#!/bin/bash set -eEu function upload_into_bucket() { bucket=$1 # stylesheets bin/cdn_upload_batch 'text/css' "$bucket" '.css' \ -x '.+(?&2 'WARN: %d local file(s) not available in bucket %s:\n' \ ${#missing_from_bucket[@]} "$bucket" printf >&2 ' - %s\n' "${missing_from_bucket[@]}" return 1 fi } # Upload to staging CDN if branch is either 'main' or 'staging-main' if [[ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "main" ]] || [[ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "staging-main" ]]; then tar --directory=/tmp/ -xf build.tar # delete source maps find /tmp/public -name '*.js.map' -delete bin/compress_assets upload_into_bucket "$CDN_STAG" && verify_upload_into_bucket "$CDN_STAG" || exit 3 # Only upload to production CDN if branch is if [[ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "main" ]]; then upload_into_bucket "$CDN_PROD" && verify_upload_into_bucket "$CDN_PROD" || exit 3 fi fi