpTimestamp, getCachedHistoryIdCb as getCachedHistoryId, setCachedHistoryIdCb as setCachedHistoryId, clearCachedHistoryIdCb as clearCachedHistoryId, } export const promises = { countUnprocessedUpdates, getOldestDocUpdates, deleteAppliedDocUpdates, destroyDocUpdatesQueue, getUpdatesInBatches, getProjectIdsWithHistoryOps, getProjectIdsWithHistoryOpsCount, setFirstOpTimestamp, getFirstOpTimestamp, clearFirstOpTimestamp, getProjectIdsWithFirstOpTimestamps, clearDanglingFirstOpTimestamp, getCachedHistoryId, setCachedHistoryId, clearCachedHistoryId, }