import { openSearchPanel } from '@codemirror/search' import { Compartment, EditorSelection, Prec, TransactionSpec, } from '@codemirror/state' import type { EmacsHandler } from '@replit/codemirror-emacs' import type { CodeMirror, Vim } from '@replit/codemirror-vim' import { foldCode, toggleFold, unfoldCode } from '@codemirror/language' import { EditorView } from '@codemirror/view' import { cursorToBeginningOfVisualLine, cursorToEndOfVisualLine, selectRestOfVisualLine, selectToBeginningOfVisualLine, selectToEndOfVisualLine, } from './visual-line-selection' const hasNonEmptySelection = (cm: CodeMirror): boolean => { const selections = cm.getSelections() return selections.some(selection => selection.length) } type VimCodeMirrorCommands = typeof CodeMirror.commands & { save: (cm: CodeMirror) => void } let customisedVim = false const customiseVimOnce = (_Vim: typeof Vim, _CodeMirror: typeof CodeMirror) => { if (customisedVim) { return } // Allow copy via Ctrl-C in insert mode _Vim.unmap('', 'insert') _Vim.defineAction( 'insertModeCtrlC', (cm: CodeMirror, actionArgs: object, state: any) => { if (hasNonEmptySelection(cm)) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(cm.getSelection()) cm.setSelection(cm.getCursor(), cm.getCursor()) } else { _Vim.exitInsertMode(cm) } } ) // Overwrite the moveByCharacters command with a decoration-aware version _Vim.defineMotion( 'moveByCharacters', function ( cm: CodeMirror, head: { line: number; ch: number }, motionArgs: Record ) { const { cm6: view } = cm const repeat = Math.min(Number(motionArgs.repeat), view.state.doc.length) const forward = Boolean(motionArgs.forward) // head.line is 0-indexed const startLine = view.state.doc.line(head.line + 1) let cursor = EditorSelection.cursor(startLine.from + for (let i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) { cursor = view.moveByChar(cursor, forward) } const finishLine = view.state.doc.lineAt(cursor.head) return new _CodeMirror.Pos( finishLine.number - 1, cursor.head - finishLine.from ) } ) _Vim.mapCommand('', 'action', 'insertModeCtrlC', undefined, { context: 'insert', }) // Code folding commands _Vim.defineAction('toggleFold', function (cm: CodeMirror) { toggleFold(cm.cm6) }) _Vim.mapCommand('za', 'action', 'toggleFold') _Vim.defineAction('foldCode', function (cm: CodeMirror) { foldCode(cm.cm6) }) _Vim.mapCommand('zc', 'action', 'foldCode') _Vim.defineAction('unfoldCode', function (cm: CodeMirror) { unfoldCode(cm.cm6) }) // disable tab and shift-tab keys in command (normal) and visual modes // using "undefined" params because mapCommand signature is: // mapCommand(keys, type, name, args, extra) _Vim.mapCommand('', undefined, undefined, undefined, { context: 'normal', }) _Vim.mapCommand('', undefined, undefined, undefined, { context: 'visual', }) _Vim.mapCommand('', undefined, undefined, undefined, { context: 'normal', }) _Vim.mapCommand('', undefined, undefined, undefined, { context: 'visual', }) // Make the Vim 'write' command start a compile ;(_CodeMirror.commands as VimCodeMirrorCommands).save = () => { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pdf:recompile')) } customisedVim = true } // Used to ensure that only one listener is active let emacsSearchCloseListener: (() => void) | undefined let customisedEmacs = false const customiseEmacsOnce = (_EmacsHandler: typeof EmacsHandler) => { if (customisedEmacs) { return } customisedEmacs = true const jumpToLastMark = (handler: EmacsHandler) => { const mark = handler.popEmacsMark() if (!mark || !mark.length) { return } let selection = null if (mark.length >= 2) { selection = EditorSelection.range(mark[0], mark[1]) } else { selection = EditorSelection.cursor(mark[0]) } handler.view.dispatch({ selection, scrollIntoView: true }) } _EmacsHandler.addCommands({ openSearch(handler: EmacsHandler) { const mark = handler.view.state.selection.main handler.pushEmacsMark([mark.anchor, mark.head]) openSearchPanel(handler.view) if (emacsSearchCloseListener) { document.removeEventListener( 'cm:emacs-close-search-panel', emacsSearchCloseListener ) } emacsSearchCloseListener = () => { jumpToLastMark(handler) } document.addEventListener( 'cm:emacs-close-search-panel', emacsSearchCloseListener ) }, save() { window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pdf:recompile')) }, }) _EmacsHandler.bindKey('C-s', 'openSearch') _EmacsHandler.bindKey('C-r', 'openSearch') _EmacsHandler.bindKey('C-x C-s', 'save') _EmacsHandler.bindKey('C-a', { command: 'goOrSelect', args: [cursorToBeginningOfVisualLine, selectToBeginningOfVisualLine], }) _EmacsHandler.bindKey('C-e', { command: 'goOrSelect', args: [cursorToEndOfVisualLine, selectToEndOfVisualLine], }) _EmacsHandler.bindKey('C-k', { command: 'killLine', args: selectRestOfVisualLine, }) } const options = [ { name: 'default', load: async () => { // TODO: load default keybindings? return [] }, }, { name: 'vim', load: () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "codemirror-vim" */ '@replit/codemirror-vim' ).then(m => { customiseVimOnce(m.Vim, m.CodeMirror) return m.vim() }), }, { name: 'emacs', load: () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "codemirror-emacs" */ '@replit/codemirror-emacs' ).then(m => { customiseEmacsOnce(m.EmacsHandler) return [ m.emacs(), EditorView.domEventHandlers({ keydown(event) { if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 's') { event.stopPropagation() } }, }), ] }), }, ] const keybindingsConf = new Compartment() /** * Third-party extensions providing Emacs and Vim keybindings, * implemented as wrappers around the CodeMirror 5 interface, * with some customisation (particularly related to search). */ export const keybindings = () => { return keybindingsConf.of(Prec.highest([])) } export const setKeybindings = async ( selectedKeybindings = 'default' ): Promise => { if (selectedKeybindings === 'none') { selectedKeybindings = 'default' } const selectedOption = options.find( option => === selectedKeybindings ) if (!selectedOption) { throw new Error(`No key bindings found with name ${selectedKeybindings}`) } const support = await selectedOption.load() return { // NOTE: use Prec.highest as this keybinding must be above the default keymap(s) effects: keybindingsConf.reconfigure(Prec.highest(support)), } }