import React from 'react' import { expect } from 'chai' import { screen, render } from '@testing-library/react' import PreviewDownloadButton from '../../../../../frontend/js/features/preview/components/preview-download-button' describe('', function () { const projectId = 'projectId123' const pdfDownloadUrl = `/download/project/${projectId}/build/17523aaafdf-1ad9063af140f004/output/output.pdf?compileGroup=priority&popupDownload=true` function renderPreviewDownloadButton( isCompiling, outputFiles, pdfDownloadUrl, showText ) { if (isCompiling === undefined) isCompiling = false if (showText === undefined) showText = true render( ) } it('should disable the button and dropdown toggle when compiling', function () { const isCompiling = true const outputFiles = undefined renderPreviewDownloadButton(isCompiling, outputFiles) expect( screen.getByText('Download PDF').closest('a').getAttribute('disabled') ).to.exist const buttons = screen.getAllByRole('button') expect(buttons.length).to.equal(1) // the dropdown toggle expect(buttons[0].getAttribute('disabled')).to.exist expect(buttons[0].getAttribute('aria-label')).to.equal( 'Toggle output files list' ) }) it('should disable the PDF button when there is no PDF', function () { const isCompiling = false const outputFiles = [] renderPreviewDownloadButton(isCompiling, outputFiles) expect( screen.getByText('Download PDF').closest('a').getAttribute('disabled') ).to.exist }) it('should enable the PDF button when there is a main PDF', function () { const isCompiling = false const outputFiles = [] renderPreviewDownloadButton(isCompiling, outputFiles, pdfDownloadUrl) expect( screen.getByText('Download PDF').closest('a').getAttribute('href') ).to.equal(pdfDownloadUrl) expect( screen.getByText('Download PDF').closest('a').getAttribute('disabled') ).to.not.exist }) it('should enable the dropdown when not compiling', function () { const isCompiling = false const outputFiles = [] renderPreviewDownloadButton(isCompiling, outputFiles, pdfDownloadUrl) const buttons = screen.getAllByRole('button') expect(buttons[0]).to.exist expect(buttons[0].getAttribute('disabled')).to.not.exist }) it('should show the button text when prop showText=true', function () { const isCompiling = false const showText = true renderPreviewDownloadButton(isCompiling, [], pdfDownloadUrl, showText) expect(screen.getByText('Download PDF').getAttribute('style')) }) it('should not show the button text when prop showText=false', function () { const isCompiling = false const showText = false renderPreviewDownloadButton(isCompiling, [], pdfDownloadUrl, showText) expect(screen.getByText('Download PDF').getAttribute('style')).to.equal( 'position: absolute; right: -100vw;' ) }) })