/** * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ define(function(require, exports, module) { // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3 var BALANCED_PAIRS, EXPRESSION_CLOSE, EXPRESSION_END, EXPRESSION_START, IMPLICIT_CALL, IMPLICIT_END, IMPLICIT_FUNC, IMPLICIT_UNSPACED_CALL, INVERSES, LINEBREAKS, SINGLE_CLOSERS, SINGLE_LINERS, generate, left, rite, _i, _len, _ref, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }, __slice = [].slice; generate = function(tag, value) { var tok; tok = [tag, value]; tok.generated = true; return tok; }; exports.Rewriter = (function() { function Rewriter() {} Rewriter.prototype.rewrite = function(tokens) { this.tokens = tokens; this.removeLeadingNewlines(); this.removeMidExpressionNewlines(); this.closeOpenCalls(); this.closeOpenIndexes(); this.addImplicitIndentation(); this.tagPostfixConditionals(); this.addImplicitBracesAndParens(); this.addLocationDataToGeneratedTokens(); return this.tokens; }; Rewriter.prototype.scanTokens = function(block) { var i, token, tokens; tokens = this.tokens; i = 0; while (token = tokens[i]) { i += block.call(this, token, i, tokens); } return true; }; Rewriter.prototype.detectEnd = function(i, condition, action) { var levels, token, tokens, _ref, _ref1; tokens = this.tokens; levels = 0; while (token = tokens[i]) { if (levels === 0 && condition.call(this, token, i)) { return action.call(this, token, i); } if (!token || levels < 0) { return action.call(this, token, i - 1); } if (_ref = token[0], __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref) >= 0) { levels += 1; } else if (_ref1 = token[0], __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, _ref1) >= 0) { levels -= 1; } i += 1; } return i - 1; }; Rewriter.prototype.removeLeadingNewlines = function() { var i, tag, _i, _len, _ref; _ref = this.tokens; for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { tag = _ref[i][0]; if (tag !== 'TERMINATOR') { break; } } if (i) { return this.tokens.splice(0, i); } }; Rewriter.prototype.removeMidExpressionNewlines = function() { return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) { var _ref; if (!(token[0] === 'TERMINATOR' && (_ref = this.tag(i + 1), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_CLOSE, _ref) >= 0))) { return 1; } tokens.splice(i, 1); return 0; }); }; Rewriter.prototype.closeOpenCalls = function() { var action, condition; condition = function(token, i) { var _ref; return ((_ref = token[0]) === ')' || _ref === 'CALL_END') || token[0] === 'OUTDENT' && this.tag(i - 1) === ')'; }; action = function(token, i) { return this.tokens[token[0] === 'OUTDENT' ? i - 1 : i][0] = 'CALL_END'; }; return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) { if (token[0] === 'CALL_START') { this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action); } return 1; }); }; Rewriter.prototype.closeOpenIndexes = function() { var action, condition; condition = function(token, i) { var _ref; return (_ref = token[0]) === ']' || _ref === 'INDEX_END'; }; action = function(token, i) { return token[0] = 'INDEX_END'; }; return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) { if (token[0] === 'INDEX_START') { this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action); } return 1; }); }; Rewriter.prototype.matchTags = function() { var fuzz, i, j, pattern, _i, _ref, _ref1; i = arguments[0], pattern = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; fuzz = 0; for (j = _i = 0, _ref = pattern.