request = require 'request' logger = require 'logger-sharelatex' Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex' module.exports = CaptchaMiddleware = validateCaptcha: (action) -> return (req, res, next) -> if !Settings.recaptcha?.siteKey? return next() inviteAndCaptchaDisabled = action == 'invite' and Settings.recaptcha.disabled.invite registerAndCaptchaDisabled = action == 'register' and Settings.recaptcha.disabled.register if inviteAndCaptchaDisabled or registerAndCaptchaDisabled return next() response = req.body['g-recaptcha-response'] options = form: secret: Settings.recaptcha.secretKey response: response json: true "", options, (error, response, body) -> return next(error) if error? if !body?.success logger.warn {statusCode: response.statusCode, body: body}, 'failed recaptcha siteverify request' return res.status(400).send({errorReason:"cannot_verify_user_not_robot", message: {text:"Sorry, we could not verify that you are not a robot. Please check that Google reCAPTCHA is not being blocked by an ad blocker or firewall."} }) else return next()