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; j = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) { while (this.tag(i + j + fuzz) === 'HERECOMMENT') { fuzz += 2; } if (pattern[j] == null) { continue; } if (typeof pattern[j] === 'string') { pattern[j] = [pattern[j]]; } if (_ref1 = this.tag(i + j + fuzz), __indexOf.call(pattern[j], _ref1) < 0) { return false; } } return true; }; Rewriter.prototype.looksObjectish = function(j) { return this.matchTags(j, '@', null, ':') || this.matchTags(j, null, ':'); }; Rewriter.prototype.findTagsBackwards = function(i, tags) { var backStack, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5; backStack = []; while (i >= 0 && (backStack.length || (_ref2 = this.tag(i), __indexOf.call(tags, _ref2) < 0) && ((_ref3 = this.tag(i), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref3) < 0) || this.tokens[i].generated) && (_ref4 = this.tag(i), __indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, _ref4) < 0))) { if (_ref = this.tag(i), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, _ref) >= 0) { backStack.push(this.tag(i)); } if ((_ref1 = this.tag(i), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref1) >= 0) && backStack.length) { backStack.pop(); } i -= 1; } return _ref5 = this.tag(i), __indexOf.call(tags, _ref5) >= 0; }; Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitBracesAndParens = function() { var stack; stack = []; return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) { var endImplicitCall, endImplicitObject, forward, inImplicit, inImplicitCall, inImplicitControl, inImplicitObject, nextTag, offset, prevTag, s, sameLine, stackIdx, stackTag, stackTop, startIdx, startImplicitCall, startImplicitObject, startsLine, tag, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5; tag = token[0]; prevTag = (i > 0 ? tokens[i - 1] : [])[0]; nextTag = (i < tokens.length - 1 ? tokens[i + 1] : [])[0]; stackTop = function() { return stack[stack.length - 1]; }; startIdx = i; forward = function(n) { return i - startIdx + n; }; inImplicit = function() { var _ref, _ref1; return (_ref = stackTop()) != null ? (_ref1 = _ref[2]) != null ? _ref1.ours : void 0 : void 0; }; inImplicitCall = function() { var _ref; return inImplicit() && ((_ref = stackTop()) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0) === '('; }; inImplicitObject = function() { var _ref; return inImplicit() && ((_ref = stackTop()) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0) === '{'; }; inImplicitControl = function() { var _ref; return inImplicit && ((_ref = stackTop()) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0) === 'CONTROL'; }; startImplicitCall = function(j) { var idx; idx = j != null ? j : i; stack.push([ '(', idx, { ours: true } ]); tokens.splice(idx, 0, generate('CALL_START', '(')); if (j == null) { return i += 1; } }; endImplicitCall = function() { stack.pop(); tokens.splice(i, 0, generate('CALL_END', ')')); return i += 1; }; startImplicitObject = function(j, startsLine) { var idx; if (startsLine == null) { startsLine = true; } idx = j != null ? j : i; stack.push([ '{', idx, { sameLine: true, startsLine: startsLine, ours: true } ]); tokens.splice(idx, 0, generate('{', generate(new String('{')))); if (j == null) { return i += 1; } }; endImplicitObject = function(j) { j = j != null ? j : i; stack.pop(); tokens.splice(j, 0, generate('}', '}')); return i += 1; }; if (inImplicitCall() && (tag === 'IF' || tag === 'TRY' || tag === 'FINALLY' || tag === 'CATCH' || tag === 'CLASS' || tag === 'SWITCH')) { stack.push([ 'CONTROL', i, { ours: true } ]); return forward(1); } if (tag === 'INDENT' && inImplicit()) { if (prevTag !== '=>' && prevTag !== '->' && prevTag !== '[' && prevTag !== '(' && prevTag !== ',' && prevTag !== '{' && prevTag !== 'TRY' && prevTag !== 'ELSE' && prevTag !== '=') { while (inImplicitCall()) { endImplicitCall(); } } if (inImplicitControl()) { stack.pop(); } stack.push([tag, i]); return forward(1); } if (__indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, tag) >= 0) { stack.push([tag, i]); return forward(1); } if (__indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, tag) >= 0) { while (inImplicit()) { if (inImplicitCall()) { endImplicitCall(); } else if (inImplicitObject()) { endImplicitObject(); } else { stack.pop(); } } stack.pop(); } if ((__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_FUNC, tag) >= 0 && token.spaced && !token.stringEnd || tag === '?' && i > 0 && !tokens[i - 1].spaced) && (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_CALL, nextTag) >= 0 || __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_UNSPACED_CALL, nextTag) >= 0 && !((_ref = tokens[i + 1]) != null ? _ref.spaced : void 0) && !((_ref1 = tokens[i + 1]) != null ? _ref1.newLine : void 0))) { if (tag === '?') { tag = token[0] = 'FUNC_EXIST'; } startImplicitCall(i + 1); return forward(2); } if (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_FUNC, tag) >= 0 && this.matchTags(i + 1, 'INDENT', null, ':') && !this.findTagsBackwards(i, ['CLASS', 'EXTENDS', 'IF', 'CATCH', 'SWITCH', 'LEADING_WHEN', 'FOR', 'WHILE', 'UNTIL'])) { startImplicitCall(i + 1); stack.push(['INDENT', i + 2]); return forward(3); } if (tag === ':') { if (this.tag(i - 2) === '@') { s = i - 2; } else { s = i - 1; } while (this.tag(s - 2) === 'HERECOMMENT') { s -= 2; } startsLine = s === 0 || (_ref2 = this.tag(s - 1), __indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, _ref2) >= 0) || tokens[s - 1].newLine; if (stackTop()) { _ref3 = stackTop(), stackTag = _ref3[0], stackIdx = _ref3[1]; if ((stackTag === '{' || stackTag === 'INDENT' && this.tag(stackIdx - 1) === '{') && (startsLine || this.tag(s - 1) === ',' || this.tag(s - 1) === '{')) { return forward(1); } } startImplicitObject(s, !!startsLine); return forward(2); } if (prevTag === 'OUTDENT' && inImplicitCall() && (tag === '.' || tag === '?.' || tag === '::' || tag === '?::')) { endImplicitCall(); return forward(1); } if (inImplicitObject() && __indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, tag) >= 0) { stackTop()[2].sameLine = false; } if (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_END, tag) >= 0) { while (inImplicit()) { _ref4 = stackTop(), stackTag = _ref4[0], stackIdx = _ref4[1], (_ref5 = _ref4[2], sameLine = _ref5.sameLine, startsLine = _ref5.startsLine); if (inImplicitCall() && prevTag !== ',') { endImplicitCall(); } else if (inImplicitObject() && sameLine && !startsLine) { endImplicitObject(); } else if (inImplicitObject() && tag === 'TERMINATOR' && prevTag !== ',' && !(startsLine && this.looksObjectish(i + 1))) { endImplicitObject(); } else { break; } } } if (tag === ',' && !this.looksObjectish(i + 1) && inImplicitObject() && (nextTag !== 'TERMINATOR' || !this.looksObjectish(i + 2))) { offset = nextTag === 'OUTDENT' ? 1 : 0; while (inImplicitObject()) { endImplicitObject(i + offset); } } return forward(1); }); }; Rewriter.prototype.addLocationDataToGeneratedTokens = function() { return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) { var column, line, nextLocation, prevLocation, _ref, _ref1; if (token[2]) { return 1; } if (!(token.generated || token.explicit)) { return 1; } if (token[0] === '{' && (nextLocation = (_ref = tokens[i + 1]) != null ? _ref[2] : void 0)) { line = nextLocation.first_line, column = nextLocation.first_column; } else if (prevLocation = (_ref1 = tokens[i - 1]) != null ? _ref1[2] : void 0) { line = prevLocation.last_line, column = prevLocation.last_column; } else { line = column = 0; } token[2] = { first_line: line, first_column: column, last_line: line, last_column: column }; return 1; }); }; Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitIndentation = function() { var action, condition, indent, outdent, starter; starter = indent = outdent = null; condition = function(token, i) { var _ref, _ref1; return token[1] !== ';' && (_ref = token[0], __indexOf.call(SINGLE_CLOSERS, _ref) >= 0) && !(token[0] === 'ELSE' && starter !== 'THEN') && !(((_ref1 = token[0]) === 'CATCH' || _ref1 === 'FINALLY') && (starter === '->' || starter === '=>')); }; action = function(token, i) { return this.tokens.splice((this.tag(i - 1) === ',' ? i - 1 : i), 0, outdent); }; return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) { var j, tag, _i, _ref, _ref1; tag = token[0]; if (tag === 'TERMINATOR' && this.tag(i + 1) === 'THEN') { tokens.splice(i, 1); return 0; } if (tag === 'ELSE' && this.tag(i - 1) !== 'OUTDENT') { tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i, 0].concat(__slice.call(this.indentation()))); return 2; } if (tag === 'CATCH') { for (j = _i = 1; _i <= 2; j = ++_i) { if (!((_ref = this.tag(i + j)) === 'OUTDENT' || _ref === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref === 'FINALLY')) { continue; } tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i + j, 0].concat(__slice.call(this.indentation()))); return 2 + j; } } if (__indexOf.call(SINGLE_LINERS, tag) >= 0 && this.tag(i + 1) !== 'INDENT' && !(tag === 'ELSE' && this.tag(i + 1) === 'IF')) { starter = tag; _ref1 = this.indentation(true), indent = _ref1[0], outdent = _ref1[1]; if (starter === 'THEN') { indent.fromThen = true; } tokens.splice(i + 1, 0, indent); this.detectEnd(i + 2, condition, action); if (tag === 'THEN') { tokens.splice(i, 1); } return 1; } return 1; }); }; Rewriter.prototype.tagPostfixConditionals = function() { var action, condition, original; original = null; condition = function(token, i) { var prevTag, tag; tag = token[0]; prevTag = this.tokens[i - 1][0]; return tag === 'TERMINATOR' || (tag === 'INDENT' && __indexOf.call(SINGLE_LINERS, prevTag) < 0); }; action = function(token, i) { if (token[0] !== 'INDENT' || (token.generated && !token.fromThen)) { return original[0] = 'POST_' + original[0]; } }; return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) { if (token[0] !== 'IF') { return 1; } original = token; this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action); return 1; }); }; Rewriter.prototype.indentation = function(implicit) { var indent, outdent; if (implicit == null) { implicit = false; } indent = ['INDENT', 2]; outdent = ['OUTDENT', 2]; if (implicit) { indent.generated = outdent.generated = true; } if (!implicit) { indent.explicit = outdent.explicit = true; } return [indent, outdent]; }; Rewriter.prototype.generate = generate; Rewriter.prototype.tag = function(i) { var _ref; return (_ref = this.tokens[i]) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0; }; return Rewriter; })(); BALANCED_PAIRS = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}'], ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT'], ['CALL_START', 'CALL_END'], ['PARAM_START', 'PARAM_END'], ['INDEX_START', 'INDEX_END']]; exports.INVERSES = INVERSES = {}; EXPRESSION_START = []; EXPRESSION_END = []; for (_i = 0, _len = BALANCED_PAIRS.length; _i < _len; _i++) { _ref = BALANCED_PAIRS[_i], left = _ref[0], rite = _ref[1]; EXPRESSION_START.push(INVERSES[rite] = left); EXPRESSION_END.push(INVERSES[left] = rite); } EXPRESSION_CLOSE = ['CATCH', 'WHEN', 'ELSE', 'FINALLY'].concat(EXPRESSION_END); IMPLICIT_FUNC = ['IDENTIFIER', 'SUPER', ')', 'CALL_END', ']', 'INDEX_END', '@', 'THIS']; IMPLICIT_CALL = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'JS', 'REGEX', 'NEW', 'PARAM_START', 'CLASS', 'IF', 'TRY', 'SWITCH', 'THIS', 'BOOL', 'NULL', 'UNDEFINED', 'UNARY', 'SUPER', 'THROW', '@', '->', '=>', '[', '(', '{', '--', '++']; IMPLICIT_UNSPACED_CALL = ['+', '-']; IMPLICIT_END = ['POST_IF', 'FOR', 'WHILE', 'UNTIL', 'WHEN', 'BY', 'LOOP', 'TERMINATOR']; SINGLE_LINERS = ['ELSE', '->', '=>', 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'THEN']; SINGLE_CLOSERS = ['TERMINATOR', 'CATCH', 'FINALLY', 'ELSE', 'OUTDENT', 'LEADING_WHEN']; LINEBREAKS = ['TERMINATOR', 'INDENT', 'OUTDENT']; });